class FieldWebTest in Zircon Profile 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.0 core/modules/views/src/Tests/Handler/FieldWebTest.php \Drupal\views\Tests\Handler\FieldWebTest
Tests fields from within a UI.
@group views
- class \Drupal\simpletest\TestBase uses AssertHelperTrait, RandomGeneratorTrait, SessionTestTrait
- class \Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase uses AssertContentTrait, UserCreationTrait
- class \Drupal\views\Tests\ViewTestBase uses ViewResultAssertionTrait
- class \Drupal\views\Tests\Handler\HandlerTestBase
- class \Drupal\views\Tests\Handler\FieldWebTest uses AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait
- class \Drupal\views\Tests\Handler\HandlerTestBase
- class \Drupal\views\Tests\ViewTestBase uses ViewResultAssertionTrait
- class \Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase uses AssertContentTrait, UserCreationTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of FieldWebTest
See also
- core/
modules/ views/ src/ Tests/ Handler/ FieldWebTest.php, line 24 - Contains \Drupal\views\Tests\Handler\FieldWebTest.
Drupal\views\Tests\HandlerView source
class FieldWebTest extends HandlerTestBase {
use AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait;
* Views used by this test.
* @var array
public static $testViews = array(
* {@inheritdoc}
public static $modules = [
* Maps between the key in the expected result and the query result.
* @var array
protected $columnMap = array(
'views_test_data_name' => 'name',
protected function setUp() {
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function viewsData() {
$data = parent::viewsData();
$data['views_test_data']['job']['field']['id'] = 'test_field';
return $data;
* Tests the click sorting functionality.
public function testClickSorting() {
// Only the id and name should be click sortable, but not the name.
->assertLinkByHref(\Drupal::url('<none>', [], [
'query' => [
'order' => 'id',
'sort' => 'asc',
->assertLinkByHref(\Drupal::url('<none>', [], [
'query' => [
'order' => 'name',
'sort' => 'desc',
->assertNoLinkByHref(\Drupal::url('<none>', [], [
'query' => [
'order' => 'created',
// Check that the view returns the click sorting cache contexts.
$expected_contexts = [
// Clicking a click sort should change the order.
->assertLinkByHref(\Drupal::url('<none>', [], [
'query' => [
'order' => 'id',
'sort' => 'desc',
// Check that the output has the expected order (asc).
$ids = $this
->assertEqual($ids, range(1, 5));
->clickLink(t('ID Sort descending'));
// Check that the output has the expected order (desc).
$ids = $this
->assertEqual($ids, range(5, 1, -1));
* Small helper function to get all ids in the output.
* @return array
* A list of beatle ids.
protected function clickSortLoadIdsFromOutput() {
$fields = $this
->xpath("//td[contains(@class, 'views-field-id')]");
$ids = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$ids[] = (int) $field[0];
return $ids;
* Assertion helper which checks whether a string is part of another string.
* @param string $haystack
* The value to search in.
* @param string $needle
* The value to search for.
* @param string $message
* The message to display along with the assertion.
* @param string $group
* The type of assertion - examples are "Browser", "PHP".
* @return bool
* TRUE if the assertion succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
protected function assertSubString($haystack, $needle, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
return $this
->assertTrue(strpos($haystack, $needle) !== FALSE, $message, $group);
* Assertion helper which checks whether a string is not part of another string.
* @param string $haystack
* The value to search in.
* @param string $needle
* The value to search for.
* @param string $message
* The message to display along with the assertion.
* @param string $group
* The type of assertion - examples are "Browser", "PHP".
* @return bool
* TRUE if the assertion succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
protected function assertNotSubString($haystack, $needle, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
return $this
->assertTrue(strpos($haystack, $needle) === FALSE, $message, $group);
* Parse a content and return the html element.
* @param string $content
* The html to parse.
* @return array
* An array containing simplexml objects.
protected function parseContent($content) {
$htmlDom = new \DOMDocument();
->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $content);
$elements = simplexml_import_dom($htmlDom);
return $elements;
* Performs an xpath search on a certain content.
* The search is relative to the root element of the $content variable.
* @param string $content
* The html to parse.
* @param string $xpath
* The xpath string to use in the search.
* @param array $arguments
* Some arguments for the xpath.
* @return array|FALSE
* The return value of the xpath search. For details on the xpath string
* format and return values see the SimpleXML documentation,
protected function xpathContent($content, $xpath, array $arguments = array()) {
if ($elements = $this
->parseContent($content)) {
$xpath = $this
->buildXPathQuery($xpath, $arguments);
$result = $elements
// Some combinations of PHP / libxml versions return an empty array
// instead of the documented FALSE. Forcefully convert any falsish values
// to an empty array to allow foreach(...) constructions.
return $result ? $result : array();
else {
return FALSE;
* Tests rewriting the output to a link.
public function testAlterUrl() {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */
$renderer = \Drupal::service('renderer');
$view = Views::getView('test_view');
$row = $view->result[0];
$id_field = $view->field['id'];
// Setup the general settings required to build a link.
$id_field->options['alter']['make_link'] = TRUE;
$id_field->options['alter']['path'] = $path = $this
// Tests that the suffix/prefix appears on the output.
$id_field->options['alter']['prefix'] = $prefix = $this
$id_field->options['alter']['suffix'] = $suffix = $this
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($output, $prefix);
->assertSubString($output, $suffix);
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($output, $path, 'Make sure that the path is part of the output');
// Some generic test code adapted from the UrlTest class, which tests
// mostly the different options for the path.
foreach (array(
) as $absolute) {
$alter =& $id_field->options['alter'];
$alter['path'] = 'node/123';
$expected_result = \Drupal::url('entity.node.canonical', [
'node' => '123',
], [
'absolute' => $absolute,
$alter['absolute'] = $absolute;
$result = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($result, $expected_result);
$expected_result = \Drupal::url('entity.node.canonical', [
'node' => '123',
], [
'fragment' => 'foo',
'absolute' => $absolute,
$alter['path'] = 'node/123#foo';
$result = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($result, $expected_result);
$expected_result = \Drupal::url('entity.node.canonical', [
'node' => '123',
], [
'query' => [
'foo' => NULL,
'absolute' => $absolute,
$alter['path'] = 'node/123?foo';
$result = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($result, $expected_result);
$expected_result = \Drupal::url('entity.node.canonical', [
'node' => '123',
], [
'query' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
'bar' => 'baz',
'absolute' => $absolute,
$alter['path'] = 'node/123?foo=bar&bar=baz';
$result = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString(Html::decodeEntities($result), Html::decodeEntities($expected_result));
// @todo The route-based URL generator strips out NULL attributes.
// $expected_result = \Drupal::url('entity.node.canonical', ['node' => '123'], ['query' => ['foo' => NULL], 'fragment' => 'bar', 'absolute' => $absolute]);
$expected_result = Url::fromUserInput('/node/123', array(
'query' => array(
'foo' => NULL,
'fragment' => 'bar',
'absolute' => $absolute,
$alter['path'] = 'node/123?foo#bar';
$result = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString(Html::decodeEntities($result), Html::decodeEntities($expected_result));
$expected_result = \Drupal::url('<front>', [], [
'absolute' => $absolute,
$alter['path'] = '<front>';
$result = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($result, $expected_result);
// Tests the replace spaces with dashes feature.
$id_field->options['alter']['replace_spaces'] = TRUE;
$id_field->options['alter']['path'] = $path = $this
->randomMachineName() . ' ' . $this
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($output, str_replace(' ', '-', $path));
$id_field->options['alter']['replace_spaces'] = FALSE;
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
// The url has a space in it, so to check we have to decode the url output.
->assertSubString(urldecode($output), $path);
// Tests the external flag.
// Switch on the external flag should output an external url as well.
$id_field->options['alter']['external'] = TRUE;
$id_field->options['alter']['path'] = $path = '';
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($output, '');
// Setup a not external url, which shouldn't lead to an external url.
$id_field->options['alter']['external'] = FALSE;
$id_field->options['alter']['path'] = $path = '';
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertNotSubString($output, '');
// Tests the transforming of the case setting.
$id_field->options['alter']['path'] = $path = $this
$id_field->options['alter']['path_case'] = 'none';
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($output, $path);
// Switch to uppercase and lowercase.
$id_field->options['alter']['path_case'] = 'upper';
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($output, strtoupper($path));
$id_field->options['alter']['path_case'] = 'lower';
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($output, strtolower($path));
// Switch to ucfirst and ucwords.
$id_field->options['alter']['path_case'] = 'ucfirst';
$id_field->options['alter']['path'] = 'drupal has a great community';
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($output, UrlHelper::encodePath('Drupal has a great community'));
$id_field->options['alter']['path_case'] = 'ucwords';
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
->assertSubString($output, UrlHelper::encodePath('Drupal Has A Great Community'));
// Tests the linkclass setting and see whether it actually exists in the
// output.
$id_field->options['alter']['link_class'] = $class = $this
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
$elements = $this
->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
':class' => $class,
// @fixme link_class, alt, rel cannot be unset, which should be fixed.
$id_field->options['alter']['link_class'] = '';
// Tests the alt setting.
$id_field->options['alter']['alt'] = $rel = $this
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
$elements = $this
->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@title, :alt)]', array(
':alt' => $rel,
$id_field->options['alter']['alt'] = '';
// Tests the rel setting.
$id_field->options['alter']['rel'] = $rel = $this
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
$elements = $this
->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@rel, :rel)]', array(
':rel' => $rel,
$id_field->options['alter']['rel'] = '';
// Tests the target setting.
$id_field->options['alter']['target'] = $target = $this
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($id_field, $row) {
return $id_field
$elements = $this
->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@target, :target)]', array(
':target' => $target,
* Tests the field/label/wrapper classes.
public function testFieldClasses() {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */
$renderer = $this->container
$view = Views::getView('test_field_classes');
// Tests whether the default field classes are added.
$id_field = $view->field['id'];
$id_field->options['element_default_classes'] = FALSE;
// Setup some kind of label by default.
$id_field->options['label'] = $this
$output = $view
$output = $renderer
->xpathContent($output, '//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
':class' => 'field-content',
->xpathContent($output, '//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
':class' => 'field__label',
$id_field->options['element_default_classes'] = TRUE;
$output = $view
$output = $renderer
// Per default the label and the element of the field are spans.
->xpathContent($output, '//span[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
':class' => 'field-content',
->xpathContent($output, '//span[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
':class' => 'views-label',
->xpathContent($output, '//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
':class' => 'views-field',
// Tests the element wrapper classes/element.
$random_class = $this
// Set some common wrapper element types and see whether they appear with and without a custom class set.
foreach (array(
) as $element_type) {
$id_field->options['element_wrapper_type'] = $element_type;
// Set a custom wrapper element css class.
$id_field->options['element_wrapper_class'] = $random_class;
$output = $view
$output = $renderer
->xpathContent($output, "//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
':class' => $random_class,
// Set no custom css class.
$id_field->options['element_wrapper_class'] = '';
$output = $view
$output = $renderer
->xpathContent($output, "//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
':class' => $random_class,
->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]/{$element_type}"));
// Tests the label class/element.
// Set some common label element types and see whether they appear with and without a custom class set.
foreach (array(
) as $element_type) {
$id_field->options['element_label_type'] = $element_type;
// Set a custom label element css class.
$id_field->options['element_label_class'] = $random_class;
$output = $view
$output = $renderer
->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
':class' => $random_class,
// Set no custom css class.
$id_field->options['element_label_class'] = '';
$output = $view
$output = $renderer
->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
':class' => $random_class,
->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//{$element_type}"));
// Tests the element classes/element.
// Set some common element element types and see whether they appear with and without a custom class set.
foreach (array(
) as $element_type) {
$id_field->options['element_type'] = $element_type;
// Set a custom label element css class.
$id_field->options['element_class'] = $random_class;
$output = $view
$output = $renderer
->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//div[contains(@class, views-field)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
':class' => $random_class,
// Set no custom css class.
$id_field->options['element_class'] = '';
$output = $view
$output = $renderer
->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//div[contains(@class, views-field)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
':class' => $random_class,
->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//div[contains(@class, views-field)]//{$element_type}"));
// Tests the available html elements.
$element_types = $id_field
$expected_elements = array(
->assertEqual(array_keys($element_types), $expected_elements);
* Tests trimming/read-more/ellipses.
public function testTextRendering() {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */
$renderer = \Drupal::service('renderer');
$view = Views::getView('test_field_output');
$name_field = $view->field['name'];
// Tests stripping of html elements.
$random_text = $this
$name_field->options['alter']['alter_text'] = TRUE;
$name_field->options['alter']['text'] = $html_text = '<div class="views-test">' . $random_text . '</div>';
$row = $view->result[0];
$name_field->options['alter']['strip_tags'] = TRUE;
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
->assertSubString($output, $random_text, 'Find text without html if stripping of views field output is enabled.');
->assertNotSubString($output, $html_text, 'Find no text with the html if stripping of views field output is enabled.');
// Tests preserving of html tags.
$name_field->options['alter']['preserve_tags'] = '<div>';
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
->assertSubString($output, $random_text, 'Find text without html if stripping of views field output is enabled but a div is allowed.');
->assertSubString($output, $html_text, 'Find text with the html if stripping of views field output is enabled but a div is allowed.');
$name_field->options['alter']['strip_tags'] = FALSE;
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
->assertSubString($output, $random_text, 'Find text without html if stripping of views field output is disabled.');
->assertSubString($output, $html_text, 'Find text with the html if stripping of views field output is disabled.');
// Tests for removing whitespace and the beginning and the end.
$name_field->options['alter']['alter_text'] = FALSE;
$views_test_data_name = $row->views_test_data_name;
$row->views_test_data_name = ' ' . $views_test_data_name . ' ';
$name_field->options['alter']['trim_whitespace'] = TRUE;
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
->assertSubString($output, $views_test_data_name, 'Make sure the trimmed text can be found if trimming is enabled.');
->assertNotSubString($output, $row->views_test_data_name, 'Make sure the untrimmed text can be found if trimming is enabled.');
$name_field->options['alter']['trim_whitespace'] = FALSE;
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
->assertSubString($output, $views_test_data_name, 'Make sure the trimmed text can be found if trimming is disabled.');
->assertSubString($output, $row->views_test_data_name, 'Make sure the untrimmed text can be found if trimming is disabled.');
// Tests for trimming to a maximum length.
$name_field->options['alter']['trim'] = TRUE;
$name_field->options['alter']['word_boundary'] = FALSE;
// Tests for simple trimming by string length.
$row->views_test_data_name = $this
$name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 5;
$trimmed_name = Unicode::substr($row->views_test_data_name, 0, 5);
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
->assertSubString($output, $trimmed_name, format_string('Make sure the trimmed output (@trimmed) appears in the rendered output (@output).', array(
'@trimmed' => $trimmed_name,
'@output' => $output,
->assertNotSubString($output, $row->views_test_data_name, format_string("Make sure the untrimmed value (@untrimmed) shouldn't appear in the rendered output (@output).", array(
'@untrimmed' => $row->views_test_data_name,
'@output' => $output,
$name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 9;
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
->assertSubString($output, $trimmed_name, format_string('Make sure the untrimmed (@untrimmed) output appears in the rendered output (@output).', array(
'@trimmed' => $trimmed_name,
'@output' => $output,
// Take word_boundary into account for the tests.
$name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 5;
$name_field->options['alter']['word_boundary'] = TRUE;
$random_text_2 = $this
$random_text_4 = $this
$random_text_8 = $this
$tuples = array(
// Create one string which doesn't fit at all into the limit.
'value' => $random_text_8,
'trimmed_value' => '',
'trimmed' => TRUE,
// Create one string with two words which doesn't fit both into the limit.
'value' => $random_text_8 . ' ' . $random_text_8,
'trimmed_value' => '',
'trimmed' => TRUE,
// Create one string which contains of two words, of which only the first
// fits into the limit.
'value' => $random_text_4 . ' ' . $random_text_8,
'trimmed_value' => $random_text_4,
'trimmed' => TRUE,
// Create one string which contains of two words, of which both fits into
// the limit.
'value' => $random_text_2 . ' ' . $random_text_2,
'trimmed_value' => $random_text_2 . ' ' . $random_text_2,
'trimmed' => FALSE,
foreach ($tuples as $tuple) {
$row->views_test_data_name = $tuple['value'];
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
if ($tuple['trimmed']) {
->assertNotSubString($output, $tuple['value'], format_string('The untrimmed value (@untrimmed) should not appear in the trimmed output (@output).', array(
'@untrimmed' => $tuple['value'],
'@output' => $output,
if (!empty($tuple['trimmed_value'])) {
->assertSubString($output, $tuple['trimmed_value'], format_string('The trimmed value (@trimmed) should appear in the trimmed output (@output).', array(
'@trimmed' => $tuple['trimmed_value'],
'@output' => $output,
// Tests for displaying a readmore link when the output got trimmed.
$row->views_test_data_name = $this
$name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 5;
$name_field->options['alter']['more_link'] = TRUE;
$name_field->options['alter']['more_link_text'] = $more_text = $this
$name_field->options['alter']['more_link_path'] = $more_path = $this
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
->assertSubString($output, $more_text, 'Make sure a read more text is displayed if the output got trimmed');
->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@href, :path)]', array(
':path' => $more_path,
)), 'Make sure the read more link points to the right destination.');
$name_field->options['alter']['more_link'] = FALSE;
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
->assertNotSubString($output, $more_text, 'Make sure no read more text appears.');
->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@href, :path)]', array(
':path' => $more_path,
)), 'Make sure no read more link appears.');
// Check for the ellipses.
$row->views_test_data_name = $this
$name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 5;
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
->assertSubString($output, '…', 'An ellipsis should appear if the output is trimmed');
$name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 10;
$output = $renderer
->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($name_field, $row) {
return $name_field
->assertNotSubString($output, '…', 'No ellipsis should appear if the output is not trimmed');
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | property | The current raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | property | The drupalSettings value from the current raw $content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | property | The XML structure parsed from the current raw $content. | 2 |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | property | The plain-text content of raw $content (text nodes). | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text IS found escaped on the loaded page, fail otherwise. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists with the given name or ID. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists with the given ID and value. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists with the given name and value. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists in the current page by the given XPath. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a checkbox field in the current page is checked. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists in the current page with a given Xpath result. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link with the specified label is found. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link containing a given href (part) is found. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that each HTML ID is used for just a single element. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text IS NOT found escaped on the loaded page, fail otherwise. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does not exist with the given name or ID. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does not exist with the given ID and value. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does not exist with the given name and value. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does not exist or its value does not match, by XPath. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a checkbox field in the current page is not checked. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link with the specified label is not found. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link containing a given href (part) is not found. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link containing a given href is not found in the main region. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page does not exist. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page is not checked. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Triggers a pass if the perl regex pattern is not found in raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text is NOT found on the loaded page, fail otherwise. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the page (with HTML stripped) does not contains the text. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Pass if the page title is not the given string. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the text is found MORE THAN ONCE on the text version of the page. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page exists. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page is checked. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page is checked. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page exists. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Triggers a pass if the Perl regex pattern is found in the raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text IS found on the loaded page, fail otherwise. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the page (with HTML stripped) contains the text. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Helper for assertText and assertNoText. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a Perl regex pattern is found in the plain-text content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts themed output. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Pass if the page title is the given string. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the text is found ONLY ONCE on the text version of the page. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Helper for assertUniqueText and assertNoUniqueText. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Builds an XPath query. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Helper: Constructs an XPath for the given set of attributes and value. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Searches elements using a CSS selector in the raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Get all option elements, including nested options, in a select. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the value of drupalSettings for the currently-loaded page. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the current raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Get the selected value from a select field. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Retrieves the plain-text content from the current raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Get the current URL from the cURL handler. | 1 |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Parse content returned from curlExec using DOM and SimpleXML. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Removes all white-space between HTML tags from the raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Sets the value of drupalSettings for the currently-loaded page. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Sets the raw content (e.g. HTML). | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Performs an xpath search on the contents of the internal browser. | |
AssertHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Casts MarkupInterface objects into strings. | |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait:: |
protected | function | Ensures that some cache contexts are present in the current response. | |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts the max age header. | |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait:: |
protected | function | Ensures that some cache tags are present in the current response. | |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts page cache miss, then hit for the given URL; checks cache headers. | |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait:: |
protected | function | Provides debug information for cache tags. | |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait:: |
protected | function | Enables page caching. | |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets a specific header value as array. | |
FieldWebTest:: |
protected | property | Maps between the key in the expected result and the query result. | |
FieldWebTest:: |
public static | property |
Modules to enable. Overrides ViewTestBase:: |
FieldWebTest:: |
public static | property | Views used by this test. | |
FieldWebTest:: |
protected | function | Assertion helper which checks whether a string is not part of another string. | |
FieldWebTest:: |
protected | function | Assertion helper which checks whether a string is part of another string. | |
FieldWebTest:: |
protected | function | Small helper function to get all ids in the output. | |
FieldWebTest:: |
protected | function | Parse a content and return the html element. | |
FieldWebTest:: |
protected | function |
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests. Overrides ViewTestBase:: |
FieldWebTest:: |
public | function | Tests rewriting the output to a link. | |
FieldWebTest:: |
public | function | Tests the click sorting functionality. | |
FieldWebTest:: |
public | function | Tests the field/label/wrapper classes. | |
FieldWebTest:: |
public | function | Tests trimming/read-more/ellipses. | |
FieldWebTest:: |
protected | function |
Returns the views data definition. Overrides ViewTestBase:: |
FieldWebTest:: |
protected | function | Performs an xpath search on a certain content. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | property | The random generator. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the random generator for the utility methods. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | function | Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
public | function | Generates a random PHP object. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
public | function | Generates a pseudo-random string of ASCII characters of codes 32 to 126. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
public | function | Callback for random string validation. | |
SessionTestTrait:: |
protected | property | The name of the session cookie. | |
SessionTestTrait:: |
protected | function | Generates a session cookie name. | |
SessionTestTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the session name in use on the child site. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | Assertions thrown in that test case. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The config importer that can used in a test. | 5 |
TestBase:: |
protected static | property | An array of config object names that are excluded from schema checking. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The dependency injection container used in the test. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The database prefix of this test run. | |
TestBase:: |
public | property | Whether to die in case any test assertion fails. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | HTTP authentication credentials (<username>:<password>). | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | HTTP authentication method (specified as a CURLAUTH_* constant). | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The original configuration (variables), if available. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The original configuration (variables). | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The original configuration directories. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The original container. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The original file directory, before it was changed for testing purposes. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The original language. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The original database prefix when running inside Simpletest. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The original installation profile. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The name of the session cookie of the test-runner. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The settings array. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The site directory of the original parent site. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The private file directory for the test environment. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The public file directory for the test environment. | |
TestBase:: |
public | property | Current results of this test case. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The site directory of this test run. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | This class is skipped when looking for the source of an assertion. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | Set to TRUE to strict check all configuration saved. | 4 |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The temporary file directory for the test environment. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The test run ID. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | Time limit for the test. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | The translation file directory for the test environment. | |
TestBase:: |
public | property | TRUE if verbose debugging is enabled. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | Safe class name for use in verbose output filenames. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | Directory where verbose output files are put. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | URL to the verbose output file directory. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | property | Incrementing identifier for verbose output filenames. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Internal helper: stores the assert. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Check to see if two values are equal. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a specific error has been logged to the PHP error log. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Check to see if a value is false. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Check to see if two values are identical. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Checks to see if two objects are identical. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts that no errors have been logged to the PHP error.log thus far. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Check to see if two values are not equal. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Check to see if two values are not identical. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Check to see if a value is not NULL. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Check to see if a value is NULL. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Check to see if a value is not false. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Act on global state information before the environment is altered for a test. | 1 |
TestBase:: |
private | function | Changes the database connection to the prefixed one. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Checks the matching requirements for Test. | 2 |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Configuration accessor for tests. Returns non-overridden configuration. | |
TestBase:: |
public | function | Returns a ConfigImporter object to import test importing of configuration. | 5 |
TestBase:: |
public | function | Copies configuration objects from source storage to target storage. | |
TestBase:: |
public static | function | Delete an assertion record by message ID. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Fire an error assertion. | 3 |
TestBase:: |
public | function | Handle errors during test runs. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Handle exceptions. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Fire an assertion that is always negative. | |
TestBase:: |
public static | function | Ensures test files are deletable within file_unmanaged_delete_recursive(). | |
TestBase:: |
public static | function | Converts a list of possible parameters into a stack of permutations. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Cycles through backtrace until the first non-assertion method is found. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the config schema exclusions for this test. | |
TestBase:: |
public static | function | Returns the database connection to the site running Simpletest. | |
TestBase:: |
public | function | Gets the database prefix. | |
TestBase:: |
public | function | Gets the temporary files directory. | |
TestBase:: |
public static | function | Store an assertion from outside the testing context. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Fire an assertion that is always positive. | |
TestBase:: |
private | function | Generates a database prefix for running tests. | |
TestBase:: |
private | function | Prepares the current environment for running the test. | |
TestBase:: |
private | function | Cleans up the test environment and restores the original environment. | |
TestBase:: |
public | function | Run all tests in this class. | 1 |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Changes in memory settings. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Helper method to store an assertion record in the configured database. | |
TestBase:: |
protected | function | Logs a verbose message in a text file. | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Checks whether a given list of permission names is valid. | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Creates an administrative role. Aliased as: drupalCreateAdminRole | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Creates a role with specified permissions. Aliased as: drupalCreateRole | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Create a user with a given set of permissions. Aliased as: drupalCreateUser | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Grant permissions to a user role. | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Switch the current logged in user. | |
ViewResultAssertionTrait:: |
protected | function | Verifies that a result set returned by a View matches expected values. | |
ViewResultAssertionTrait:: |
protected | function | Performs View result assertions. | |
ViewResultAssertionTrait:: |
protected | function | Verifies that a result set returned by a View differs from certain values. | |
ViewTestBase:: |
protected | function | Returns a very simple test dataset. | 1 |
ViewTestBase:: |
protected | function | Sets up the views_test_data.module. | |
ViewTestBase:: |
protected | function | Executes a view with debugging. | |
ViewTestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts the existence of a button with a certain ID and label. | |
ViewTestBase:: |
protected | function | Orders a nested array containing a result set based on a given column. | |
ViewTestBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the schema definition. | 1 |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | Additional cURL options. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | Whether or not to assert the presence of the X-Drupal-Ajax-Token. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The class loader to use for installation and initialization of setup. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The config directories used in this test. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The current cookie file used by cURL. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The cookies of the page currently loaded in the internal browser. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | Cookies to set on curl requests. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The handle of the current cURL connection. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | An array of custom translations suitable for drupal_rewrite_settings(). | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | Indicates that headers should be dumped if verbose output is enabled. | 12 |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | Whether the files were copied to the test files directory. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The headers of the page currently loaded in the internal browser. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property |
The kernel used in this test. Overrides TestBase:: |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The current user logged in using the internal browser. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The number of meta refresh redirects to follow, or NULL if unlimited. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The maximum number of redirects to follow when handling responses. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The number of meta refresh redirects followed during ::drupalGet(). | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The original batch, before it was changed for testing purposes. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property |
The original shutdown handlers array, before it was cleaned for testing. Overrides TestBase:: |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property |
The original user, before it was changed to a clean uid = 1 for testing. Overrides TestBase:: |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The profile to install as a basis for testing. | 30 |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The number of redirects followed during the handling of a request. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The "#1" admin user. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The current session ID, if available. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | property | The URL currently loaded in the internal browser. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Queues custom translations to be written to settings.php. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Checks to see whether a block appears on the page. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts whether an expected cache context was present in the last response. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts whether an expected cache tag was present in the last response. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Check if a HTTP response header exists and has the expected value. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts that the most recently sent email message has the given value. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts that the most recently sent email message has the pattern in it. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts that the most recently sent email message has the string in it. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Checks to see whether a block does not appears on the page. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a cache context was not present in the last response. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts whether an expected cache tag was absent in the last response. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts the page did not return the specified response code. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Asserts the page responds with the specified response code. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Passes if the internal browser's URL matches the given path. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Builds an a absolute URL from a system path or a URL object. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Checks for meta refresh tag and if found call drupalGet() recursively. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Follows a link by complete name. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Provides a helper for ::clickLink() and ::clickLinkPartialName(). | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Follows a link by partial name. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Runs cron in the Drupal installed by Simpletest. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Close the cURL handler and unset the handler. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Initializes and executes a cURL request. | 2 |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Reads headers and registers errors received from the tested site. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Initializes the cURL connection. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Execute the non-interactive installer. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Builds the renderable view of an entity. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Compare two files based on size and file name. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Creates a custom content type based on default settings. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Creates a node based on default settings. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Retrieves a Drupal path or an absolute path. | 1 |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Requests a path or URL in drupal_ajax format and JSON-decodes the response. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the value of an HTTP response header. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the HTTP response headers of the requested page. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Retrieves a Drupal path or an absolute path and JSON decodes the result. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Gets an array containing all emails sent during this test case. | |
WebTestBase:: |
function | Get a node from the database based on its title. | ||
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Gets a list of files that can be used in tests. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Retrieves a Drupal path or an absolute path for a given format. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Requests a Drupal path or an absolute path as if it is a XMLHttpRequest. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Retrieves only the headers for a Drupal path or an absolute path. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Log in a user with the internal browser. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Logs a user out of the internal browser and confirms. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Creates a block instance based on default settings. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Perform a POST HTTP request. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Executes an Ajax form submission. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Executes a form submission. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Performs a POST HTTP request with a specific format. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Processes an AJAX response into current content. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Returns whether a given user account is logged in. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Find a block instance on the page. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Takes a path and returns an absolute path. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Get the Ajax page state from drupalSettings and prepare it for POSTing. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Returns all supported database driver installer objects. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Handles form input related to drupalPostForm(). | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Initialize various configurations post-installation. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Initializes the kernel after installation. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Initialize settings created during install. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Initializes user 1 for the site to be installed. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Install modules defined by `static::$modules`. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the parameters that will be used when Simpletest installs Drupal. | 2 |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Returns whether the test is being executed from within a test site. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Creates a mock request and sets it on the generator. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Prepares site settings and services before installation. | 1 |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Reset and rebuild the environment after setup. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Rebuilds \Drupal::getContainer(). | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Refreshes in-memory configuration and state information. | 1 |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Resets all data structures after having enabled new modules. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Restore the original batch. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Serialize POST HTTP request values. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Preserve the original batch, and instantiate the test batch. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Changes parameters in the services.yml file. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Enables/disables the cacheability headers. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function |
Cleans up after testing. Overrides TestBase:: |
2 |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Transforms a nested array into a flat array suitable for WebTestBase::drupalPostForm(). | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Outputs to verbose the most recent $count emails sent. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Writes custom translations to the test site's settings.php. | |
WebTestBase:: |
protected | function | Rewrites the settings.php file of the test site. | |
WebTestBase:: |
function |
Constructor for \Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase. Overrides TestBase:: |
1 |