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ContentLoaderTest.php in YAML Content 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\yaml_content\Unit\ContentLoader;

use Drupal\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher;
use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemList;
use Drupal\yaml_content\ContentLoader\ContentLoader;

 * Test generic functionality of the ContentLoader class.
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\yaml_content\ContentLoader\ContentLoader
 * @group yaml_content
class ContentLoaderTest extends ContentLoaderTestBase {

   * Test the setContentPath() method.
   * @covers ::setContentPath
  public function testSetPath() {
    $reflected_path = (new \ReflectionObject($this->contentLoader))
      ->url(), $reflected_path

   * Test general behavior of the parseContent() method.
   * @covers ::parseContent
   * @todo Test if $contentPath is not set
   * @todo Handle parse failure
   * @todo Test no array at top level of content
   * @todo Confirm array structure loaded
  public function testParseContent() {

   * Tests behavior when a content file is unavailable.
  public function testMissingContentFile() {
    $test_file = 'missing.content.yml';

    // Confirm the file is not actually present.

    // Prepare the path for the missing content file.

    // Parse the test file expecting an error for the missing file.

   * Tests the correct return value when parsing an empty file.
   * When parsing an empty file an empty array should be returned.
  public function testEmptyContentFile() {

    // Prepare an empty content file for parsing.
    $test_file = 'emptyFile.content.yml';
      ->createContentTestFile($test_file, '');

    // Get the mock content loader.
    $this->contentLoader = $this

    // Stub event dispatching.
    $event_dispatcher_mock = $this

    // Prepare and parse the empty content file.
    $parsed_content = $this->contentLoader

    // Confirm an empty array was returned.
      ->assertArrayEquals([], $parsed_content, 'Empty content files return an empty array.');

   * Test the entry point content loading behavior.
   * @covers ::loadContent
  public function testLoadContent() {

   * @covers ::populateField
  public function testPopulateFieldCardinalityZero() {
    $field_definition = new BaseFieldDefinition();
    $field = new FieldItemList($field_definition, 'foobar');
    $field_data = [];
      ->expectExceptionMessage("'foobar' cannot hold any values.");
      ->populateField($field, $field_data);

   * @covers ::populateField
  public function testPopulateFieldCardinalityTooMuchData() {
    $field_definition = new BaseFieldDefinition();
    $field = new FieldItemList($field_definition, 'foobar');
    $field_data = [
      ->expectExceptionMessage("'foobar' cannot hold more than 1 values. 3 values were parsed from the YAML file.");
      ->populateField($field, $field_data);

   * @covers ::populateField
  public function testPopulateFieldProcess() {
    $field_definition = new BaseFieldDefinition();
    $field = new FieldItemList($field_definition, 'foobar');
    $field_data = [
      ->markTestIncomplete('We cannot easily test processing is triggered because we cannot inject a Plugin Manager yet.');
      ->populateField($field, $field_data);



Namesort descending Description
ContentLoaderTest Test generic functionality of the ContentLoader class.