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25 calls to workflow_state_load_single() in Workflow 7.2

Workflow::getNextSid in includes/Entity/Workflow.php
Returns the next state for the current state.
Workflow::getState in includes/Entity/Workflow.php
Gets a state for a given workflow.
WorkflowConfigTransition::getNewState in includes/Entity/WorkflowConfigTransition.php
WorkflowConfigTransition::getOldState in includes/Entity/WorkflowConfigTransition.php
workflowfield_field_formatter_view in workflow_field/
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
workflowfield_options_list in workflow_field/
Implements hook_options_list().
workflownode_node_view in workflow_node/workflownode.module
Implements hook_node_view().
WorkflowTransition::getNewState in includes/Entity/WorkflowTransition.php
WorkflowTransition::getOldState in includes/Entity/WorkflowTransition.php
Functions, common to the WorkflowTransitions.
WorkflowTransition::getWorkflow in includes/Entity/WorkflowTransition.php
Get the Transitions $workflow.
WorkflowTransitionForm::buildForm in includes/Form/WorkflowTransitionForm.php
WorkflowTransitionForm::getTransition in includes/Form/WorkflowTransitionForm.php
Extract WorkflowTransition or WorkflowScheduledTransition from the form.
workflow_admin_ui_states_form_submit in workflow_admin_ui/
Submission handler for the state form.
workflow_admin_ui_states_form_validate in workflow_admin_ui/
Validation handler for the state form.
workflow_block_view in ./
Implements hook_block_view().
workflow_delete_workflow_states_by_sid in ./
Given a sid, delete the state and all associated data.
workflow_field_choices in ./
Get the states current user can move to for a given node.
workflow_get_sid_label in ./workflow.module
Helper function, to get the label of a given state.
workflow_revert_form in workflow_revert/
Menu callback to do the revert function.
workflow_state_formatter in ./workflow.module
Creates a form element to show the current value of a Workflow state.
workflow_tab_page in ./
Menu callback. Display workflow summary of a node.
workflow_update_workflow_states in ./
Save (update/insert) a Workflow State into table {workflow_states}.
workflow_vbo_given_state_action_form in workflow_vbo/actions/
Configuration form for "Change workflow state of post to new state" action.
workflow_views_handler_field_sid::render in workflow_views/handlers/
Render the field.
_workflow_tokens_get_transition in ./
Helper function to get the Transition.