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public function FieldWebTest::testFieldClasses in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/views/src/Tests/Handler/FieldWebTest.php \Drupal\views\Tests\Handler\FieldWebTest::testFieldClasses()

Tests the field/label/wrapper classes.


core/modules/views/src/Tests/Handler/FieldWebTest.php, line 389
Contains \Drupal\views\Tests\Handler\FieldWebTest.


Tests fields from within a UI.




public function testFieldClasses() {

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */
  $renderer = $this->container
  $view = Views::getView('test_field_classes');

  // Tests whether the default field classes are added.
  $id_field = $view->field['id'];
  $id_field->options['element_default_classes'] = FALSE;

  // Setup some kind of label by default.
  $id_field->options['label'] = $this
  $output = $view
  $output = $renderer
    ->xpathContent($output, '//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
    ':class' => 'field-content',
    ->xpathContent($output, '//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
    ':class' => 'field__label',
  $id_field->options['element_default_classes'] = TRUE;
  $output = $view
  $output = $renderer

  // Per default the label and the element of the field are spans.
    ->xpathContent($output, '//span[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
    ':class' => 'field-content',
    ->xpathContent($output, '//span[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
    ':class' => 'views-label',
    ->xpathContent($output, '//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
    ':class' => 'views-field',

  // Tests the element wrapper classes/element.
  $random_class = $this

  // Set some common wrapper element types and see whether they appear with and without a custom class set.
  foreach (array(
  ) as $element_type) {
    $id_field->options['element_wrapper_type'] = $element_type;

    // Set a custom wrapper element css class.
    $id_field->options['element_wrapper_class'] = $random_class;
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->xpathContent($output, "//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
      ':class' => $random_class,

    // Set no custom css class.
    $id_field->options['element_wrapper_class'] = '';
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->xpathContent($output, "//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
      ':class' => $random_class,
      ->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]/{$element_type}"));

  // Tests the label class/element.
  // Set some common label element types and see whether they appear with and without a custom class set.
  foreach (array(
  ) as $element_type) {
    $id_field->options['element_label_type'] = $element_type;

    // Set a custom label element css class.
    $id_field->options['element_label_class'] = $random_class;
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
      ':class' => $random_class,

    // Set no custom css class.
    $id_field->options['element_label_class'] = '';
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
      ':class' => $random_class,
      ->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//{$element_type}"));

  // Tests the element classes/element.
  // Set some common element element types and see whether they appear with and without a custom class set.
  foreach (array(
  ) as $element_type) {
    $id_field->options['element_type'] = $element_type;

    // Set a custom label element css class.
    $id_field->options['element_class'] = $random_class;
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//div[contains(@class, views-field)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
      ':class' => $random_class,

    // Set no custom css class.
    $id_field->options['element_class'] = '';
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//div[contains(@class, views-field)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(
      ':class' => $random_class,
      ->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//div[contains(@class, views-field)]//{$element_type}"));

  // Tests the available html elements.
  $element_types = $id_field
  $expected_elements = array(
    ->assertEqual(array_keys($element_types), $expected_elements);