class EasyRdf_Resource in Zircon Profile 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.0 vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Resource.php \EasyRdf_Resource
Class that represents an RDF resource
@package EasyRdf @copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Nicholas J Humfrey @license
- class \EasyRdf_Resource
Expanded class hierarchy of EasyRdf_Resource
1 string reference to 'EasyRdf_Resource'
- EasyRdf_Graph::classForResource in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Work out the class to instantiate a resource as @ignore
- vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Resource.php, line 45
View source
class EasyRdf_Resource {
/** The URI for this resource */
protected $uri = null;
/** The Graph that this resource belongs to */
protected $graph = null;
/** Constructor
* * Please do not call new EasyRdf_Resource() directly *
* To create a new resource use the get method in a graph:
* $resource = $graph->resource('');
public function __construct($uri, $graph = null) {
if (!is_string($uri) or $uri == null or $uri == '') {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("\$uri should be a string and cannot be null or empty");
$this->uri = $uri;
# Check that $graph is an EasyRdf_Graph object
if (is_object($graph) and $graph instanceof EasyRdf_Graph) {
$this->graph = $graph;
elseif (!is_null($graph)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("\$graph should be an EasyRdf_Graph object");
* Return the graph that this resource belongs to
* @return EasyRdf_Graph
public function getGraph() {
return $this->graph;
/** Returns the URI for the resource.
* @return string URI of this resource.
public function getUri() {
return $this->uri;
/** Check to see if a resource is a blank node.
* @return bool True if this resource is a blank node.
public function isBNode() {
if (substr($this->uri, 0, 2) == '_:') {
return true;
else {
return false;
/** Get the identifier for a blank node
* Returns null if the resource is not a blank node.
* @return string The identifer for the bnode
public function getBNodeId() {
if (substr($this->uri, 0, 2) == '_:') {
return substr($this->uri, 2);
else {
return null;
/** Get a the prefix of the namespace that this resource is part of
* This method will return null the resource isn't part of any
* registered namespace.
* @return string The namespace prefix of the resource (e.g. foaf)
public function prefix() {
return EasyRdf_Namespace::prefixOfUri($this->uri);
/** Get a shortened version of the resources URI.
* This method will return the full URI if the resource isn't part of any
* registered namespace.
* @return string The shortened URI of this resource (e.g. foaf:name)
public function shorten() {
return EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($this->uri);
/** Gets the local name of the URI of this resource
* The local name is defined as the part of the URI string
* after the last occurrence of the '#', ':' or '/' character.
* @return string The local name
public function localName() {
if (preg_match("|([^#:/]+)\$|", $this->uri, $matches)) {
return $matches[1];
/** Parse the URI of the resource and return as a ParsedUri object
* @return EasyRdf_ParsedUri
public function parseUri() {
return new EasyRdf_ParsedUri($this->uri);
/** Generates an HTML anchor tag, linking to this resource.
* If no text is given, then the URI also uses as the link text.
* @param string $text Text for the link.
* @param array $options Associative array of attributes for the anchor tag
* @return string The HTML link string
public function htmlLink($text = null, $options = array()) {
$options = array_merge(array(
'href' => $this->uri,
), $options);
if ($text === null) {
$text = $this->uri;
$html = "<a";
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
if (!preg_match('/^[-\\w]+$/', $key)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("\$options should use valid attribute names as keys");
$html .= " " . htmlspecialchars($key) . "=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\"";
$html .= ">" . htmlspecialchars($text) . "</a>";
return $html;
/** Returns the properties of the resource as an RDF/PHP associative array
* For example:
* array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => '')
* @return array The properties of the resource
public function toRdfPhp() {
if ($this
->isBNode()) {
return array(
'type' => 'bnode',
'value' => $this->uri,
else {
return array(
'type' => 'uri',
'value' => $this->uri,
/** Return pretty-print view of the resource
* @param string $format Either 'html' or 'text'
* @param string $color The colour of the text
* @return string
public function dumpValue($format = 'html', $color = 'blue') {
return EasyRdf_Utils::dumpResourceValue($this, $format, $color);
/** Magic method to return URI of resource when casted to string
* @return string The URI of the resource
public function __toString() {
return $this->uri;
/** Throw can exception if the resource does not belong to a graph
* @ignore
protected function checkHasGraph() {
if (!$this->graph) {
throw new EasyRdf_Exception("EasyRdf_Resource is not part of a graph.");
/** Perform a load (download of remote URI) of the resource into the graph
* The document type is optional but should be specified if it
* can't be guessed or got from the HTTP headers.
* @param string $format Optional format of the data (eg. rdfxml)
public function load($format = null) {
return $this->graph
->load($this->uri, $format);
/** Delete a property (or optionally just a specific value)
* @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name)
* @param object $value The value to delete (null to delete all values)
* @return null
public function delete($property, $value = null) {
return $this->graph
->delete($this->uri, $property, $value);
/** Add values to for a property of the resource
* Example:
* $resource->add('prefix:property', 'value');
* @param mixed $property The property name
* @param mixed $value The value for the property
* @return integer The number of values added (1 or 0)
public function add($property, $value) {
return $this->graph
->add($this->uri, $property, $value);
/** Add a literal value as a property of the resource
* The value can either be a single value or an array of values.
* Example:
* $resource->add('dc:title', 'Title of Page');
* @param mixed $property The property name
* @param mixed $values The value or values for the property
* @param string $lang The language of the literal
* @return integer The number of values added
public function addLiteral($property, $values, $lang = null) {
return $this->graph
->addLiteral($this->uri, $property, $values, $lang);
/** Add a resource as a property of the resource
* Example:
* $bob->add('foaf:knows', '');
* @param mixed $property The property name
* @param mixed $resource2 The resource to be the value of the property
* @return integer The number of values added (1 or 0)
public function addResource($property, $resource2) {
return $this->graph
->addResource($this->uri, $property, $resource2);
/** Set value for a property
* The new value(s) will replace the existing values for the property.
* The name of the property should be a string.
* If you set a property to null or an empty array, then the property
* will be deleted.
* @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name)
* @param mixed $value The value for the property.
* @return integer The number of values added (1 or 0)
public function set($property, $value) {
return $this->graph
->set($this->uri, $property, $value);
/** Get a single value for a property
* If multiple values are set for a property then the value returned
* may be arbitrary.
* If $property is an array, then the first item in the array that matches
* a property that exists is returned.
* This method will return null if the property does not exist.
* @param string|array $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name)
* @param string $type The type of value to filter by (e.g. literal or resource)
* @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en)
* @return mixed A value associated with the property
public function get($property, $type = null, $lang = null) {
return $this->graph
->get($this->uri, $property, $type, $lang);
/** Get a single literal value for a property of the resource
* If multiple values are set for a property then the value returned
* may be arbitrary.
* This method will return null if there is not literal value for the
* property.
* @param string|array $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name)
* @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en)
* @return object EasyRdf_Literal Literal value associated with the property
public function getLiteral($property, $lang = null) {
return $this->graph
->get($this->uri, $property, 'literal', $lang);
/** Get a single resource value for a property of the resource
* If multiple values are set for a property then the value returned
* may be arbitrary.
* This method will return null if there is not resource for the
* property.
* @param string|array $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name)
* @return object EasyRdf_Resource Resource associated with the property
public function getResource($property) {
return $this->graph
->get($this->uri, $property, 'resource');
/** Get all values for a property
* This method will return an empty array if the property does not exist.
* @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name)
* @param string $type The type of value to filter by (e.g. literal)
* @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en)
* @return array An array of values associated with the property
public function all($property, $type = null, $lang = null) {
return $this->graph
->all($this->uri, $property, $type, $lang);
/** Get all literal values for a property of the resource
* This method will return an empty array if the resource does not
* has any literal values for that property.
* @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name)
* @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en)
* @return array An array of values associated with the property
public function allLiterals($property, $lang = null) {
return $this->graph
->all($this->uri, $property, 'literal', $lang);
/** Get all resources for a property of the resource
* This method will return an empty array if the resource does not
* has any resources for that property.
* @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name)
* @return array An array of values associated with the property
public function allResources($property) {
return $this->graph
->all($this->uri, $property, 'resource');
/** Count the number of values for a property of a resource
* This method will return 0 if the property does not exist.
* @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name)
* @param string $type The type of value to filter by (e.g. literal)
* @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en)
* @return integer The number of values associated with the property
public function countValues($property, $type = null, $lang = null) {
return $this->graph
->countValues($this->uri, $property, $type, $lang);
/** Concatenate all values for a property into a string.
* The default is to join the values together with a space character.
* This method will return an empty string if the property does not exist.
* @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name)
* @param string $glue The string to glue the values together with.
* @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en)
* @return string Concatenation of all the values.
public function join($property, $glue = ' ', $lang = null) {
return $this->graph
->join($this->uri, $property, $glue, $lang);
/** Get a list of the full URIs for the properties of this resource.
* This method will return an empty array if the resource has no properties.
* @return array Array of full URIs
public function propertyUris() {
return $this->graph
/** Get a list of all the shortened property names (qnames) for a resource.
* This method will return an empty array if the resource has no properties.
* @return array Array of shortened URIs
public function properties() {
return $this->graph
/** Get a list of the full URIs for the properties that point to this resource.
* @return array Array of full property URIs
public function reversePropertyUris() {
return $this->graph
/** Check to see if a property exists for this resource.
* This method will return true if the property exists.
* If the value parameter is given, then it will only return true
* if the value also exists for that property.
* @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name)
* @param mixed $value An optional value of the property
* @return bool True if value the property exists.
public function hasProperty($property, $value = null) {
return $this->graph
->hasProperty($this->uri, $property, $value);
/** Get a list of types for a resource.
* The types will each be a shortened URI as a string.
* This method will return an empty array if the resource has no types.
* @return array All types assocated with the resource (e.g. foaf:Person)
public function types() {
return $this->graph
/** Get a single type for a resource.
* The type will be a shortened URI as a string.
* If the resource has multiple types then the type returned
* may be arbitrary.
* This method will return null if the resource has no type.
* @return string A type assocated with the resource (e.g. foaf:Person)
public function type() {
return $this->graph
/** Get a single type for a resource, as a resource.
* The type will be returned as an EasyRdf_Resource.
* If the resource has multiple types then the type returned
* may be arbitrary.
* This method will return null if the resource has no type.
* @return EasyRdf_Resource A type assocated with the resource.
public function typeAsResource() {
return $this->graph
* Get a list of types for a resource, as Resources.
* @return EasyRdf_Resource[]
* @throws EasyRdf_Exception
public function typesAsResources() {
return $this->graph
/** Check if a resource is of the specified type
* @param string $type The type to check (e.g. foaf:Person)
* @return boolean True if resource is of specified type.
public function isA($type) {
return $this->graph
->isA($this->uri, $type);
/** Add one or more rdf:type properties to the resource
* @param string $types One or more types to add (e.g. foaf:Person)
* @return integer The number of types added
public function addType($types) {
return $this->graph
->addType($this->uri, $types);
/** Change the rdf:type property for the resource
* Note that the PHP class of the resource will not change.
* @param string $type The new type (e.g. foaf:Person)
* @return integer The number of types added
public function setType($type) {
return $this->graph
->setType($this->uri, $type);
/** Get the primary topic of this resource.
* Returns null if no primary topic is available.
* @return EasyRdf_Resource The primary topic of this resource.
public function primaryTopic() {
return $this->graph
/** Get a human readable label for this resource
* This method will check a number of properties for the resource
* (in the order: skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label, foaf:name, dc:title)
* and return an approriate first that is available. If no label
* is available then it will return null.
* @return string A label for the resource.
public function label($lang = null) {
return $this->graph
->label($this->uri, $lang);
/** Return a human readable view of the resource and its properties
* This method is intended to be a debugging aid and will
* print a resource and its properties.
* @param string $format Either 'html' or 'text'
* @return string
public function dump($format = 'html') {
return $this->graph
->dumpResource($this->uri, $format);
/** Magic method to get a property of a resource
* Note that only properties in the default namespace can be accessed in this way.
* Example:
* $value = $resource->title;
* @see EasyRdf_Namespace::setDefault()
* @param string $name The name of the property
* @return string A single value for the named property
public function __get($name) {
return $this->graph
->get($this->uri, $name);
/** Magic method to set the value for a property of a resource
* Note that only properties in the default namespace can be accessed in this way.
* Example:
* $resource->title = 'Title';
* @see EasyRdf_Namespace::setDefault()
* @param string $name The name of the property
* @param string $value The value for the property
public function __set($name, $value) {
return $this->graph
->set($this->uri, $name, $value);
/** Magic method to check if a property exists
* Note that only properties in the default namespace can be accessed in this way.
* Example:
* if (isset($resource->title)) { blah(); }
* @see EasyRdf_Namespace::setDefault()
* @param string $name The name of the property
public function __isset($name) {
return $this->graph
->hasProperty($this->uri, $name);
/** Magic method to delete a property of the resource
* Note that only properties in the default namespace can be accessed in this way.
* Example:
* unset($resource->title);
* @see EasyRdf_Namespace::setDefault()
* @param string $name The name of the property
public function __unset($name) {
return $this->graph
->delete($this->uri, $name);
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
protected | property | The Graph that this resource belongs to | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
protected | property | The URI for this resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Add values to for a property of the resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Add a literal value as a property of the resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Add a resource as a property of the resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Add one or more rdf:type properties to the resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get all values for a property | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get all literal values for a property of the resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get all resources for a property of the resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
protected | function | Throw can exception if the resource does not belong to a graph @ignore | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Count the number of values for a property of a resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Delete a property (or optionally just a specific value) | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Return a human readable view of the resource and its properties | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Return pretty-print view of the resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a single value for a property | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get the identifier for a blank node | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Return the graph that this resource belongs to | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a single literal value for a property of the resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a single resource value for a property of the resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Returns the URI for the resource. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Check to see if a property exists for this resource. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Generates an HTML anchor tag, linking to this resource. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Check if a resource is of the specified type | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Check to see if a resource is a blank node. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Concatenate all values for a property into a string. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a human readable label for this resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Perform a load (download of remote URI) of the resource into the graph | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Gets the local name of the URI of this resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Parse the URI of the resource and return as a ParsedUri object | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a the prefix of the namespace that this resource is part of | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get the primary topic of this resource. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a list of all the shortened property names (qnames) for a resource. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a list of the full URIs for the properties of this resource. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a list of the full URIs for the properties that point to this resource. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Set value for a property | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Change the rdf:type property for the resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a shortened version of the resources URI. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Returns the properties of the resource as an RDF/PHP associative array | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a single type for a resource. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a single type for a resource, as a resource. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a list of types for a resource. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Get a list of types for a resource, as Resources. | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Constructor | 2 |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Magic method to get a property of a resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Magic method to check if a property exists | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Magic method to set the value for a property of a resource | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Magic method to return URI of resource when casted to string | |
EasyRdf_Resource:: |
public | function | Magic method to delete a property of the resource |