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WorkflowTransition.php in Workflow 7.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7 includes/Entity/WorkflowTransition.php

Contains workflow\includes\Entity\WorkflowTransition. Contains workflow\includes\Entity\WorkflowTransitionController.

Implements (scheduled/executed) state transitions on entities.


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 * @file
 * Contains workflow\includes\Entity\WorkflowTransition.
 * Contains workflow\includes\Entity\WorkflowTransitionController.
 * Implements (scheduled/executed) state transitions on entities.

 * Implements an actual Transition.
 * If a transition is executed, the new state is saved in the Field or {workflow_node}.
 * If a transition is saved, it is saved in table {workflow_history_node}
class WorkflowTransition extends Entity {

  // Field data.
  public $entity_type;
  public $field_name = '';
  public $language = LANGUAGE_NONE;
  public $delta = 0;

  // Entity data.
  public $revision_id;
  public $entity_id;

  // Use WorkflowTransition->getEntity() to fetch this.
  public $nid;

  // @todo D8: remove $nid, use $entity_id. (requires conversion of Views displays.)
  // Transition data.
  // public $hid = 0;
  public $wid = 0;
  public $old_sid = 0;
  public $new_sid = 0;
  public $sid = 0;

  // @todo D8: remove $sid, use $new_sid. (requires conversion of Views displays.)
  public $uid = 0;

  // Use WorkflowTransition->getUser() to fetch this.
  public $stamp;
  public $comment = '';

  // Cached data, from $this->entity_id and $this->uid.
  protected $entity = NULL;

  // Use WorkflowTransition->getEntity() to fetch this.
  protected $user = NULL;

  // Use WorkflowTransition->getUser() to fetch this.
  // Extra data.
  protected $is_scheduled = NULL;
  protected $is_executed = NULL;
  protected $force = NULL;

   * Entity class functions.

   * Creates a new entity.
   * @param array $values
   *   The initial values.
   * @param string $entityType
   *   The entity type of this Entity subclass.
   * @see entity_create()
   * No arguments passed, when loading from DB.
   * All arguments must be passed, when creating an object programmatically.
   * One argument $entity may be passed, only to directly call delete() afterwards.
  public function __construct(array $values = array(), $entityType = 'WorkflowTransition') {

    // Please be aware that $entity_type and $entityType are different things!
    parent::__construct($values, $entityType);
    $this->hid = isset($this->hid) ? $this->hid : 0;

    // This transition is not scheduled
    $this->is_scheduled = FALSE;

    // This transition is not executed, if it has no hid, yet, upon load.
    $this->is_executed = $this->hid > 0;

    // Fill the 'new' fields correctly. @todo D8: rename these fields in db table.
    $this->entity_id = $this->nid;
    $this->new_sid = $this->sid;

    // Initialize wid, if not set.
    if ($this->old_sid && !$this->wid) {

   * Helper function for __construct. Used for all children of WorkflowTransition (aka WorkflowScheduledTransition)
   * @param $entity_type
   * @param $entity
   * @param $field_name
   * @param $old_sid
   * @param $new_sid
   * @param null $uid
   * @param int $stamp
   * @param string $comment
  public function setValues($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $old_sid, $new_sid, $uid = NULL, $stamp = REQUEST_TIME, $comment = '') {

    // Normally, the values are passed in an array, and set in parent::__construct, but we do it ourselves.
    // (But there is no objection to do it there.)
    global $user;
    $this->entity_type = !$entity_type ? $this->entity_type : $entity_type;
    $this->field_name = !$field_name ? $this->field_name : $field_name;
    $uid = $uid === NULL ? $user->uid : $uid;

    // If constructor is called with new() and arguments.
    // Load the supplied entity.
    if ($entity && !$entity_type) {

      // Not all parameters are passed programmatically.
      drupal_set_message(t('Wrong call to new Workflow*Transition()'), 'error');
    elseif ($entity) {
        ->setEntity($entity_type, $entity);
    if (!$entity && !$old_sid && !$new_sid) {

      // If constructor is called without arguments, e.g., loading from db.
    elseif ($entity && $old_sid) {

      // Caveat: upon entity_delete, $new_sid is '0'.
      // If constructor is called with new() and arguments.
      $this->old_sid = $old_sid;
      $this->sid = $new_sid;
      $this->uid = $uid;
      $this->stamp = $stamp;
      $this->comment = $comment;

      // Set language. Multi-language is not supported for Workflow Node.
      $this->language = _workflow_metadata_workflow_get_properties($entity, array(), 'langcode', $entity_type, $field_name);
    elseif (!$old_sid) {

      // Not all parameters are passed programmatically.
      drupal_set_message(t('Wrong call to constructor Workflow*Transition(@old_sid to @new_sid)', array(
        '@old_sid' => $old_sid,
        '@new_sid' => $new_sid,
      )), 'error');

    // Fill the 'new' fields correctly. @todo D8: rename these fields in db table.
    $this->entity_id = $this->nid;
    $this->new_sid = $this->sid;

    // Initialize wid, if not set.
    if ($this->old_sid && !$this->wid) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function defaultLabel() {

    // @todo; Should return title of WorkflowConfigTransition. Make it a superclass??
    return t('Workflow transition !hid', array(
      '!hid' => 3,

  //  protected function defaultUri() {
  //    return array('path' => 'workflow_transition/' . $this->hid);
  //  }

   * CRUD functions.

   * Given a node, get all transitions for it.
   * Since this may return a lot of data, a limit is included to allow for only one result.
   * @param string $entity_type
   * @param array $entity_ids
   * @param string $field_name
   *   Optional. Can be NULL, if you want to load any field.
   * @param null $limit
   * @param string $langcode
   * @return array
   *   An array of WorkflowTransitions.
  public static function loadMultiple($entity_type, array $entity_ids, $field_name = '', $limit = NULL, $langcode = '') {
    $query = db_select('workflow_node_history', 'h');
      ->condition('h.entity_type', $entity_type);
    if ($entity_ids) {
        ->condition('h.nid', $entity_ids);
    if ($field_name !== NULL) {

      // If we do not know/care for the field_name, fetch all history.
      // E.g., in workflow.tokens.
        ->condition('h.field_name', $field_name);

    // Add selection on language.
    // Workflow Node: only has 'und'.
    // Workflow Field: untranslated field have 'und'.
    // Workflow Field: translated fields may be specified.
    if ($langcode) {
        ->condition('h.language', $langcode);

    // The timestamp is only granular to the second; on a busy site, we need the id.
    // $query->orderBy('h.stamp', 'DESC');
      ->orderBy('h.hid', 'DESC');
    if ($limit) {
        ->range(0, $limit);
    $result = $query
      ->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'WorkflowTransition');
    return $result;

   * Property functions.

   * Verifies if the given transition is allowed.
   * - In settings;
   * - In permissions;
   * - By permission hooks, implemented by other modules.
   * @param $roles
   * @param $user
   * @param $force
   * @return bool TRUE if OK, else FALSE.
   *   TRUE if OK, else FALSE.
   * Having both $roles AND $user seems redundant, but $roles have been
   * tampered with, even though they belong to the $user.
   * @see WorkflowConfigTransition::isAllowed()
  protected function isAllowed($roles, $user, $force) {
    if ($force || $user->uid == 1) {
      return TRUE;

    // Check allow-ability of state change if user is not superuser (might be cron).
    // Get the WorkflowConfigTransition.
    // @todo: some day, WorkflowConfigTransition can be a parent of WorkflowTransition.
    $workflow = $this
    $config_transitions = $workflow
      ->getTransitionsBySidTargetSid($this->old_sid, $this->new_sid);
    $config_transition = reset($config_transitions);
    if (!$config_transition || !$config_transition
      ->isAllowed($roles)) {
      $t_args = array(
        '%old_sid' => $this->old_sid,
        '%new_sid' => $this->new_sid,
      watchdog('workflow', 'Attempt to go to nonexistent transition (from %old_sid to %new_sid)', $t_args, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

   * Execute a transition (change state of a node).
   * @param bool $force
   *   If set to TRUE, workflow permissions will be ignored.
   * @return int
   *   New state ID. If execution failed, old state ID is returned,
   * deprecated workflow_execute_transition() --> WorkflowTransition::execute().
  public function execute($force = FALSE) {
    $user = $this
    $old_sid = $this->old_sid;
    $new_sid = $this->new_sid;

    // Load the entity, if not already loaded.
    // This also sets the (empty) $revision_id in Scheduled Transitions.
    $entity = $this

    // Only after getEntity(), the following are surely set.
    $entity_type = $this->entity_type;
    $entity_id = $this->entity_id;
    $field_name = $this->field_name;

    // Make sure $force is set in the transition, too.
    if ($force) {
    $force = $this

    // Prepare an array of arguments for error messages.
    $args = array(
      '%user' => isset($user->name) ? $user->name : '',
      '%old' => $old_sid,
      '%new' => $new_sid,
    if (!$this
      ->getOldState()) {
      drupal_set_message($message = t('You tried to set a Workflow State, but
        the entity is not relevant. Please contact your system administrator.'), 'error');
      $message = 'Setting a non-relevant Entity from state %old to %new';
      $uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity);
      watchdog('workflow', $message, $args, WATCHDOG_ERROR, l('view', $uri['path']));
      return $old_sid;

    // Check if the state has changed.
    $state_changed = $old_sid != $new_sid;

    // If so, check the permissions.
    if ($state_changed) {

      // State has changed. Do some checks upfront.
      if (!$force) {

        // Make sure this transition is allowed by workflow module Admin UI.
        $roles = array_keys($user->roles);
        $roles = array_merge(array(
        ), $roles);
        if (!$this
          ->isAllowed($roles, $user, $force)) {
          watchdog('workflow', 'User %user not allowed to go from state %old to %new', $args, WATCHDOG_NOTICE);

          // If incorrect, quit.
          return $old_sid;
      if (!$force) {

        // Make sure this transition is allowed by custom module.
        // @todo D8: remove, or replace by 'transition pre'. See WorkflowState::getOptions().
        // @todo D8: replace all parameters that are included in $transition.
        $permitted = module_invoke_all('workflow', 'transition permitted', $old_sid, $new_sid, $entity, $force, $entity_type, $field_name, $this, $user);

        // Stop if a module says so.
        if (in_array(FALSE, $permitted, TRUE)) {
          watchdog('workflow', 'Transition vetoed by module.');
          return $old_sid;

      // Make sure this transition is valid and allowed for the current user.
      // Invoke a callback indicating a transition is about to occur.
      // Modules may veto the transition by returning FALSE.
      // (Even if $force is TRUE, but they shouldn't do that.)
      $permitted = module_invoke_all('workflow', 'transition pre', $old_sid, $new_sid, $entity, $force, $entity_type, $field_name, $this);

      // Stop if a module says so.
      if (in_array(FALSE, $permitted, TRUE)) {
        watchdog('workflow', 'Transition vetoed by module.');
        return $old_sid;
    elseif ($this->comment) {

      // No need to ask permission for adding comments.
      // Since you should not add actions to a 'transition pre' event, there is
      // no need to invoke the event.
    else {

      // There is no state change, and no comment.
      // We may need to clean up something.
    if ($state_changed || $this->comment) {

      // Store the transition, so it can be easily fetched later on.
      // Store in an array, to prepare for multiple workflow_fields per entity.
      // This is a.o. used in hook_entity_update to trigger 'transition post'.
      // Only add the Transition once! or you will encounter endless loops in
      // hook_entity_update() in workflow_actions_entity_update et all.
      if (!isset($entity->workflow_transitions[$field_name])) {
        $entity->workflow_transitions[$field_name] =& $this;

      // The transition is allowed. Let other modules modify the comment.
      // @todo D8: remove all but last items from $context.
      $context = array(
        'node' => $entity,
        'sid' => $new_sid,
        'old_sid' => $old_sid,
        'uid' => $user->uid,
        'transition' => $this,
      drupal_alter('workflow_comment', $this->comment, $context);

    // Now, change the database.
    // Log the new state in {workflow_node}.
    if (!$field_name) {
      if ($state_changed || $this->comment) {

        // If the node does not have an existing 'workflow' property,
        // save the $old_sid there, so it can be logged.
        if (!isset($entity->workflow)) {

          // This is a workflow_node sid.
          $entity->workflow = $old_sid;

          // This is a workflow_node sid.

        // Change the state for {workflow_node}.
        // The equivalent for Field API is in WorkflowDefaultWidget::submit.
        $data = array(
          'nid' => $entity_id,
          'sid' => $new_sid,
          'uid' => isset($entity->workflow_uid) ? $entity->workflow_uid : $user->uid,
          'stamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
        $entity->workflow = $new_sid;

        // This is a workflow_node sid.
    else {

      // This is a Workflow Field.
      // Until now, adding code here (instead of in workflow_execute_transition() )
      // doesn't work, creating an endless loop.
      // Update 10-dec-2016: the following line, added above, may have resolved that.
      //     if (!isset($entity->workflow_transitions[$field_name]))

           if ($state_changed || $this->comment) {
             // Do a separate update to update the field (Workflow Field API)
             // This will call hook_field_update() and WorkflowFieldDefaultWidget::submit().
             // $entity->{$field_name}[$this->language] = array();
             // $entity->{$field_name}[$this->language][0]['workflow']['workflow_sid'] = $new_sid;
             // $entity->{$field_name}[$this->language][0]['workflow']['workflow_comment'] = $this->comment;
             $entity->{$field_name}[$this->language][0]['transition'] = $this;

             // Save the entity, but not through entity_save(),
             // since this will check permissions again and trigger rules.
             // @TODO: replace below by a workflow_field setter callback.
             // The transition was successfully executed, or else a message was raised.
      //        entity_save($entity_type, $entity);
             // or
      //        field_attach_update($entity_type, $entity);

             // Reset the entity cache after update.

             $new_sid = workflow_node_current_state($entity, $entity_type, $field_name);
    $this->is_executed = TRUE;
    if ($state_changed || $this->comment) {

      // Log the transition in {workflow_node_history}.

      // Register state change with watchdog.
      if ($state_changed) {
        $workflow = $this

        // Get the workflow_settings, unified for workflow_node and workflow_field.
        // @todo D8: move settings back to Workflow (like workflownode currently is).
        // @todo D8: to move settings back, grep for "workflow->options" and "field['settings']".
        $field = _workflow_info_field($field_name, $workflow);
        if (($new_state = $this
          ->getNewState()) && !empty($field['settings']['watchdog_log'])) {
          $entity_type_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
          $message = $this
            ->isScheduled() ? 'Scheduled state change of @type %label to %state_name executed' : 'State of @type %label set to %state_name';
          $args = array(
            '@type' => $entity_type_info['label'],
            '%label' => entity_label($entity_type, $entity),
            '%state_name' => $new_state
          $uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity);
          watchdog('workflow', $message, $args, WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l('view', $uri['path']));

      // Remove any scheduled state transitions.
      foreach (WorkflowScheduledTransition::load($entity_type, $entity_id, $field_name) as $scheduled_transition) {

        /* @var $scheduled_transition WorkflowScheduledTransition */

      // Notify modules that transition has occurred.
      // Action triggers should take place in response to this callback, not the 'transaction pre'.
      if (!$field_name) {

        // Now that workflow data is saved, reset stuff to avoid problems
        // when Rules etc want to resave the data.
        // Remember, this is only for nodes, and node_save() is not necessarily performed.
        module_invoke_all('workflow', 'transition post', $old_sid, $new_sid, $entity, $force, $entity_type, $field_name, $this);

        // from entity_load(), node_save();
      else {

        // module_invoke_all('workflow', 'transition post', $old_sid, $new_sid, $entity, $force, $entity_type, $field_name, $this);
        // We have a problem here with Rules, Trigger, etc. when invoking
        // 'transition post': the entity has not been saved, yet. we are still
        // IN the transition, not AFTER. Alternatives:
        // 1. Save the field here explicitly, using field_attach_save;
        // 2. Move the invoke to another place: hook_entity_insert(), hook_entity_update();
        // 3. Rely on the entity hooks. This works for Rules, not for Trigger.
        // --> We choose option 2:
        // - First, $entity->workflow_transitions[] is set for easy re-fetching.
        // - Then, post_execute() is invoked via workflowfield_entity_insert(), _update().
    return $new_sid;

   * Invokes 'transition post'.
   * Add the possibility to invoke the hook from elsewhere.
  public function post_execute($force = FALSE) {
    $old_sid = $this->old_sid;
    $new_sid = $this->new_sid;
    $entity = $this

    // Entity may not be loaded, yet.
    $entity_type = $this->entity_type;

    // $entity_id = $this->entity_id;
    $field_name = $this->field_name;
    $state_changed = $old_sid != $new_sid;
    if ($state_changed || $this->comment) {
      module_invoke_all('workflow', 'transition post', $old_sid, $new_sid, $entity, $force, $entity_type, $field_name, $this);

   * Get the Transitions $workflow.
   * @return Workflow|NULL
   *   The workflow for this Transition.
  public function getWorkflow() {
    $workflow = NULL;
    if (!$this->wid) {
      $state = workflow_state_load_single($this->new_sid ? $this->new_sid : $this->old_sid);
      $this->wid = (int) $state->wid;
    if ($this->wid) {
      $workflow = workflow_load($this->wid);
    return $workflow;

   * Get the Transitions $entity.
   * @return object
   *   The entity, that is added to the Transition.
  public function getEntity() {
    if (empty($this->entity) && $this->entity_type) {
      $entity_type = $this->entity_type;
      $entity_id = $this->entity_id;
      $entity = entity_load_single($entity_type, $entity_id);

      // Set the entity cache.
      $this->entity = $entity;

      // Make sure the vid of Entity and Transition are equal.
      // Especially for Scheduled Transition, that do not have this set, yet,
      // or may have an outdated revision ID.
      $info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
      $revision_key = $info['entity keys']['revision'];
      $this->revision_id = isset($entity->{$revision_key}) ? $entity->{$revision_key} : NULL;
    return $this->entity;

   * Set the Transitions $entity.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The entity type of the entity.
   * @param mixed $entity
   *   The Entity ID or the Entity object, to add to the Transition.
   * @return object $entity
   *   The Entity, that is added to the Transition.
  public function setEntity($entity_type, $entity) {
    if (!is_object($entity)) {
      $entity_id = $entity;

      // Use node API or Entity API to load the object first.
      $entity = entity_load_single($entity_type, $entity_id);
    $this->entity = $entity;
    $this->entity_type = $entity_type;
    list($this->entity_id, $this->revision_id, ) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);

    // For backwards compatibility, set nid.
    $this->nid = $this->entity_id;
    return $this->entity;
  public function getUser() {
    if (!isset($this->user) || $this->user->uid != $this->uid) {
      $this->user = user_load($this->uid);
    return $this->user;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFieldName() {
    return $this->field_name;

   * Functions, common to the WorkflowTransitions.
  public function getOldState() {
    return workflow_state_load_single($this->old_sid);
  public function getNewState() {
    return workflow_state_load_single($this->new_sid);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getComment() {
    return $this->comment;

   * Returns the time on which the transitions was or will be executed.
   * @return mixed
  public function getTimestamp() {
    return $this->stamp;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getTimestampFormatted() {
    $timestamp = $this->stamp;
    return format_date($timestamp);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setTimestamp($value) {
    $this->stamp = $value;
    return $this;

   * Returns if this is a Scheduled Transition.
  public function isScheduled() {
    return $this->is_scheduled;
  public function schedule($schedule = TRUE) {
    return $this->is_scheduled = $schedule;
  public function isExecuted() {
    return $this->is_executed;

   * A transition may be forced skipping checks.
  public function isForced() {
    return (bool) $this->force;
  public function force($force = TRUE) {
    return $this->force = $force;

   * Helper debugging function to easily show the contents fo a transition.
  public function dpm($function = '') {
    $transition = $this;
    $entity = $transition
    $entity_type = $transition->entity_type;
    list($entity_id, , $entity_bundle) = $entity ? entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity) : array(
    $time = $transition

    // Do this extensive $user_name lines, for some troubles with Action.
    $user = $transition
    $user_name = $user ? $user->name : 'unknown username';
    $t_string = get_class($this) . ' ' . (isset($this->hid) ? $this->hid : '') . ' ' . ($function ? "in function '{$function}'" : '');
    $output[] = 'Entity  = ' . (!$entity ? 'NULL' : $entity_type . '/' . $entity_bundle . '/' . $entity_id);
    $output[] = 'Field   = ' . $transition
    $output[] = 'From/To = ' . $transition->old_sid . ' > ' . $transition->new_sid . ' @ ' . $time;
    $output[] = 'Comment = ' . $user_name . ' says: ' . $transition
    $output[] = 'Forced  = ' . ($transition
      ->isForced() ? 'yes' : 'no');
    if (function_exists('dpm')) {
      dpm($output, $t_string);


 * Implements a controller class for WorkflowTransition.
 * The 'true' controller class is 'Workflow'.
class WorkflowTransitionController extends EntityAPIController {

   * Overrides DrupalDefaultEntityController::cacheGet().
   * Override default function, due to core issue #1572466.
  protected function cacheGet($ids, $conditions = array()) {

    // Load any available entities from the internal cache.
    if ($ids === FALSE && !$conditions) {
      return $this->entityCache;
    return parent::cacheGet($ids, $conditions);

   * Insert (no update) a transition.
   * deprecated workflow_insert_workflow_node_history() --> WorkflowTransition::save()
  public function save($entity, DatabaseTransaction $transaction = NULL) {

    // Check for no transition.
    if ($entity->old_sid == $entity->new_sid) {
      if (!$entity->comment) {

        // Write comment into history though.
    if (empty($entity->hid)) {

      // Insert the transition. Make sure it hasn't already been inserted.
      $last_history = workflow_transition_load_single($entity->entity_type, $entity->entity_id, $entity->field_name, $entity->language);
      if ($last_history && $last_history->stamp == REQUEST_TIME && $last_history->new_sid == $entity->new_sid) {
      else {
        $entity->stamp = isset($entity->stamp) ? $entity->stamp : REQUEST_TIME;
        return parent::save($entity, $transaction);
    else {

      // Update the transition.
      return parent::save($entity, $transaction);



Namesort descending Description
WorkflowTransition Implements an actual Transition.
WorkflowTransitionController Implements a controller class for WorkflowTransition.