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Functions in Wysiwyg 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
wysiwyg_test_menu tests/wysiwyg_test.module Implements hook_menu().
wysiwyg_theme ./wysiwyg.module Implementation of hook_theme().
wysiwyg_themes_enabled ./wysiwyg.module Implements hook_themes_enabled().
wysiwyg_tinymce_editor editors/ Plugin implementation of hook_editor().
wysiwyg_tinymce_init editors/ Returns an initialization JavaScript for this editor library. 1
wysiwyg_tinymce_settings editors/ Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. 1
wysiwyg_tinymce_settings_form editors/ Enhances the editor profile settings form for TinyMCE. 1
wysiwyg_tinymce_settings_form_validate_blockformats editors/ #element_validate handler for theme_advanced_blockformats element added by wysiwyg_tinymce_settings_form(). 1
wysiwyg_tinymce_settings_form_validate_menu editors/ #element_validate handler for menu element added by wysiwyg_tinymce_settings_form(). 1
wysiwyg_tinymce_themes editors/ Determine available editor themes or check/reset a given one. 1
wysiwyg_tinymce_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1
wysiwyg_ui_profile_cache_get ./wysiwyg.module Specialized cache function to load a profile from the editing cache. 1
wysiwyg_ui_profile_cache_load ./wysiwyg.module Specialized menu callback to load a profile and check its locked status.
wysiwyg_ui_profile_cache_set ./wysiwyg.module Specialized cache function to add a profile to the editing cache. 1
wysiwyg_update_7000 ./wysiwyg.install Change {wysiwyg}.format into a string.
wysiwyg_update_7200 ./wysiwyg.install Create the {wysiwyg_user} table.
wysiwyg_update_7201 ./wysiwyg.install Update enabled font plugin buttons to default plugin in TinyMCE profiles.
wysiwyg_update_7202 ./wysiwyg.install Update internal names of settings.
wysiwyg_update_7203 ./wysiwyg.install Add primary index to {wysiwyg_user}.
wysiwyg_update_7204 ./wysiwyg.install Remove empty editor profiles and update existing profiles.
wysiwyg_update_7205 ./wysiwyg.install Check for profiles without add_to_summaries settings.
wysiwyg_update_dependencies ./wysiwyg.install Implements hook_update_dependencies().
wysiwyg_update_last_removed ./wysiwyg.install Implements hook_update_last_removed().
wysiwyg_user_get_status ./wysiwyg.module 2
wysiwyg_user_insert ./wysiwyg.module Implements hook_user_insert().
wysiwyg_user_update ./wysiwyg.module Implements hook_user_update(). 1
wysiwyg_whizzywig_editor editors/ Plugin implementation of hook_editor().
wysiwyg_whizzywig_settings editors/ Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. 1
wysiwyg_whizzywig_settings_form editors/ Enhances the editor profile settings form for Whizzywig. 1
wysiwyg_whizzywig_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1
wysiwyg_wrap_js_callback ./wysiwyg.module Create a placeholder structure for JavaScript callbacks. 2
wysiwyg_wrap_js_regexp ./wysiwyg.module Create a placeholder structure for JavaScript RegExp objects. 1
wysiwyg_wymeditor_editor editors/ Plugin implementation of hook_editor().
wysiwyg_wymeditor_settings editors/ Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. 1
wysiwyg_wymeditor_settings_form editors/ Enhances the editor profile settings form for WYMeditor. 1
wysiwyg_wymeditor_themes editors/ Determine available editor themes or check/reset a given one. 1
wysiwyg_wymeditor_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1
wysiwyg_yui_button_setting editors/ Create the JavaScript structure for a YUI button. 1
wysiwyg_yui_editor editors/ Plugin implementation of hook_editor().
wysiwyg_yui_install_note editors/ Return an install note. 1
wysiwyg_yui_load editors/ Perform additional actions upon loading this editor. 1
wysiwyg_yui_settings editors/ Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. 1
wysiwyg_yui_settings_form editors/ Enhances the editor profile settings form for YUI. 1
wysiwyg_yui_themes editors/ Determine available editor themes or check/reset a given one. 1
wysiwyg_yui_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1
_wysiwyg_ckeditor_group editors/ Define grouping for ckEditor buttons.
_wysiwyg_ckeditor_plugins editors/ Return internal plugins for this editor; semi-implementation of hook_wysiwyg_plugin(). 1
_wysiwyg_ckeditor_plugin_meta editors/ Build a JS settings array with global metadata for native external plugins. 1
_wysiwyg_ckeditor_proxy_plugin_settings editors/ Build a JS settings array for Drupal plugins loaded via the proxy plugin. 1
_wysiwyg_ckeditor_settings_acf_is_obj editors/ Determine if string is supposed to be ACF obj format. 2


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