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function _wysiwyg_ckeditor_plugins in Wysiwyg 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 editors/ \_wysiwyg_ckeditor_plugins()

Return internal plugins for this editor; semi-implementation of hook_wysiwyg_plugin().

1 string reference to '_wysiwyg_ckeditor_plugins'
wysiwyg_ckeditor_editor in editors/
Plugin implementation of hook_editor().


editors/, line 746
Editor integration functions for CKEditor.


function _wysiwyg_ckeditor_plugins($editor) {
  $plugins = array(
    'default' => array(
      'buttons' => array(
        'Bold' => t('Bold'),
        'Italic' => t('Italic'),
        'Underline' => t('Underline'),
        'Strike' => t('Strike through'),
        'JustifyLeft' => t('Align left'),
        'JustifyCenter' => t('Center'),
        'JustifyRight' => t('Align right'),
        'JustifyBlock' => t('Justify'),
        'BulletedList' => t('Insert/Remove Bullet list'),
        'NumberedList' => t('Insert/Remove Numbered list'),
        'BidiLtr' => t('Left-to-right'),
        'BidiRtl' => t('Right-to-left'),
        'Outdent' => t('Outdent'),
        'Indent' => t('Indent'),
        'Undo' => t('Undo'),
        'Redo' => t('Redo'),
        'Link' => t('Link'),
        'Unlink' => t('Unlink'),
        'Anchor' => t('Anchor'),
        'Image' => t('Image'),
        'TextColor' => t('Text color'),
        'BGColor' => t('Background color'),
        'Superscript' => t('Superscript'),
        'Subscript' => t('Subscript'),
        'Blockquote' => t('Block quote'),
        'Source' => t('Source code'),
        'HorizontalRule' => t('Horizontal rule'),
        'Cut' => t('Cut'),
        'Copy' => t('Copy'),
        'Paste' => t('Paste'),
        'PasteText' => t('Paste Text'),
        'PasteFromWord' => t('Paste from Word'),
        'ShowBlocks' => t('Show blocks'),
        'RemoveFormat' => t('Remove format'),
        'SpecialChar' => t('Character map'),
        'Format' => t('HTML block format'),
        'Font' => t('Font'),
        'FontSize' => t('Font size'),
        'Styles' => t('Font style'),
        'Table' => t('Table'),
        'SelectAll' => t('Select all'),
        'Find' => t('Search'),
        'Replace' => t('Replace'),
        'Flash' => t('Flash'),
        'Smiley' => t('Smiley'),
        'CreateDiv' => t('Div container'),
        'Iframe' => t('IFrame'),
        'Maximize' => t('Maximize'),
        'SpellChecker' => t('Check spelling'),
        'Scayt' => t('Spell check as you type'),
        'About' => t('About'),
        'Templates' => t('Templates'),
        'CopyFormatting' => t('Copy Formatting'),
      'internal' => TRUE,
  if (version_compare($editor['installed version'], '', '<')) {
  if (version_compare($editor['installed version'], '', '<')) {
  if (version_compare($editor['installed version'], '', '<')) {
  if (version_compare($editor['installed version'], '4.6.0', '<')) {
  return $plugins;