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function workflowfield_field_formatter_view in Workflow 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 workflow_field/ \workflowfield_field_formatter_view()

Implements hook_field_formatter_view().

Shows current State + Widget on a Node View page or a Workflow History tab.


workflow_field/, line 25
Defines a Workflow formatter. You won't find a DefaultFormatter, because:


function workflowfield_field_formatter_view($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE, $items = array(), $display = array()) {
  global $user;

  // @todo #2287057: OK?
  // @todo: Perhaps global user is not always the correct user.
  // E.g., on ScheduledTransition->execute()? But this function is mostly used in UI.
  $field_name = isset($field['field_name']) ? $field['field_name'] : '';
  $field_id = isset($field['id']) ? $field['id'] : 0;
  $current_sid = workflow_node_current_state($entity, $entity_type, $field_name);
  $current_state = workflow_state_load_single($current_sid);
  $list_element = array();
  if ($field_name) {

    // First compose the current value with the normal formatter from list.module.
    $list_element = workflow_state_formatter($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $current_sid);
  elseif (!empty($field['settings']['widget']['current_status'])) {
    $list_element = workflow_state_formatter($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $current_sid);

  // Check permission, so that even with state change rights,
  // the form can be suppressed from the node view (#1893724).
  if (!user_access('show workflow state form')) {
    return $list_element;
  if ($entity_type == 'comment') {

    // No Workflow form allowed on a comment display.
    // (Also, this avoids a lot of error messages.)
    return $list_element;

  // Only build form if user has possible target state(s).
  if (!$current_state
    ->showWidget($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $user, FALSE)) {
    return $list_element;

  // Add the form/widget to the formatter, and include the nid in the form id,
  // to allow multiple forms per page (in listings, with hook_forms() ).
  // Ultimately, this is a wrapper for WorkflowDefaultWidget.
  $entity_id = entity_id($entity_type, $entity);
  $form_id = implode('_', array(
  $element = drupal_get_form($form_id, $field, $instance, $entity_type, $entity);
  return $element;