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class ContentLoader in YAML Content 8

ContentLoader class for parsing and importing YAML content.


Expanded class hierarchy of ContentLoader

5 files declare their use of ContentLoader
ContentLoaderTest.php in tests/src/Unit/ContentLoader/ContentLoaderTest.php
ContentLoaderTestBase.php in tests/src/Unit/ContentLoader/ContentLoaderTestBase.php
ExistenceCheckingTest.php in tests/src/Unit/ContentLoader/ExistenceCheckingTest.php
FileTest.php in tests/src/Functional/Plugin/yaml_content/process/FileTest.php
FileTest.php in tests/src/Unit/Plugin/yaml_content/process/FileTest.php
1 string reference to 'ContentLoader' in ./
1 service uses ContentLoader
yaml_content.content_loader in ./


src/ContentLoader/ContentLoader.php, line 23


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class ContentLoader implements ContentLoaderInterface {

   * Dependency injection container.
   * @var \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface
  protected $container;

   * The entity type manager interface.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * Helper service to load entities.
   * @var \Drupal\yaml_content\Service\EntityLoadHelper
  protected $entityLoadHelper;

   * The module handler interface for invoking any hooks.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
  protected $moduleHandler;

   * Event dispatcher service to report events throughout the loading process.
   * @var \Drupal\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher
  protected $dispatcher;

   * YAML parser.
   * @var \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser
  protected $parser;

   * The parsed content.
   * @var mixed
  protected $parsedContent;

   * Boolean value of whether other not to update existing content.
   * @var bool
  protected $existenceCheck = FALSE;

   * The directory path where content and assets may be found for import.
   * @var string
  protected $path;

   * The file path for the content file currently being loaded.
   * @var string
  protected $contentFile;

   * @var \Drupal\yaml_content\Plugin\YamlContentProcessManager
  protected $processManager;

   * ContentLoader constructor.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface $container
   *   The dependency injection container to load dependent services.
  public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container) {
    $this->container = $container;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new static($container);

   * Get the YAML parser service.
   * @return \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser
   *   The YAML parser service.
  protected function getParser() {
    if (!isset($this->parser)) {
      $this->parser = new Parser();
    return $this->parser;

   * Get the EntityTypeManager service.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
   *   The EntityTypeManager service.
  public function getEntityTypeManager() {

    // Lazy load the entity type manager service.
    if (!isset($this->entityTypeManager)) {
      $this->entityTypeManager = $this->container
    return $this->entityTypeManager;

   * Get the EntityLoadHelper service.
   * @return \Drupal\yaml_content\Service\EntityLoadHelper
   *   The EntityLoadHelper service.
  protected function getEntityLoadHelper() {

    // Lazy load the entity load helper service.
    if (!isset($this->entityLoadHelper)) {
      $this->entityLoadHelper = $this->container
    return $this->entityLoadHelper;

   * Get the ProcessManager service.
   * @return \Drupal\yaml_content\Plugin\YamlContentProcessManager
   *   The ProcessManager service.
  protected function getProcessManager() {

    // Lazy load the entity load helper service.
    if (!isset($this->processManager)) {
      $this->processManager = $this->container
    return $this->processManager;

   * Get the module handler service.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
   *   The module handler service.
  protected function getModuleHandler() {

    // Lazy load the module handler service.
    if (!isset($this->moduleHandler)) {
      $this->moduleHandler = $this->container
    return $this->moduleHandler;

   * Get the event dispatcher service.
   * @return \Drupal\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher
   *   The event dispatcher service.
  protected function getEventDispatcher() {

    // Lazy load the event dispatcher service.
    if (!isset($this->dispatcher)) {
      $this->dispatcher = $this->container
    return $this->dispatcher;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setContentPath($path) {
    $this->path = $path;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getContentPath() {
    return $this->path;

   * Returns whether or not the system should check for previous demo content.
   * @return bool
   *   The true/false value of existence check.
  public function existenceCheck() {
    return $this->existenceCheck;

   * Set the whether or not the system should check for previous demo content.
   * @param bool $existence_check
   *   The true/false value of existence check. Defaults to true if no value
   *   is provided.
   * @return $this
  public function setExistenceCheck($existence_check = TRUE) {
    $this->existenceCheck = $existence_check;
    return $this;

   * Load an entity type definition.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The entity type id of the definition to load.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface|null
   *   The entity type definition or NULL if the definition could not be loaded.
  protected function getEntityTypeDefinition($entity_type) {
    return $this

   * Load an entity storage handler.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The entity type id of the definition to load.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface
   *   The storage handler service for the entity type.
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
  protected function getEntityStorage($entity_type) {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function parseContent($content_file) {
    $file = $this->path . '/content/' . $content_file;

    // @todo Handle missing files gracefully.
    $this->parsedContent = $this

    // Never leave this as null, even on a failed parsing process.
    // @todo Output a warning for empty content files or failed parsing.
    $this->parsedContent = isset($this->parsedContent) ? $this->parsedContent : [];

    // Dispatch the event notification.
    $content_parsed_event = new ContentParsedEvent($this, $this->contentFile, $this->parsedContent);
      ->dispatch(YamlContentEvents::CONTENT_PARSED, $content_parsed_event);
    return $this->parsedContent;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function loadContent($content_file, $skip_existence_check = TRUE) {
    $content_data = $this
    $loaded_content = [];

    // Create each entity defined in the yml content.
    foreach ($content_data as $content_item) {
      $entity = $this
        ->buildEntity($content_item['entity'], $content_item);

      // Dispatch the pre-save event.
      $entity_pre_save_event = new EntityPreSaveEvent($this, $entity, $content_item);
        ->dispatch(YamlContentEvents::ENTITY_PRE_SAVE, $entity_pre_save_event);

      // Dispatch the post-save event.
      $entity_post_save_event = new EntityPostSaveEvent($this, $entity, $content_item);
        ->dispatch(YamlContentEvents::ENTITY_POST_SAVE, $entity_post_save_event);
      $loaded_content[] = $entity;

    // Trigger a hook for post-import processing.
      ->invokeAll('yaml_content_post_import', [
    return $loaded_content;

   * Build an entity from the provided content data.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The entity type.
   * @param array $content_data
   *   The array of content data to be parsed.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
   *   The created entity from the parsed content data.
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
  public function buildEntity($entity_type, array $content_data) {

    // Load entity type definition.
    $entity_definition = $this

    // Dispatch the entity import event.
    $entity_import_event = new EntityImportEvent($this, $entity_definition, $content_data);
      ->dispatch(YamlContentEvents::IMPORT_ENTITY, $entity_import_event);

    // Parse properties for creation and fields for processing.
    $attributes = $this
      ->getContentAttributes($entity_type, $content_data);

    // If it is a 'user' entity, append a timestamp to make the username unique.
    // @todo Move this into an entity-specific processor.
    if ($entity_type == 'user' && isset($attributes['property']['name'][0]['value'])) {
      $attributes['property']['name'][0]['value'] .= '_' . time();

    // Create our entity with basic data.
    $entity = $this
      ->createEntity($entity_type, $content_data);

    // Populate fields.
    if ($entity instanceof FieldableEntityInterface) {
        ->populateEntityFields($entity, $attributes['field']);
    return $entity;

   * Get organized content attributes from import data.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The entity type ID.
   * @param array $content_data
   *   The array of content data to be parsed.
   * @return array
   *   Content data grouped by type.
   * @see \Drupal\yaml_content\Service\EntityLoadHelper::categorizeAttributes()
  protected function getContentAttributes($entity_type, array $content_data) {

    // Parse properties for creation and fields for processing.
    $attributes = $this
      ->categorizeAttributes($entity_type, $content_data);
    return $attributes;

   * Create the entity based on basic properties.
   * If existence checking is enabled, we'll attempt to load an existing
   * entity matched on the simple properties before creating a new one.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The entity type.
   * @param array $content_data
   *   The array of content data to be parsed.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
   *   A loaded matching entity if existence checking is enabled and a matching
   *   entity was found, or a new one stubbed from simple properties otherwise.
   * @see \Drupal\yaml_content\ContentLoader\ContentLoader::existenceCheck()
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
  public function createEntity($entity_type, array $content_data) {

    // If existence checking is enabled, attempt to load the entity first.
    if ($this
      ->existenceCheck()) {
      $entity = $this
        ->entityExists($entity_type, $content_data);

    // If the entity isn't loaded we'll stub it out.
    if (empty($entity)) {

      // Load entity type handler.
      $entity_handler = $this

      // Identify the content properties for the entity.
      $attributes = $this
        ->getContentAttributes($entity_type, $content_data);
      $entity = $entity_handler
    return $entity;

   * Populate entity field data into an entity object.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity object being populated for import.
   * @param array $fields
   *   Content import data for entity fields keyed by field name.
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldException
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
   * @todo Add events for overall pre/post field import process.
   * @todo Throw more specific exceptions.
  public function populateEntityFields(FieldableEntityInterface $entity, array $fields) {
    foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_data) {
      try {
        if ($entity
          ->hasField($field_name)) {
          $field_instance = $entity

          // Dispatch field import event prior to populating fields.
          $field_import_event = new FieldImportEvent($this, $entity, $field_instance, $field_data);
            ->dispatch(YamlContentEvents::IMPORT_FIELD, $field_import_event);
            ->populateField($field_instance, $field_data);
        else {
          throw new FieldException('Undefined field: ' . $field_name);
      } catch (MissingDataException $exception) {
        watchdog_exception('yaml_content', $exception);
      } catch (PluginNotFoundException $exception) {
        watchdog_exception('yaml_content', $exception);

   * Populate field content into the provided field.
   * @param object $field
   *   The entity field object.
   * @param array $field_data
   *   The field data.
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
   * @todo Handle field data types more dynamically with typed data.
  public function populateField($field, array &$field_data) {

    // Get the field cardinality to determine whether or not a value should be
    // 'set' or 'appended' to.
    $cardinality = $field

    // Gets the count of the field data array.
    $field_data_count = count($field_data);

    // If the cardinality is 0, throw an exception.
    if (!$cardinality) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("'{$field->getName()}' cannot hold any values.");

    // If the number of field content is greater than allowed, throw exception.
    if ($cardinality > 0 && $field_data_count > $cardinality) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("'{$field->getname()}' cannot hold more than {$cardinality} values. {$field_data_count} values were parsed from the YAML file.");

    // If we're updating content in-place, empty the field before population.
    if ($this
      ->existenceCheck() && !$field
      ->isEmpty()) {

      // Get parent entity.
      $parent = $field

      // Skip deleting field if parent entity is new.
      if ($parent && !$parent
        ->isNew()) {

        // Trigger delete callbacks on each field item.

      // Special handling for non-reusable entity reference values.
      if ($field instanceof EntityReferenceFieldItemList) {

        // Test if this is a paragraph field.
        $target_type = $field
        if ($target_type == 'paragraph') {

          /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface[] $entities */
          $entities = $field
          foreach ($entities as $entity) {

      // Empty out the field's list of items.

    // Iterate over each field data value and process it.
    foreach ($field_data as &$item_data) {
      if (isset($field_data['#process']['dependency'])) {
        $dependency = $field_data['#process']['dependency'];

      // Preprocess the field data.
      $context = new ProcessingContext();
        ->preprocessFieldData($context, $item_data);

      // Check if the field is a reference field. If so, build the entity ref.
      $is_reference = isset($item_data['entity']);
      if ($is_reference) {

        // Build the reference entity.
        $field_item = $this
          ->buildEntity($item_data['entity'], $item_data);
      else {
        $field_item = $item_data;

      // If the cardinality is set to 1, set the field value directly.
      if ($cardinality == 1) {

        // @todo Warn if additional item data is available for population.
      else {

        // Otherwise, append the item to the multi-value field.

   * Process a file flagged as a dependency.
   * @param string $dependency
   *   The dependent file that needs to be imported as well.
  protected function processDependency($dependency) {
    $sub_loader = self::create($this->container);
      ->loadContent($dependency, $this

   * Query if a target entity already exists and should be updated.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The type of entity being imported.
   * @param array $content_data
   *   The import content structure representing the entity being searched for.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface|false
   *   Return a matching entity if one is found, or FALSE otherwise.
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
   * @todo Potentially move this into a separate helper class.
  public function entityExists($entity_type, array $content_data) {

    // Some entities require special handling to determine if it exists.
    switch ($entity_type) {

      // Always create new paragraphs since they're not reusable.
      // @todo Should new revisions be incorporated here?
      case 'paragraph':
      case 'media':

        // @todo Add special handling to check file name or path.

        // Load entity type handler.
        $entity_handler = $this

        // @todo Load this through dependency injection instead.
        $query = \Drupal::entityQuery($entity_type);
        foreach ($content_data as $key => $value) {
          if ($key != 'entity' && !is_array($value)) {
              ->condition($key, $value);
        $entity_ids = $query
        if ($entity_ids) {
          $entity_id = array_shift($entity_ids);
          $entity = $entity_handler
    return isset($entity) ? $entity : FALSE;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ContentLoader::$container protected property Dependency injection container.
ContentLoader::$contentFile protected property The file path for the content file currently being loaded.
ContentLoader::$dispatcher protected property Event dispatcher service to report events throughout the loading process.
ContentLoader::$entityLoadHelper protected property Helper service to load entities.
ContentLoader::$entityTypeManager protected property The entity type manager interface.
ContentLoader::$existenceCheck protected property Boolean value of whether other not to update existing content.
ContentLoader::$moduleHandler protected property The module handler interface for invoking any hooks.
ContentLoader::$parsedContent protected property The parsed content.
ContentLoader::$parser protected property YAML parser.
ContentLoader::$path protected property The directory path where content and assets may be found for import.
ContentLoader::$processManager protected property
ContentLoader::buildEntity public function Build an entity from the provided content data. Overrides ContentLoaderInterface::buildEntity
ContentLoader::create public static function Instantiates a new instance of this class. Overrides ContainerInjectionInterface::create
ContentLoader::createEntity public function Create the entity based on basic properties.
ContentLoader::entityExists public function Query if a target entity already exists and should be updated.
ContentLoader::existenceCheck public function Returns whether or not the system should check for previous demo content.
ContentLoader::getContentAttributes protected function Get organized content attributes from import data.
ContentLoader::getContentPath public function Get a path prefix for all content files to be loaded from. Overrides ContentLoaderInterface::getContentPath
ContentLoader::getEntityLoadHelper protected function Get the EntityLoadHelper service.
ContentLoader::getEntityStorage protected function Load an entity storage handler.
ContentLoader::getEntityTypeDefinition protected function Load an entity type definition.
ContentLoader::getEntityTypeManager public function Get the EntityTypeManager service.
ContentLoader::getEventDispatcher protected function Get the event dispatcher service.
ContentLoader::getModuleHandler protected function Get the module handler service.
ContentLoader::getParser protected function Get the YAML parser service.
ContentLoader::getProcessManager protected function Get the ProcessManager service.
ContentLoader::loadContent public function Load all demo content for this loader. Overrides ContentLoaderInterface::loadContent
ContentLoader::parseContent public function Parse the given yaml content file into an array. Overrides ContentLoaderInterface::parseContent
ContentLoader::populateEntityFields public function Populate entity field data into an entity object.
ContentLoader::populateField public function Populate field content into the provided field.
ContentLoader::processDependency protected function Process a file flagged as a dependency.
ContentLoader::setContentPath public function Set a path prefix for all content files to be loaded from. Overrides ContentLoaderInterface::setContentPath
ContentLoader::setExistenceCheck public function Set the whether or not the system should check for previous demo content.
ContentLoader::__construct public function ContentLoader constructor.