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function workbench_scheduler_update_7200 in Workbench Scheduler 7.2

Update from 7.x-1.x version to 7.x-2.0 version.


./workbench_scheduler.install, line 120
Contains install and update functions for workbench_scheduler.


function workbench_scheduler_update_7200(&$sandbox) {
  $message = t('Workbench Scheduler updates completed.');

  // First pass, no progress set.
  if (!isset($sandbox['phase'])) {

    // Check to see if old fields exist. Only run update if upgrading from 1.x.
    if (db_field_exists('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 'start_state')) {

      // Set phase.
      $sandbox['phase'] = 1;
    else {

      //Can skip updating.
      $sandbox['phase'] = 6;
    $sandbox['max_phases'] = 6;

  // Change actions based on phase.
  switch ($sandbox['phase']) {

    // Phase one(1): Add new DB fields.
    case 1:
      $schema = workbench_scheduler_schema();

      // Add default to prevent errors during update.
      $schedule_fields = array(
      foreach ($schedule_fields as $field) {
        if (db_field_exists('workbench_scheduler_schedules', $field)) {
          db_change_field('workbench_scheduler_schedules', $field, $field, array(
            'type' => 'varchar',
            'length' => 255,
            'not null' => FALSE,

      // Update the following fields
      $node_schedule_fields = array(
      foreach ($node_schedule_fields as $field) {
        if (db_field_exists('workbench_scheduler_nodes', $field)) {
          db_change_field('workbench_scheduler_nodes', $field, $field, array(
            'type' => 'int',
            'length' => 10,
            'not null' => FALSE,

      // Updating unique keys.
      if (db_field_exists('workbench_scheduler_nodes', 'sid')) {
        db_drop_unique_key('workbench_scheduler_nodes', 'vid');
        db_add_unique_key('workbench_scheduler_nodes', 'vid', array(

      // Add new Schedules DB fields.
      if (!db_field_exists('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 'transition')) {
        db_add_field('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 'transition', $schema['workbench_scheduler_schedules']['fields']['transition']);

      // Add new Nodes DB fields.
      if (!db_field_exists('workbench_scheduler_nodes', 'date')) {
        db_add_field('workbench_scheduler_nodes', 'date', $schema['workbench_scheduler_nodes']['fields']['date']);

      // Move onto Phase two(2).
      $sandbox['phase'] = 2;

      // Set current schedule.
      $sandbox['current_sid'] = 0;

      // Set schedule progress.
      $sandbox['schedule_progress'] = 0;

      // Get schedule max
      $sandbox['schedule_max'] = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {workbench_scheduler_schedules} WHERE transition IS NULL')

    // Phase two(2): Update any existing schedules.
    case 2:
      $states_labels = workbench_moderation_states();

      // Fetch one schedule. Only going to process one schedule at a time.
      $schedule = db_select('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 's')
        ->fields('s', array(
        ->condition('sid', $sandbox['current_sid'], '>')
        ->condition('transition', NULL)
        ->range(0, 1)
        ->orderBy('sid', 'ASC')
      if (!empty($schedule)) {

        // Load the full schedule object.
        $schedule = workbench_scheduler_schedules_load($schedule->sid);

        // Query all the nodes assigned to the schedule and return their current state.
        // All the current states are going to tbe the from_name.
        $query = db_select('workbench_scheduler_nodes', 'wsn');
          ->join('workbench_moderation_node_history', 'wmnh', 'wmnh.vid = wsn.vid');
          ->fields('wmnh', array(
          ->condition('wsn.sid', $schedule->sid)
          ->condition('wsn.completed', 0)
          ->condition('wmnh.is_current', TRUE);
        $result = $query
        $names = array_unique($result);

        // Define empty schedule candidate array.
        $schedules = array();

        // Does this schedule have start state and end state?
        // If so, then we're going to use that as the basis for the from_name and
        // to_name of the transition.
        if (!empty($schedule->start_state) && !empty($schedule->end_state)) {

          // If a schedule has a start state and an end state, then we need to
          // create a new schedule that transitions from wildcard (node current state)
          // state to that start state.
          foreach ($names as $from_name) {
            if ($from_name != $schedule->start_state) {
              $info = array(
                'types' => $schedule->types,
                'transition' => array(
                  'from_name' => $from_name,
                  'to_name' => $schedule->start_state,

              // Only add the new schedule candidate if it's not in the array.
              if (!in_array($info, $schedules)) {
                $schedules[] = $info;
          $schedules[] = array(
            'sid' => $schedule->sid,
            'types' => $schedule->types,
            'transition' => array(
              'from_name' => $schedule->start_state,
              'to_name' => $schedule->end_state,
        else {

          // Get the to_name value from start_state or end_state (whatever value is provided).
          if (!empty($schedule->start_state)) {
            $to_name = $schedule->start_state;
          elseif (!empty($schedule->end_state)) {
            $to_name = $schedule->end_state;
          foreach ($names as $from_name) {
            if ($from_name != $to_name) {
              $info = array(
                'types' => $schedule->types,
                'transition' => array(
                  'from_name' => $from_name,
                  'to_name' => $to_name,

              // Only add the new schedule candidate if it's not in the array.
              if (!in_array($info, $schedules)) {
                $schedules[] = $info;

        // Loop through the schedule candidates and see if they already exist or need
        // to be created.
        foreach ($schedules as $schedule_candidate) {
          $transition = $schedule_candidate['transition'];

          // Fetch the transition id.
          $transition_id = db_select('workbench_moderation_transitions  ', 't')
            ->fields('t', array(
            ->condition('from_name', $transition['from_name'])
            ->condition('to_name', $transition['to_name'])
            ->range(0, 1)

          // If transition doesn't exist, create it.
          if (empty($transition_id)) {
            $transition_id = db_insert('workbench_moderation_transitions')
              'name' => $states_labels[$transition['from_name']]->label . ' to ' . $states_labels[$transition['to_name']]->label,
              'from_name' => $transition['from_name'],
              'to_name' => $transition['to_name'],

          // If sid is set, that means the transition belongs the current schedule.
          if (!empty($schedule_candidate['sid'])) {
            $existing_schedule = $schedule;
          else {
            $db_or = db_or()
              ->condition('start_state', '')
              ->condition('end_state', $transition->to_name))
              ->condition('start_state', $transition->to_name)
              ->condition('end_state', ''));
            $existing_schedule = db_select('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 's')
              ->fields('s', array(
              ->range(0, 1)

          // Save or update schedules.
          if (!empty($existing_schedule)) {

            // Load the full schedule object:
            $existing_schedule_obj = workbench_scheduler_schedules_load($existing_schedule->sid);

            // Merge content types.
            $types = array_unique(array_merge($existing_schedule_obj->types, $schedule_candidate['types']));
            $save_schedule = array(
              'name' => $existing_schedule->name,
              'label' => $existing_schedule->label,
              'types' => $types,
              'transition' => $transition_id,
          else {
            $save_schedule = array(
              'name' => $transition['from_name'] . '_' . $transition['to_name'],
              'label' => $states_labels[$transition['from_name']]->label . ' to ' . $states_labels[$transition['to_name']]->label,
              'types' => $schedule_candidate['types'],
              'transition' => $transition_id,

          // Then save transition into schedule.
          workbench_scheduler_save_schedule($save_schedule['name'], array(
            'label' => $save_schedule['label'],
            'types' => $save_schedule['types'],
            'transition' => $transition_id,

        // Move on to next schedule
        $sandbox['current_sid'] = $schedule->sid;

        // Update percentage complete.
      else {

        // set progress to max.
        $sandbox['schedule_progress'] = $sandbox['schedule_max'];

        // Go to phase four(4)
        $sandbox['phase'] = 3;

        // Set current node.
        $sandbox['current_nid'] = 0;

        // Set node progress.
        $sandbox['node_progress'] = 0;

        // Get node max.
        $sandbox['node_max'] = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {workbench_scheduler_nodes} WHERE `date` = 0')

        // Set current node.

    // Phase three(3): Update nodes.
    case 3:

      // Query for next nid.
      $nid = db_select('workbench_scheduler_nodes', 'n')
        ->fields('n', array(
        ->condition('nid', $sandbox['current_nid'], '>')
        ->condition('date', 0)
        ->orderBy('nid', 'ASC')

      // Have a nid?
      if ($nid) {

        // Get next three(3) revisions to update.
        $query = db_select('workbench_scheduler_nodes', 'wsn');
          ->fields('wsn', array(
          ->fields('wmnh', array(
          ->join('workbench_moderation_node_history', 'wmnh', 'wmnh.vid = wsn.vid');
          ->condition('wsn.nid', $nid)
          ->condition('', 0)
          ->condition('wmnh.is_current', TRUE)
          ->orderBy('nid', 'ASC')
          ->orderBy('vid', 'ASC');
        $revisions = $query

        // Have revisions?
        if ($revisions
          ->rowCount() > 0) {

          // Loop through each revision.
          foreach ($revisions as $revision) {

            // Has the revision already been completed?
            if ($revision->completed) {

              // Use end date if set, else use the start date.
              $date = $revision->end_date ? $revision->end_date : $revision->start_date;

              // Set the value of the date field.
                'date' => $date,
                ->condition('nid', $nid)
                ->condition('vid', $revision->vid)
            else {

              // Load the schedule that is already assigned to this node.
              $schedule = workbench_scheduler_schedules_load($revision->sid);

              // from_name will almost always be the node's current state.
              $from_name = $revision->state;

              // If transition is null we need to pull the correct schedule, we'll
              // use that when we save/update the node schedule.
              if (empty($schedule->transition)) {
                if (empty($schedule->start_state) || empty($schedule->end_state)) {
                  $to_name = !empty($schedule->start_state) ? $schedule->start_state : $schedule->end_state;
                $query = db_select('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 'wss');
                  ->fields('wss', array(
                  ->join('workbench_moderation_transitions', 'wmt', 'wss.transition =');
                  ->condition('wmt.from_name', $from_name);
                  ->condition('wmt.to_name', $to_name);
                $sid = $query
                $schedule = workbench_scheduler_schedules_load($sid);

              // Load this transition.
              // Get the from_name of this schedule. We'll use it as the 'two_name' for the next transition.
              $transition = db_select('workbench_moderation_transitions', 'wmt')
                ->fields('wmt', array(
                ->condition('id', $schedule->transition)

              // 'to_name' will almost always be the same as the transition's to_name.
              $to_name = $transition->to_name;

              // If start_date and end_date have a value then we need to add
              // another schedule to this.
              if (!empty($revision->start_date) && !empty($revision->end_date)) {

                // Update just the date on this node scheudle.
                // Run a merge query to insert or update the row.
                $node_schedule = array(
                  'sid' => $schedule->sid,
                  'date' => $revision->end_date,
                workbench_scheduler_save_node_schedule($revision->nid, $revision->vid, $node_schedule);

                // Insert the other schedule.
                $to_name = $transition->from_name;
                $date = $revision->start_date;
              else {
                $date = !empty($revision->start_date) ? $revision->start_date : $revision->end_date;

              // Grab the appropriate schedule and transition. We may be
              // updating or inserting a node schedule depending on whether we find it.
              $query = db_select('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 'wss')
                ->fields('wss', array(
                ->join('workbench_moderation_transitions', 'wmt', 'wss.transition =');
                ->condition('wmt.from_name', $from_name)
                ->condition('wmt.to_name', $to_name);
              $sid = $query
              if (!empty($sid)) {

                // Saving the new node schedule.
                $node_schedule = array(
                  'sid' => $sid,
                  'date' => $date,

                // Run a merge query to insert or update the row.
                workbench_scheduler_save_node_schedule($revision->nid, $revision->vid, $node_schedule);
        $sandbox['current_nid'] = $nid;
      else {

        // Set progress to max.
        $sandbox['node_progress'] = $sandbox['node_max'];

        // Set message.
        $message = t('All Workbench Scheduler nodes updated.');

        // Go to phase five(5)
        $sandbox['phase'] = 4;

    // Phase four(4): Remove any schedules that have NULL for transition.
    case 4:

      // Remove all schedules where transition = NULL
      $names = db_select('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 's')
        ->fields('s', array(
      if (!empty($names)) {
      else {

        // Go to phase four(4)
        $sandbox['phase'] = 5;

    // Phase four(4): Delete old DB fields.
    case 5:

      // Drop Schedule fields.
      if (db_field_exists('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 'start_state')) {
        db_drop_field('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 'start_state');
        db_drop_field('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 'end_state');

      // Drop node fields.
      if (db_field_exists('workbench_scheduler_nodes', 'start_date')) {
        db_drop_field('workbench_scheduler_nodes', 'start_date');
        db_drop_field('workbench_scheduler_nodes', 'end_date');
      $sandbox['phase'] = 6;
  $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['phase'] / $sandbox['max_phases'];
  return $message;