You are here in YAML Form 8

YAML Form module update hooks.


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 * @file
 * YAML Form module update hooks.
use Drupal\Core\Serialization\Yaml;
use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition;
use Drupal\yamlform\Entity\YamlForm;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
use Drupal\yamlform\Utility\YamlFormArrayHelper;
use Drupal\yamlform\Utility\YamlFormElementHelper;

 * Add support for HTML and file attachments to YamlFormEmailHandler.
function yamlform_update_8001(&$sandbox) {
  $messages = [];

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  // Copied from \views_update_8001().
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  $default_data = Yaml::decode(file_get_contents(drupal_get_path('module', 'yamlform') . '/config/install/yamlform.settings.yml'));
    ->set('mail.default_body_text', $default_data['mail']['mail.default_body_text']);
    ->set('mail.default_body_html', $default_data['mail']['mail.default_body_html']);
  $messages[] = \Drupal::translation()
    ->translate("Update form settings removed 'mail.default_body' and replaced with 'mail_default_body_text' and 'mail_default_body_html'");

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  // Copied from \views_update_8001().
  $ids = [];
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
    $handlers = $yamlform_config
    $has_email_handler = FALSE;
    foreach ($handlers as $handler_id => $handler) {
      if ($handler['id'] != 'email') {
      $has_email_handler = TRUE;
      $base = "handlers.{$handler_id}";

      // Get debug setting so that we can move it last.
      $debug = $yamlform_config
        ->get($base . '.settings.debug');
        ->clear($base . '.settings.debug');
        ->set($base . '.settings.html', FALSE);
        ->set($base . '.settings.attachments', FALSE);
        ->set($base . '.settings.debug', $debug);
    if ($has_email_handler) {
      $ids[] = $yamlform_config
  if (!empty($ids)) {
    $messages[] = t('Updated email handler for forms: @ids', [
      '@ids' => implode(', ', array_unique($ids)),
  return implode("\n", $messages);

 * Issue #2701113: Rework form submission view to use templates.
function yamlform_update_8002(&$sandbox) {
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()

 * Issue #2705859  Allow form elements to define custom display formats. Add emptu formats to yamlform.settings.yml.
function yamlform_update_8003(&$sandbox) {

  /** @var \Drupal\yamlform\YamlFormElementManagerInterface $element_manager */
  $element_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.yamlform.element');
  $element_plugins = $element_manager
  $format = [];
  foreach ($element_plugins as $element_id => $element_plugin) {
    $formats = $element_plugin
    if (empty($formats)) {
    if (count($formats) == 1 && isset($formats['value'])) {
    $format[$element_id] = '';
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('format', $format);

 * Issue #2709933: Save export options.
function yamlform_update_8004(&$sandbox) {
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('export', [
    'delimiter' => ',',
    'header_keys' => 'label',
    'entity_reference_format' => 'link',
    'options_format' => 'compact',
    'options_item_format' => 'label',

 * Issue #2712457: Implement Wizard/Paging. Add 'current_page' field to 'yamlform_submission' entities.
function yamlform_update_8005() {

  // Install the definition that this field had in
  // \Drupal\yamlform\Entity\YamlFormSubmission::baseFieldDefinitions()
  // at the time that this update function was written. If/when code is
  // deployed that changes that definition, the corresponding module must
  // implement an update function that invokes
  // \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager()->updateFieldStorageDefinition()
  // with the new definition.
  $storage_definition = BaseFieldDefinition::create('string')
    ->setLabel(t('Current page'))
    ->setDescription(t('The current wizard page.'))
    ->setSetting('max_length', 128);
    ->installFieldStorageDefinition('current_page', 'yamlform_submission', 'yamlform', $storage_definition);

 * Issue #2712457: Implement Wizard/Paging. Update 'yamlform.settings' and 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
function yamlform_update_8007() {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('settings.default_wizard_prev_button_label', '< Previous Page');
    ->set('settings.default_wizard_next_button_label', 'Next Page >');

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
      ->set('settings.wizard_progress_bar', TRUE);
      ->set('settings.wizard_prev_button_label', '');
      ->set('settings.wizard_next_button_label', '');

 * Issue #2712463: Provide Entity–attribute–value model for submissions. Create 'yamlform_submission_data' table.
function yamlform_update_8008() {
  $schema = yamlform_schema();
    ->createTable('yamlform_submission_data', $schema['yamlform_submission_data']);

 * Issue #2712463: Provide Entity–attribute–value model for submissions. Populate 'yamlform_submission_data' table using batch process.
function yamlform_update_8009(&$sandbox) {

  // @see
  // Loop through 100 form submission at at time.
  $limit = 100;
  if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
    $sandbox['progress'] = 0;
    $sandbox['current_sid'] = 0;
    $sandbox['max'] = \Drupal::database()
      ->query('SELECT COUNT(sid) FROM {yamlform_submission}')

  // @see \Drupal\yamlform\Entity\YamlFormSubmission::save().
  $records = \Drupal::database()
    ->select('yamlform_submission', 's')
    ->fields('s', [
    ->condition('sid', $sandbox['current_sid'], '>')
    ->range(0, $limit)
    ->orderBy('sid', 'ASC')
  foreach ($records as $record) {
    $data = Yaml::decode($record->data);
    $yamlform_id = $record->yamlform_id;
    $sid = $record->sid;
    $rows = [];
    $update_submission_record = FALSE;
    foreach ($data as $name => &$item) {
      if (is_array($item)) {
        foreach ($item as $key => $value) {

          // Remove target_id from saved entity_autocomplete fields.
          if (is_array($value) && isset($value['target_id'])) {
            $value = $value['target_id'];
            $item[$key] = $value;
            $update_submission_record = TRUE;
          $rows[] = [
            'yamlform_id' => $yamlform_id,
            'sid' => $sid,
            'name' => $name,
            'delta' => (string) $key,
            'value' => (string) $value,
      else {
        $rows[] = [
          'yamlform_id' => $yamlform_id,
          'sid' => $sid,
          'name' => $name,
          'delta' => '',
          'value' => (string) $item,

    // Delete existing submission data rows.
      ->condition('sid', $sid)

    // Insert new submission data rows.
    $query = \Drupal::database()
    foreach ($rows as $row) {

    // Update submission record.
    if ($update_submission_record) {
        'data' => Yaml::encode($data),
        ->condition('sid', $sid)
    $sandbox['current_sid'] = $sid;
  $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['progress'] >= $sandbox['max'] ? TRUE : $sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['max'];
  if ($sandbox['#finished']) {
    return t("Populating the 'yamlform_submission_data' table is complete.");

 * Issue #2712463: Provide Entity–attribute–value model for submissions. Remove #default_value target_id.
function yamlform_update_8010() {
  $ids = [];
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
    $inputs = $yamlform_config
    if (preg_match('/-\\s+target_id:/', $inputs)) {

      // Have to regex to replace inputs target_id: in YAML because if we parse
      // the inputs YAML all comments and formatting will be lost.
      $inputs = preg_replace('/-\\s+target_id: /', '- ', $inputs);
        ->set('inputs', $inputs);
      $ids[] = $yamlform_config
  if ($ids) {
    return t('Updated forms: @ids', [
      '@ids' => implode(', ', array_unique($ids)),

 * Issue #2718005: Support Confidential submissions.
function yamlform_update_8011() {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('settings.default_form_confidential_message', 'This form is confidential. You must <a href="[site:login-url]/logout?destination=[current-page:url:relative]">Log out</a> to submit it.');

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
      ->set('settings.form_confidential', FALSE);
      ->set('settings.form_confidential_message', '');

 * Issue #2721539: Wizard page numbers and percentage.
function yamlform_update_8012() {

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
      ->set('settings.wizard_progress_pages', FALSE);
      ->set('settings.wizard_progress_percentage', FALSE);

 * Issue #2721711: Add start and complete label to wizard settings.
function yamlform_update_8013() {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('settings.default_wizard_start_label', 'Start');
    ->set('settings.default_wizard_complete_label', 'Complete');

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
      ->set('settings.wizard_start_label', '');
      ->set('settings.wizard_complete', TRUE);
      ->set('settings.wizard_complete_label', '');

 * Issue #2748699: Change all references from Inputs to Elements.
function yamlform_update_8014() {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  $yaml = Yaml::encode($settings_config
  $yaml = preg_replace('/(\\s+)inputs: /', '\\1elements: ', $yaml);
  $yaml = preg_replace('/(\\s+)default_inputs: /', '\\1default_elements: ', $yaml);

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  $yamlform_config_names = [
    'example_inputs' => 'example_elements',
    'example_inputs_extras' => 'example_elements_extras',
    'example_inputs_formats' => 'example_elements_formats',
    'example_inputs_masks' => 'example_elements_masks',
    'example_inputs_states' => 'example_elements_states',
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
    $yamlform_id = str_replace('yamlform.yamlform.', '', $yamlform_config_name);
    $yaml = Yaml::encode($yamlform_config
    $yaml = preg_replace('/(\\s+)inputs: /', '\\1elements: ', $yaml);
    $yaml = preg_replace('/(\\s+)excluded_inputs: /', '\\1excluded_elements: ', $yaml);
    $yaml = str_replace('_inputs_', '_elements_', $yaml);
    $yaml = str_replace(' input ', ' element ', $yaml);
    $yaml = str_replace(' Inputs', ' Elements', $yaml);
    $yaml = str_replace(' inputs', ' elements', $yaml);
    $yaml = str_replace('Private input', 'Private element ', $yaml);
    if (isset($yamlform_config_names[$yamlform_id])) {
      $yaml = str_replace($yamlform_id, $yamlform_config_names[$yamlform_id], $yaml);
      $data = Yaml::decode($yaml);
        ->getEditable('yamlform.yamlform.' . $yamlform_id)
        ->getEditable('yamlform.yamlform.' . $yamlform_config_names[$yamlform_id])
    else {
      $data = Yaml::decode($yaml);
        ->getEditable('yamlform.yamlform.' . $yamlform_id)

 * Issue #2749063: Load form submission data using EAV table. Fix yamlform_submission_data table's deltas.
function yamlform_update_8015(&$sandbox) {

  // @see
  // Loop through 100 form submission at at time.
  $limit = 100;
  if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
    $sandbox['progress'] = 0;
    $sandbox['current_sid'] = 0;
    $sandbox['max'] = \Drupal::database()
      ->query('SELECT COUNT(sid) FROM {yamlform_submission}')

  // @see \Drupal\yamlform\Entity\YamlFormSubmission::save().
  $records = \Drupal::database()
    ->select('yamlform_submission', 's')
    ->fields('s', [
    ->condition('sid', $sandbox['current_sid'], '>')
    ->range(0, $limit)
    ->orderBy('sid', 'ASC')
  foreach ($records as $record) {
    $data = Yaml::decode($record->data);
    $yamlform_id = $record->yamlform_id;
    $sid = $record->sid;
    $rows = [];
    $update_submission_record = FALSE;
    foreach ($data as $name => &$item) {
      if (is_array($item)) {
        $index = 0;
        foreach ($item as $key => $value) {

          // Fix multi value element's delta to be an index.
          // Change ['value1' => 'value1', 'value2' => 'value2'] to
          // [0 => 'value1', 1 => 'value2'].
          if ($key == $value) {
            $key = $index;
          $rows[] = [
            'yamlform_id' => $yamlform_id,
            'sid' => $sid,
            'name' => $name,
            'delta' => (string) $key,
            'value' => (string) $value,
      else {
        $rows[] = [
          'yamlform_id' => $yamlform_id,
          'sid' => $sid,
          'name' => $name,
          'delta' => '',
          'value' => (string) $item,

    // Delete existing submission data rows.
      ->condition('sid', $sid)

    // Insert new submission data rows.
    $query = \Drupal::database()
    foreach ($rows as $row) {

    // Update submission record.
    if ($update_submission_record) {
        'data' => Yaml::encode($data),
        ->condition('sid', $sid)
    $sandbox['current_sid'] = $sid;
  $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['progress'] >= $sandbox['max'] ? TRUE : $sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['max'];
  if ($sandbox['#finished']) {
    return t("Populating the 'yamlform_submission_data' table is complete.");

 * Issue #2749063: Load form submission data using EAV table. Remove field.
function yamlform_update_8016() {
  db_drop_field('yamlform_submission', 'data');

 * Issue #2748699: Change all references from Inputs to Elements. Update yamlform_id in the yamlform_submission_data table.
function yamlform_update_8017() {
  $yamlform_config_names = [
    'example_inputs' => 'example_elements',
    'example_inputs_extras' => 'example_elements_extras',
    'example_inputs_formats' => 'example_elements_formats',
    'example_inputs_masks' => 'example_elements_masks',
    'example_inputs_states' => 'example_elements_states',
  foreach ($yamlform_config_names as $config_name_search => $config_name_replace) {
    db_query('UPDATE {yamlform_submission_data} SET yamlform_id=:new_id WHERE yamlform_id=:old_id', [
      ':old_id' => $config_name_search,
      ':new_id' => $config_name_replace,

 * Issue #2752817: Create creditcard composite element.
function yamlform_update_8018() {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  $yaml = Yaml::encode($settings_config
  $yaml = str_replace('creditcard', 'creditcard_number', $yaml);

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
    $yaml = Yaml::encode($yamlform_config
    $yaml = str_replace('creditcard', 'creditcard_number', $yaml);
    $data = Yaml::decode($yaml);

 * Issue #2756643: Allow entity specific submission total and user limits to be set.
function yamlform_update_8019(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
      ->set('settings.entity_limit_user', NULL);
      ->set('settings.entity_limit_total', NULL);

 * Issue #2757479: Create dedicated form node module.
function yamlform_update_8020(&$sandbox) {

  // Since the form node configuration files are already installed, we
  // need to manually install the module.
  $extension_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set("module.yamlform_node", 0)
    ->set('module', module_config_sort($extension_config
  drupal_set_installed_schema_version('yamlform_node', \Drupal::CORE_MINIMUM_SCHEMA_VERSION);
    ->info('%module module installed.', [
    '%module' => 'yamlform',
  return (string) t("The new YAML Form Node module has been enabled.");

 * Issue #2757981: Improve form node integration.
function yamlform_update_8021(&$sandbox) {

  // Clear entity type and id that are pointing to the submission's form.
    ->query("UPDATE {yamlform_submission} SET entity_type=NULL, entity_id=NULL WHERE entity_type='yamlform' AND yamlform_id=entity_id");

 * Issue #2764531: Add ownership to form entity.
function yamlform_update_8022(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
      ->set('uid', NULL);
      ->set('template', FALSE);

 * Issue #2765057: Remove default elements.
function yamlform_update_8023(&$sandbox) {
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  $data = $settings_config

  // Move customized default elements to a template.
  if (md5($data['elements']['default_elements']) != 'c5a931226e09a0d1f30a032d587bceb4') {
      'id' => 'template_default_elements',
      'title' => 'Template: Default Elements',
      'description' => 'Default elements previously used when a new form is created.<br/>For more information see: Issue <a href="">#2765057</a>: Remove default elements.',
      'template' => TRUE,
      'elements' => $data['elements']['default_elements'],
    $customized_default_elements = TRUE;
  else {
    $customized_default_elements = FALSE;

  // Remove default elements.

  // Return message is custom default elements exist.
  if ($customized_default_elements) {
    return t("Moved existing default elements to a new form template called 'Template: Default Elements' (template_default_elements)");
  else {
    return NULL;

 * Issue #2765831: Improve text field autocompletion support.
function yamlform_update_8024() {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
    $yaml = Yaml::encode($yamlform_config
    if (strpos($yaml, "'#autocomplete'") !== FALSE) {
      $yaml = str_replace("'#autocomplete'", "'#autocomplete_options'", $yaml);
      $data = Yaml::decode($yaml);

 * Issue #2766453: Add sticky and notes to submissions.
function yamlform_update_8025(&$sandbox) {

  // @see
  // From: \Drupal\yamlform\Entity\YamlFormSubmission::baseFieldDefinitions
  $definitions = [];
  $definitions['sticky'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
    ->setDescription(t('A flag that indicate the status of the form submission.'))
  $definitions['notes'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('string_long')
    ->setDescription(t('Administrative notes about the form submission.'))
  foreach ($definitions as $name => $definition) {
      ->installFieldStorageDefinition($name, 'yamlform_submission', 'yamlform_submission', $definition);

 * Issue #2767637: Allow table columns to be customized.
function yamlform_update_8026(&$sandbox) {

  // Remove broken form export settings.
  db_query("DELETE FROM {key_value} WHERE collection='state' AND name LIKE 'yamlform%'");

 * Issue #2767891: Allow dialogs to be disabled.
function yamlform_update_8027(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('ui.dialog_disabled', FALSE);

 * Issue #2770823: Save open/close state of detail form element.
function yamlform_update_8028(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('ui.details_save', TRUE);

 * Issue #2770071 by jrockowitz: Compatibility with SMTP authentication.
function yamlform_update_8029(&$sandbox) {

  /** @var \Drupal\yamlform\YamlFormEmailProviderInterface $email_provider */
  $email_provider = \Drupal::service('yamlform.email_provider');

 * Issue #2773325: Remove captcha formatting.
function yamlform_update_8030(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()

 * Issue #2772697: Option to disable HTML5 validations.
function yamlform_update_8031() {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('settings.default_form_novalidate', FALSE);

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
      ->set('settings.form_novalidate', FALSE);

 * Issue #2775181 by jrockowitz: Address fatal error when handler plugin is missing.
function yamlform_update_8032() {

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
      ->set('dependencies', []);

 * Issue #2778521: Refactor email_confirm element to support customization.
function yamlform_update_8033() {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
    $yaml = Yaml::encode($yamlform_config
    $yaml = str_replace('#confirm_title', '#confirm__title', $yaml);
    $data = Yaml::decode($yaml);

 * Issue #2778715: Refactor other elements.
function yamlform_update_8034() {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
    $yaml = Yaml::encode($yamlform_config
    $yaml = str_replace('#other_option_label', '#other__option_label', $yaml);
    $yaml = str_replace('#other_placeholder', '#other__placeholder', $yaml);
    $yaml = str_replace('#other_description', '#other__description', $yaml);
    $data = Yaml::decode($yaml);

 * Issue #2778857: Description of elements.
function yamlform_update_8035() {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('elements.default_description_display', '');

 * Issue #2781663: Add URL with message to form confirmation types.
function yamlform_update_8036() {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
    $yaml = Yaml::encode($yamlform_config
    $yaml = str_replace('confirmation_type: url', 'confirmation_type: url_message', $yaml);
    $data = Yaml::decode($yaml);

 * Issue #2781713: Remove id, title, and description from setting.
function yamlform_update_8037() {

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory

 * Issue #2783527: Order form settings when saved and apply defaults.
function yamlform_update_8038() {

 * Issue #2783575: Add autofocus form setting.
function yamlform_update_8039() {

 * Issue #2783361: Replace embedded videos by links to them.
function yamlform_update_8040() {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('ui.video_display', 'dialog');

 * Issue #2783771: Add setting for #allowed_tags.
function yamlform_update_8041() {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('elements.allowed_tags', 'admin');

 * Issue #2783855: Date field display and validation.
function yamlform_update_8042() {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
    $yaml = Yaml::encode($yamlform_config
    $yaml = str_replace('#date_format', '#date_date_format', $yaml);
    $data = Yaml::decode($yaml);

 * Issue #2783785: Add html editor to UI.
function yamlform_update_8043(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('ui.html_editor_disabled', FALSE);

 * Issue #2783785: Add html editor to UI.
function yamlform_update_8044(&$sandbox) {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
    $data = $yamlform_config

    // Decode $elements. Skip any invalid or empty elements.
    try {
      $original_elements = Yaml::decode($data['elements']);
      if (!is_array($original_elements)) {
    } catch (\Exception $exception) {
    $updated_elements = $original_elements;
    if ($updated_elements != $original_elements) {
      $data['elements'] = Yaml::encode($updated_elements);

 * Change #type to autocomplete.
function _yamlform_update_8044(array &$elements) {
  foreach ($elements as $key => &$element) {
    if (Element::property($key) || !is_array($element)) {
    if (!empty($element['#autocomplete_existing']) || !empty($element['#autocomplete_options'])) {
      $element['#type'] = 'autocomplete';

 * Issue #2791823: Improve element attributes class handling.
function yamlform_update_8045(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('elements.wrapper_classes', "container-inline clearfix\nform--inline clearfix    \nmessages messages--error\nmessages messages--warning\nmessages messages--status");
    ->set('elements.classes', "container-inline clearfix\nform--inline clearfix    \nmessages messages--error\nmessages messages--warning\nmessages messages--status");

 * Issue #2792681: Allow a YAML Form's source entity to be (optionally) populated using query string parameters.
function yamlform_update_8046() {

  // Add 'form_prepopulate_source_entity' settings for forms.

 * Issue #2793273 by smaz: Send email to form element: Use 'option value' instead of 'option text'.
function yamlform_update_8047(&$sandbox) {
  $ids = [];

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {
    $yamlform_config = $config_factory
    $handlers = $yamlform_config
    $has_mail_token = FALSE;
    foreach ($handlers as $handler_id => $handler) {
      if ($handler['id'] != 'email') {
      $base = "handlers.{$handler_id}";
      $mail_fields = [
      foreach ($mail_fields as $mail_field) {
        $setting_name = $base . '.settings.' . $mail_field;
        $mail = $yamlform_config
        if (preg_match('/:value\\]$/', $mail)) {
          $mail = preg_replace('/:value\\]$/', ':raw]', $mail);
            ->set($setting_name, $mail);
          $has_mail_token = TRUE;
    if ($has_mail_token) {
      $ids[] = $yamlform_config
  if (!empty($ids)) {
    $messages[] = t('Updated email handler for forms: @ids', [
      '@ids' => implode(', ', array_unique($ids)),
  return implode("\n", $messages);

 * Issue #2802637: Add prefix support to CSV export column headers.
function yamlform_update_8048() {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('export.header_format', $settings_config
    ->set('export.header_prefix', TRUE);
    ->set('export.header_prefix_label_delimiter', ': ');
    ->set('export.header_prefix_key_delimiter', '__');

 * Issue #2803139: Add details toggle support to form settings.
function yamlform_update_8049() {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('settings.default_form_details_toggle', FALSE);

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.

 * Issue #2804147: Allow anonymous submission to be updated using a secure token.
function yamlform_update_8050() {

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.

 * Issue #2806263: Add property column to submission data table. Fix text_format test value..
function yamlform_update_8051() {
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  $test_types = Yaml::decode($settings_config
  $test_types['text_format'] = [
      'value' => '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Negat esse eam, inquit, propter se expetendam. Primum Theophrasti, Strato, physicum se voluit; Id mihi magnum videtur. Itaque mihi non satis videmini considerare quod iter sit naturae quaeque progressio. Quare hoc videndum est, possitne nobis hoc ratio philosophorum dare. Est enim tanti philosophi tamque nobilis audacter sua decreta defendere.</p>',
      'value' => '<p>Huius, Lyco, oratione locuples, rebus ipsis ielunior. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Sed haec in pueris; Sed utrum hortandus es nobis, Luci, inquit, an etiam tua sponte propensus es? Sapiens autem semper beatus est et est aliquando in dolore; Immo videri fortasse. Paulum, cum regem Persem captum adduceret, eodem flumine invectio? Et ille ridens: Video, inquit, quid agas;</p>',
      'value' => '<p>Quae cum dixisset, finem ille. Quamquam non negatis nos intellegere quid sit voluptas, sed quid ille dicat. Progredientibus autem aetatibus sensim tardeve potius quasi nosmet ipsos cognoscimus. Gloriosa ostentatio in constituendo summo bono. Qui-vere falsone, quaerere mittimus-dicitur oculis se privasse; Duarum enim vitarum nobis erunt instituta capienda. Comprehensum, quod cognitum non habet? Qui enim existimabit posse se miserum esse beatus non erit. Causa autem fuit huc veniendi ut quosdam hinc libros promerem. Nunc omni virtuti vitium contrario nomine opponitur.</p>',
    ->set('test.types', Yaml::encode($test_types));

 * Issue #2806263: Add property column to submission data table. Update 'yamlform_submission_data' schema.
function yamlform_update_8052() {
  $table = 'yamlform_submission_data';

  // Delete primary keys.

  // Move delta to property.
  $field = 'delta';
  $new_field = 'property';
  $property_spec = [
    'description' => "The property of the element's value.",
    'type' => 'varchar',
    'length' => 128,
    'not null' => TRUE,
    'default' => '',
  db_change_field($table, $field, $new_field, $property_spec);

  // Add new delta.
  $delta_spec = [
    'description' => "The delta of the element's value.",
    'type' => 'int',
    'unsigned' => TRUE,
    'not null' => TRUE,
    'default' => 0,
  db_add_field($table, 'delta', $delta_spec);

  // Add new primary keys.
  db_add_primary_key($table, [

  // Flush all caches to make sure the db schema is up-to-date.

 * Issue #2806263: Add property column to submission data table. Fix 'yamlform_submission_data' records.
function yamlform_update_8053() {

  /** @var \Drupal\yamlform\YamlFormElementManagerInterface $element_manager */
  $element_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.yamlform.element');

  /** @var \Drupal\yamlform\YamlFormInterface[] $yamlforms */
  $yamlforms = YamlForm::loadMultiple();
  foreach ($yamlforms as $yamlform) {
    $elements = $yamlform
    foreach ($elements as $key => $element) {
      $element_handler = $element_manager
      $args = [
        ':yamlform_id' => $yamlform
        ':name' => $key,
      if ($element_handler
        ->hasMultipleValues($element) && !$element_handler
        ->isComposite()) {

        // Fix broken property where property value is string when is should be
        // numeric delta. Applies only to checkboxes within wizard pages.
        $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {yamlform_submission_data}  WHERE yamlform_id=:yamlform_id AND name=:name ORDER BY yamlform_id, sid, name, property", $args);
        $deltas = [];
        while ($record = $result
          ->fetchAssoc()) {
          if (!is_numeric($record['property'])) {
            $delta_key = $record['yamlform_id'] . '-' . $record['sid'] . $record['name'];
            if (isset($deltas[$delta_key])) {
              $delta = $deltas[$delta_key];
            else {
              $deltas[$delta_key] = 0;
              $delta = 0;
            $update_args = $args + [
              ':delta' => $delta,
              ':property' => $record['property'],
            db_query("UPDATE {yamlform_submission_data} SET property=:delta WHERE yamlform_id=:yamlform_id AND name=:name AND property=:property", $update_args);

        // Move 'delta' from 'property' column for element's that have
        // multiple values.
        db_query("UPDATE {yamlform_submission_data} SET delta = property WHERE yamlform_id=:yamlform_id AND name=:name", $args);
        db_query("UPDATE {yamlform_submission_data} SET property = '' WHERE yamlform_id=:yamlform_id AND name=:name", $args);

      // Make sure value property is set for text_format element.
      if (isset($element['#type']) && $element['#type'] == 'text_format') {
        db_query("UPDATE {yamlform_submission_data} SET property = 'value' WHERE yamlform_id=:yamlform_id AND name=:name", $args);

 * Issue #2806263: Add property column to submission data table. Add serial column.
function yamlform_update_8054() {

  // @see
  // From: \Drupal\yamlform\Entity\YamlFormSubmission::baseFieldDefinitions
  $definitions = [];
  $definitions['serial'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
    ->setLabel(t('Serial number'))
    ->setDescription(t('The serial number of the form submission entity.'))
  foreach ($definitions as $name => $definition) {
      ->installFieldStorageDefinition($name, 'yamlform_submission', 'yamlform_submission', $definition);

 * Issue #2806263: Add property column to submission data table. Populate serial column.
function yamlform_update_8055() {
  db_query("UPDATE {yamlform_submission} SET serial=sid");
  $yamlforms = YamlForm::loadMultiple();
  $result = db_query("SELECT yamlform_id, MAX(serial) AS next_serial FROM {yamlform_submission} GROUP BY yamlform_id");
  while ($record = $result
    ->fetchAssoc()) {

    /** @var \Drupal\yamlform\YamlFormInterface $yamlform */
    $yamlform = $yamlforms[$record['yamlform_id']];
      ->setState('next_serial', $record['next_serial'] + 1);

 * Issue #2809791: Geolocation. Add Google Maps API key to admin settings.
function yamlform_update_8056() {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('elements.default_google_maps_api_key', '');

 * Issue #2817535: Drupal file upload by anonymous or untrusted users into public file systems -- PSA-2016-003.
function yamlform_update_8057() {

  /** @var \Drupal\yamlform\YamlFormElementManagerInterface $element_manager */
  $element_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.yamlform.element');
  $element_plugins = $element_manager
  $types = [];
  foreach ($element_plugins as $element_id => $element_plugin) {
    $types[$element_id] = $element_id;
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('elements.types', $types);
    ->set('elements.file_public', TRUE);

 * Issue #2819319: Add Time element (with timepicker).
function yamlform_update_8058() {
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('elements.types.yamlform_time', 'yamlform_time');

 * Issue #2818881: Improve date element. Add message element.
function yamlform_update_8059() {
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('elements.types.yamlform_message', 'yamlform_message');

 * Issue #2820180: Allow disable results warning and behavior to disabled.
function yamlform_update_8060() {

 * Issue #2811167: Sortable options table element.
function yamlform_update_8061() {
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('elements.types.yamlform_table_sort', 'yamlform_table_sort');

 * Issue #2820844: Change yamlform.setting.element.types to yamlform.setting.element.excluded.types.
function yamlform_update_8062() {
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()

  /** @var \Drupal\yamlform\YamlFormElementManagerInterface $element_manager */
  $element_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.yamlform.element');
  $element_plugins = $element_manager
  $element_types = [];
  foreach ($element_plugins as $element_id => $element_plugin) {
    $element_types[$element_id] = $element_id;
  $included_types = $settings_config
  $excluded_types = array_diff($element_types, $included_types);
    ->set('elements.excluded_types', $excluded_types);

 * Issue #2821781: Provide a document exporter.
function yamlform_update_8063() {
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('export.file_name', 'submission-[yamlform_submission:serial]');

 * Issue #2823627: Provide dedicated video, audio, and image file upload with media capture.
function yamlform_update_8064() {
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()

  // Move file specific settings from 'elements' to 'file'.
    ->set('file.default_max_filesize', $settings_config
    ->set('file.file_public', $settings_config

  // Rename 'elements.default_file_extensions' to 'file.default_managed_file_extensions'.
    ->set('file.default_managed_file_extensions', $settings_config

  // Add new media specific file extensions.
    ->set('elements.default_audio_file_extensions', 'mp3 ogg wav');
    ->set('elements.default_document_file_extensions', 'txt rtf pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx ods');
    ->set('elements.default_image_file_extensions', 'gif jpg png svg');
    ->set('elements.default_video_file_extensions', 'avi mov mp4 ogg wav webm');

 * Issue #2823918: Add custom classes, styles, and properties to form settings and class names to submit buttons.
function yamlform_update_8065(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('settings.classes', "container-inline clearfix\nform--inline clearfix    \nmessages messages--error\nmessages messages--warning\nmessages messages--status");

 * Issue #2825278: Add settings to suppress CDN warning on Status Report.
function yamlform_update_8066(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('library.cdn', FALSE);

 * Issue #2825410: Allow forms labels to be translatable.
 * @see \Drupal\config_translation\Form\ConfigTranslationFormBase::submitForm
function yamlform_update_8067(&$sandbox) {

  // Skip updates if the Configuration translation module is not enabled.
  if (!\Drupal::moduleHandler()
    ->moduleExists('config_translation')) {
  $language_manager = \Drupal::languageManager();

  /** @var \Drupal\yamlform\YamlFormElementManagerInterface $element_manager */
  $element_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.yamlform.element');
  $languages = $language_manager
  foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
    $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
    foreach ($config_factory
      ->listAll('yamlform.yamlform.') as $yamlform_config_name) {

      /** @var Drupal\language\Config\LanguageConfigOverride $config_translation */
      $config_translation = $language_manager
        ->getLanguageConfigOverride($langcode, $yamlform_config_name);
      $config_elements = $config_translation
      if (empty($config_elements)) {

      // Flatten and get any array containging translatable properties.
      // @see \Drupal\yamlform\YamlFormTranslationManager::getBaseElements()
      $elements = Yaml::decode($config_elements);
      $elements = YamlFormElementHelper::getFlattened($elements);
      $translatable_properties = YamlFormArrayHelper::addPrefix($element_manager
      foreach ($elements as $element_key => &$element) {
        foreach ($element as $property_key => $property_value) {
          $translatable_property_key = $property_key;
          if (preg_match('/^.*__(.*)$/', $translatable_property_key, $match)) {
            $translatable_property_key = '#' . $match[1];
          if (in_array($translatable_property_key, [
          ]) && is_string($property_value)) {
          elseif (!isset($translatable_properties[$translatable_property_key])) {
        if (empty($element)) {

      // DEBUG:
      // drush_print($yamlform_config_name); drush_print($config_elements); drush_print(Yaml::encode($elements));
        ->set('elements', Yaml::encode($elements))

 * Issue #2826973: Alert for unsaved changes in form.
function yamlform_update_8068(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('settings.default_form_unsaved', FALSE);

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.

 * Issue #2826976: Allow CSS and JavaScript to be injected into a form.
function yamlform_update_8069(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.

 * Issue #2828138: Disable the previous functionality for a wizard page.
function yamlform_update_8070(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('settings.default_form_disable_back', FALSE);

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.

 * Issue #2826300: yamlform.settings.yml is out-of-sync and missing default values.
function yamlform_update_8071(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.

 * Issue #2830472: Add test to confirm that yamlform.settings are being correctly updated via the UI.
function yamlform_update_8072(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('format', array_filter($settings_config

 * Issue #2823918: Add custom classes, styles, and properties to form settings and class names to submit buttons.
function yamlform_update_8073(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.
  $settings_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('form_classes', $settings_config
    ->set('button_classes', '');

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.

 * Issue #2833576: Custom confirmation attributes and back link.
function yamlform_update_8074(&$sandbox) {

  // Update 'yamlform.settings' configuration.

  // Update 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.


Namesort descending Description
yamlform_update_8001 Add support for HTML and file attachments to YamlFormEmailHandler.
yamlform_update_8002 Issue #2701113: Rework form submission view to use templates.
yamlform_update_8003 Issue #2705859 Allow form elements to define custom display formats. Add emptu formats to yamlform.settings.yml.
yamlform_update_8004 Issue #2709933: Save export options.
yamlform_update_8005 Issue #2712457: Implement Wizard/Paging. Add 'current_page' field to 'yamlform_submission' entities.
yamlform_update_8007 Issue #2712457: Implement Wizard/Paging. Update 'yamlform.settings' and 'yamlform.yamlform.*' configuration.
yamlform_update_8008 Issue #2712463: Provide Entity–attribute–value model for submissions. Create 'yamlform_submission_data' table.
yamlform_update_8009 Issue #2712463: Provide Entity–attribute–value model for submissions. Populate 'yamlform_submission_data' table using batch process.
yamlform_update_8010 Issue #2712463: Provide Entity–attribute–value model for submissions. Remove #default_value target_id.
yamlform_update_8011 Issue #2718005: Support Confidential submissions.
yamlform_update_8012 Issue #2721539: Wizard page numbers and percentage.
yamlform_update_8013 Issue #2721711: Add start and complete label to wizard settings.
yamlform_update_8014 Issue #2748699: Change all references from Inputs to Elements.
yamlform_update_8015 Issue #2749063: Load form submission data using EAV table. Fix yamlform_submission_data table's deltas.
yamlform_update_8016 Issue #2749063: Load form submission data using EAV table. Remove field.
yamlform_update_8017 Issue #2748699: Change all references from Inputs to Elements. Update yamlform_id in the yamlform_submission_data table.
yamlform_update_8018 Issue #2752817: Create creditcard composite element.
yamlform_update_8019 Issue #2756643: Allow entity specific submission total and user limits to be set.
yamlform_update_8020 Issue #2757479: Create dedicated form node module.
yamlform_update_8021 Issue #2757981: Improve form node integration.
yamlform_update_8022 Issue #2764531: Add ownership to form entity.
yamlform_update_8023 Issue #2765057: Remove default elements.
yamlform_update_8024 Issue #2765831: Improve text field autocompletion support.
yamlform_update_8025 Issue #2766453: Add sticky and notes to submissions.
yamlform_update_8026 Issue #2767637: Allow table columns to be customized.
yamlform_update_8027 Issue #2767891: Allow dialogs to be disabled.
yamlform_update_8028 Issue #2770823: Save open/close state of detail form element.
yamlform_update_8029 Issue #2770071 by jrockowitz: Compatibility with SMTP authentication.
yamlform_update_8030 Issue #2773325: Remove captcha formatting.
yamlform_update_8031 Issue #2772697: Option to disable HTML5 validations.
yamlform_update_8032 Issue #2775181 by jrockowitz: Address fatal error when handler plugin is missing.
yamlform_update_8033 Issue #2778521: Refactor email_confirm element to support customization.
yamlform_update_8034 Issue #2778715: Refactor other elements.
yamlform_update_8035 Issue #2778857: Description of elements.
yamlform_update_8036 Issue #2781663: Add URL with message to form confirmation types.
yamlform_update_8037 Issue #2781713: Remove id, title, and description from setting.
yamlform_update_8038 Issue #2783527: Order form settings when saved and apply defaults.
yamlform_update_8039 Issue #2783575: Add autofocus form setting.
yamlform_update_8040 Issue #2783361: Replace embedded videos by links to them.
yamlform_update_8041 Issue #2783771: Add setting for #allowed_tags.
yamlform_update_8042 Issue #2783855: Date field display and validation.
yamlform_update_8043 Issue #2783785: Add html editor to UI.
yamlform_update_8044 Issue #2783785: Add html editor to UI.
yamlform_update_8045 Issue #2791823: Improve element attributes class handling.
yamlform_update_8046 Issue #2792681: Allow a YAML Form's source entity to be (optionally) populated using query string parameters.
yamlform_update_8047 Issue #2793273 by smaz: Send email to form element: Use 'option value' instead of 'option text'.
yamlform_update_8048 Issue #2802637: Add prefix support to CSV export column headers.
yamlform_update_8049 Issue #2803139: Add details toggle support to form settings.
yamlform_update_8050 Issue #2804147: Allow anonymous submission to be updated using a secure token.
yamlform_update_8051 Issue #2806263: Add property column to submission data table. Fix text_format test value..
yamlform_update_8052 Issue #2806263: Add property column to submission data table. Update 'yamlform_submission_data' schema.
yamlform_update_8053 Issue #2806263: Add property column to submission data table. Fix 'yamlform_submission_data' records.
yamlform_update_8054 Issue #2806263: Add property column to submission data table. Add serial column.
yamlform_update_8055 Issue #2806263: Add property column to submission data table. Populate serial column.
yamlform_update_8056 Issue #2809791: Geolocation. Add Google Maps API key to admin settings.
yamlform_update_8057 Issue #2817535: Drupal file upload by anonymous or untrusted users into public file systems -- PSA-2016-003.
yamlform_update_8058 Issue #2819319: Add Time element (with timepicker).
yamlform_update_8059 Issue #2818881: Improve date element. Add message element.
yamlform_update_8060 Issue #2820180: Allow disable results warning and behavior to disabled.
yamlform_update_8061 Issue #2811167: Sortable options table element.
yamlform_update_8062 Issue #2820844: Change yamlform.setting.element.types to yamlform.setting.element.excluded.types.
yamlform_update_8063 Issue #2821781: Provide a document exporter.
yamlform_update_8064 Issue #2823627: Provide dedicated video, audio, and image file upload with media capture.
yamlform_update_8065 Issue #2823918: Add custom classes, styles, and properties to form settings and class names to submit buttons.
yamlform_update_8066 Issue #2825278: Add settings to suppress CDN warning on Status Report.
yamlform_update_8067 Issue #2825410: Allow forms labels to be translatable.
yamlform_update_8068 Issue #2826973: Alert for unsaved changes in form.
yamlform_update_8069 Issue #2826976: Allow CSS and JavaScript to be injected into a form.
yamlform_update_8070 Issue #2828138: Disable the previous functionality for a wizard page.
yamlform_update_8071 Issue #2826300: yamlform.settings.yml is out-of-sync and missing default values.
yamlform_update_8072 Issue #2830472: Add test to confirm that yamlform.settings are being correctly updated via the UI.
yamlform_update_8073 Issue #2823918: Add custom classes, styles, and properties to form settings and class names to submit buttons.
yamlform_update_8074 Issue #2833576: Custom confirmation attributes and back link.
_yamlform_update_8044 Change #type to autocomplete.