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function workbench_scheduler_schedules_load in Workbench Scheduler 7.2

Retrieve an array of schedule data by sid.


mixed $sid: Sid of the schedule or an array of sids (optional).

Return value

mixed An array of schedule data or boolean FALSE.

11 calls to workbench_scheduler_schedules_load()
workbench_scheduler_admin_edit_revision_schedule in ./
Form to edit the schedule for an existing node revision.
workbench_scheduler_admin_edit_schedule in ./
Display a form for adding/editing a schedule.
workbench_scheduler_admin_manage_node_schedules in ./
Tableselect form for current schedules applied to a node.
workbench_scheduler_admin_page in ./
Display a table of workbench schedule for administration.
workbench_scheduler_form_node_form_alter in ./workbench_scheduler.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().

... See full list

3 string references to 'workbench_scheduler_schedules_load'
workbench_scheduler_delete_schedules in ./workbench_scheduler.module
Delete schedule(s) add associated data from the database.
workbench_scheduler_features_rebuild in ./
Implements COMPONENT_features_rebuild().
workbench_scheduler_save_schedule in ./workbench_scheduler.module
Inserts/updates a schedule.


./workbench_scheduler.module, line 1127
Content scheduling for Workbench.


function workbench_scheduler_schedules_load($sids = FALSE) {
  $schedules =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);

  // Boolean to check if only retrieving a single schedule.
  $get_single = FALSE;

  // make sure we only use $schedules with an "transition" attribute
  if ($schedules) {
    $schedules = array_filter($schedules, function ($schedule) {
      return property_exists($schedule, 'transition');
  if ($schedules) {

    // Create an array of the schedules names already retrieved.
    $retrieved_sids = array_keys($schedules);

  // Passed sids of schedules to retrieve?
  if ($sids) {

    // Passed a single schedule name?
    if (!is_array($sids)) {

      // Retrieving a single.
      $get_single = $sids;

      // Make it an array.
      $sids = array(

    // Find out which of the schedules have not already been retrieved.
    if (isset($retrieved_sids)) {
      $missing_sids = array_diff($sids, $retrieved_sids);
    else {
      $missing_sids = $sids;

  // Only need to query the DB if noe schedules, no names or missing names.
  if (!$schedules || count($schedules) < 1 || !isset($missing_sids) || count($missing_sids) > 0) {

    // Build query to retrieve schedules.
    $schedules_query = db_select('workbench_scheduler_schedules', 'wss');

    // Left join the types table to get related content types based on.
    // Schedule machine names.
      ->leftjoin('workbench_scheduler_types', 'wst', ' =');

    // Retrieve all the fields for a schedule.
      ->fields('wst', array(

    // Have missing names we want to only retrieve?
    if (isset($missing_sids)) {

      // Add condition to only retrieve these schedules.
        ->condition('wss.sid', $missing_sids, 'IN');

    // Have previously retrieved schedules?
    if (isset($retrieved_sids)) {

      // Add condition not to retrieve these.
        ->condition('', $retrieved_sids, 'NOT IN');

    // Perform the query.
    $retrieved_schedules = $schedules_query

    // Were results returned?
    if ($retrieved_schedules
      ->rowCount()) {

      // Loop through the results.
      foreach ($retrieved_schedules as $schedule) {

        // Already retrieved the schedule?
        if (isset($schedules[$schedule->sid]) && !in_array($schedule->type, $schedules[$schedule->sid]->types)) {

          // Yes, then just add this content type to it.
          $schedules[$schedule->sid]->types[] = $schedule->type;
        else {

          // No, add to schedules array.
          $schedules[$schedule->sid] = $schedule;

          // Add an array for the content types.
          $schedules[$schedule->sid]->types = array(

          // Do not need the type attribute.

  // Have schedules to return?
  if ($schedules && count($schedules) > 0) {

    // Have a specific sub set of schedules ?
    if ($sids) {

      // Flip names to make it assoc.
      $sids = array_flip($sids);

      // Take only a sub section of the returned schedules.
      $return_schedules = array_intersect_key($schedules, $sids);

      // Only want a single schedule?
      if ($get_single) {

        // Is it present in the array?
        if (isset($return_schedules[$get_single])) {

          // Return just that schedule.
          return $return_schedules[$get_single];
      elseif (count($return_schedules) > 0) {
        return $return_schedules;
    else {

      // Return all of the retrieved schedules.
      return $schedules;

  // No schedules fetched, return boolean FALSE.
  return FALSE;