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function _yamlform_update_form_settings in YAML Form 8

Update form setting to reflect changes in the default settings.

This function can be used to apply new form settings to all existing forms.

See also


12 calls to _yamlform_update_form_settings()
drush_yamlform_repair in drush/
Implements drush_hook_COMMAND().
yamlform_update_8038 in includes/
Issue #2783527: Order form settings when saved and apply defaults.
yamlform_update_8039 in includes/
Issue #2783575: Add autofocus form setting.
yamlform_update_8046 in includes/
Issue #2792681: Allow a YAML Form's source entity to be (optionally) populated using query string parameters.
yamlform_update_8049 in includes/
Issue #2803139: Add details toggle support to form settings.

... See full list


./yamlform.install, line 145
Install, update and uninstall functions for the YAML Form module.


function _yamlform_update_form_settings() {
  $default_properties = [
    'langcode' => 'en',
    'status' => TRUE,
    'dependencies' => [],
    'uid' => '',
    'template' => FALSE,
    'id' => '',
    'title' => '',
    'description' => '',
    'elements' => '',
    'css' => '',
    'javascript' => '',
    'settings' => [],
    'access' => [],
    'handlers' => [],
  $default_settings = YamlForm::getDefaultSettings();
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory

    // Get data.
    $data = $yamlform_config

    // Always apply the default properties.
    $properties = $default_properties;

    // Now apply defined properties.
    foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
      $properties[$name] = $value;

    // Set properties.
    $data = $properties;

    // Always apply the default settings.
    $settings = $default_settings;

    // Now apply custom settings.
    foreach ($data['settings'] as $name => $value) {
      $settings[$name] = $value;

    // Set settings.
    $data['settings'] = $settings;

    // Save data.