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function _workflow_info_field in Workflow 7.2

A wrapper around field_info_field.

This is to hide implementation details of workflow_node.


string $field_name: The name of a Workflow Field. Can be empty if fetching Workflow Node.

Workflow $workflow: Workflow object. Can be NULL. For a workflow_field, no $workflow is needed, since info is in field itself. For a workflow_node, $workflow provides additional data in return.

Return value

array Field info structure. Pseudo data for workflow_node.

11 calls to _workflow_info_field()
workflownode_node_delete in workflow_node/workflownode.module
Implements hook_node_delete().
workflownode_node_view in workflow_node/workflownode.module
Implements hook_node_view().
WorkflowTransition::execute in includes/Entity/WorkflowTransition.php
Execute a transition (change state of a node).
WorkflowTransitionForm::buildForm in includes/Form/WorkflowTransitionForm.php
workflow_block_view in ./
Implements hook_block_view().

... See full list


./workflow.module, line 1141
Support workflows made up of arbitrary states.


function _workflow_info_field($field_name, $workflow = NULL) {

  // @todo D8: remove this function when we only use workflow_field.
  $field = array();
  if ($field_name) {
    $field = field_info_field($field_name);
  else {
    $field['field_name'] = '';
    $field['id'] = 0;
    $field['settings']['wid'] = 0;
    $field['settings']['widget'] = array();
    if ($workflow != NULL) {

      // $field['settings']['wid'] can be both: numeric or named.
      $field['settings']['wid'] = $workflow->wid;

      // @todo: to make this exportable: use machine_name??
      $field['settings']['widget'] = $workflow->options;
      $field['settings']['history']['roles'] = $workflow->tab_roles;
      $field['settings']['history']['history_tab_show'] = TRUE;

      // @todo: add a setting for this in workflow_node.

    // Add default values.
    $field['settings']['widget'] += array(
      'name_as_title' => TRUE,
      'fieldset' => 0,
      'options' => 'radios',
      'schedule' => TRUE,
      'schedule_timezone' => TRUE,
      'comment_log_node' => TRUE,
      'comment_log_tab' => TRUE,
      'watchdog_log' => TRUE,
      'history_tab_show' => TRUE,
  return $field;