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function workbench_email_get_editors in Workbench Email 7.3

Function to get all the editors of workbench access section.

Filter by the roles specified in workbench notify settings for individually editors.


object $role: The role object.

array $sections: The available sections.

Return value

array The available editors.

1 call to workbench_email_get_editors()
workbench_email_get_workbench_access_editors in ./workbench_email.module
Get all the editors of workbench access section.


./workbench_email.module, line 956
Code for the Workbench Email Module.


function workbench_email_get_editors($role, $sections) {
  $editors = array();

  // Get the editors individually specified in workbench access
  // editoral assignments by editor. Filter by the roles specified
  // in workbench notify settings.
  $query = db_select('users', 'u');
    ->fields('u', array(
    ->join('workbench_access_user', 'w', 'u.uid = w.uid');
    ->join('users_roles', 'r', 'u.uid = r.uid');
    ->condition('r.rid', $role->rid);
    ->condition('access_id', $sections, 'IN');
    ->condition('u.status', 1);
  $result = $query
  foreach ($result as $record) {
    $roles = workbench_email_get_user_roles($record->uid);
    $editors[$record->uid]['mail'] = $record->mail;
    $editors[$record->uid]['name'] = $record->name;
    $editors[$record->uid]['roles'] = $roles;
  $section_rids = workbench_email_get_rid_for_section_id($sections);

  // Short circuit if the selected sections aren't within the current role.
  if (!empty($section_rids) && !in_array($role->rid, $section_rids)) {
    return $editors;

  // Get all the editors specified by their role.
  $query = db_select('users', 'u');
    ->fields('u', array(
    ->join('users_roles', 'r', 'u.uid = r.uid');
    ->join('workbench_access_role', 'w', 'r.rid = w.rid');
    ->condition('access_id', $sections, 'IN');
    ->condition('u.status', 1);
  $result = $query
  foreach ($result as $record) {
    $roles = workbench_email_get_user_roles($record->uid);
    $editors[$record->uid]['mail'] = $record->mail;
    $editors[$record->uid]['name'] = $record->name;
    $editors[$record->uid]['roles'] = $roles;
  return $editors;