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Functions in Wysiwyg 5.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_INCLUDE_plugin ./wysiwyg.api.php Define a Wysiwyg plugin.
hook_wysiwyg_include_directory ./wysiwyg.api.php Register a directory containing Wysiwyg plugins.
hook_wysiwyg_plugin ./wysiwyg.api.php Return an array of native editor plugins.
template_preprocess_wysiwyg_dialog_page ./ Template preprocess function for theme_wysiwyg_dialog_page(). 1
theme_wysiwyg_admin_button_table ./ Layout for the buttons in the Wysiwyg Editor profile form.
theme_wysiwyg_dialog_page ./ Render a single Wysiwyg (plugin) dialog page. (D5 only)
theme_wysiwyg_profile_overview ./ Return HTML for the Wysiwyg profile overview form.
wysiwyg_add_editor_settings ./wysiwyg.module Add editor settings for a given input format. 1
wysiwyg_add_plugin_settings ./wysiwyg.module Add settings for external plugins. 1
wysiwyg_break_plugin plugins/ Implementation of hook_wysiwyg_plugin().
wysiwyg_ckeditor_editor editors/ Plugin implementation of hook_editor().
wysiwyg_ckeditor_install_note editors/ Return an install note. 1
wysiwyg_ckeditor_plugins editors/ Return internal plugins for this editor; semi-implementation of hook_wysiwyg_plugin(). 1
wysiwyg_ckeditor_plugin_settings editors/ Build a JS settings array of native external plugins that need to be loaded separately. 1
wysiwyg_ckeditor_proxy_plugin_settings editors/ Build a JS settings array for Drupal plugins loaded via the proxy plugin. 1
wysiwyg_ckeditor_settings editors/ Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. 1
wysiwyg_ckeditor_themes editors/ Determine available editor themes or check/reset a given one. 1
wysiwyg_ckeditor_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1
wysiwyg_dialog ./ Menu callback; Output a wysiwyg plugin dialog page. 1
wysiwyg_enable ./wysiwyg.install Implementation of hook_enable().
wysiwyg_fckeditor_editor editors/ Plugin implementation of hook_editor().
wysiwyg_fckeditor_plugins editors/ Return internal plugins for this editor; semi-implementation of hook_wysiwyg_plugin(). 1
wysiwyg_fckeditor_plugin_settings editors/ Build a JS settings array of native external plugins that need to be loaded separately. 1
wysiwyg_fckeditor_proxy_plugin_settings editors/ Build a JS settings array for Drupal plugins loaded via the proxy plugin. 1
wysiwyg_fckeditor_settings editors/ Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. 1
wysiwyg_fckeditor_themes editors/ Determine available editor themes or check/reset a given one. 1
wysiwyg_fckeditor_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1
wysiwyg_form_alter ./wysiwyg.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
wysiwyg_get_all_editors ./wysiwyg.module Compile a list holding all supported editors including installed editor version information. 2
wysiwyg_get_all_plugins ./wysiwyg.module Invoke hook_wysiwyg_plugin() in all modules. 3
wysiwyg_get_css ./wysiwyg.module Retrieve stylesheets for HTML/IFRAME-based editors. 6
wysiwyg_get_directories ./wysiwyg.module Return a list of directories by modules implementing wysiwyg_include_directory(). 1
wysiwyg_get_editor ./wysiwyg.module Return library information for a given editor. 6
wysiwyg_get_editor_config ./wysiwyg.module Return an array of initial editor settings for a Wysiwyg profile. 1
wysiwyg_get_editor_themes ./wysiwyg.module Retrieve available themes for an editor. 1
wysiwyg_get_libraries ./wysiwyg.module Return an array of library directories. 1
wysiwyg_get_path ./wysiwyg.module Helper function to build paths to libraries. 7
wysiwyg_get_plugins ./wysiwyg.module Return plugin metadata from the plugin registry. 7
wysiwyg_get_profile ./wysiwyg.module Determine the profile to use for a given input format id. 1
wysiwyg_help ./wysiwyg.module Implementation of hook_help().
wysiwyg_install ./wysiwyg.install Implementation of hook_install().
wysiwyg_jwysiwyg_editor editors/ Plugin implementation of hook_editor().
wysiwyg_jwysiwyg_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1
wysiwyg_load_editor ./wysiwyg.module Load an editor library and initialize basic Wysiwyg settings. 1
wysiwyg_load_includes ./wysiwyg.module Load include files for wysiwyg implemented by all modules. 2
wysiwyg_markitup_editor editors/ Plugin implementation of hook_editor().
wysiwyg_markitup_plugins editors/ Return internal plugins for this editor; semi-implementation of hook_wysiwyg_plugin(). 1
wysiwyg_markitup_settings editors/ Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. 1
wysiwyg_markitup_themes editors/ Determine available editor themes or check/reset a given one. 1
wysiwyg_markitup_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1


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