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workbench_email.module in Workbench Email 7.3

Code for the Workbench Email Module.


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 * @file
 * Code for the Workbench Email Module.
define('WORKBENCH_EMAIL_QUEUE_NAME', 'workbench_email_queue_mail');
include_once '';

 * Implements hook_menu().
function workbench_email_menu() {
  $items = array();

  // Module settings.
  $items["admin/config/workbench/email"] = array(
    'title' => 'Workbench Email',
    'description' => 'Configure email moderation notification.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer workbench emails',
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Implments hook_module_implements_alter().
 * Make sure workbench_email form_alter fires after workbench_moderation
 * form_alter.
function workbench_email_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
  if (strpos($hook, 'form') !== FALSE) {
    if (isset($implementations['workbench_moderation'], $implementations['workbench_email'])) {
      $workbench_email = $implementations['workbench_email'];
      $workbench_moderation = $implementations['workbench_moderation'];
      $implementations['workbench_moderation'] = $workbench_moderation;
      $implementations['workbench_email'] = $workbench_email;
  if ($hook == 'mail_alter') {

    // Ensure that our hook_mail_alter implementation is always called last.
    if (isset($implementations['workbench_email'])) {
      $group = $implementations['workbench_email'];

      // Now add it back, which will ensure we are called last.
      $implementations['workbench_email'] = $group;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function workbench_email_theme() {
  return array(
    'workbench_email_form' => array(
      'file' => '',
      'render element' => 'form',

 * Implements hook_help().
function workbench_email_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/config/workbench/moderation/email-transitions':
      return '<p>' . t("The Workbench Moderation Email module keeps track of\n                       when a node moves from one state to another. This admin\n                       page can help you manage who gets emailed when those\n                       transitions happen.") . '</p>';

 * Implements hook_permission().
function workbench_email_permission() {
  $permissions = array();
  $permissions['administer workbench emails'] = array(
    'title' => t('Administer Workbench Emails'),
    'description' => t('Perform administration tasks
                       related to Workbench Emails.'),
  return $permissions;

 * Implements hook_features_api().
function workbench_email_features_api() {
  return array(
    'workbench_email' => array(
      'name' => t('Workbench Email'),
      'default_hook' => 'workbench_email_export',
      'feature_source' => TRUE,
      'default_file' => FEATURES_DEFAULTS_INCLUDED,
      'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'workbench_email') . '/',

 * Implements hook_workbench_moderation_transition().
function workbench_email_workbench_moderation_transition($node, $previous_state, $new_state) {
  $transition = new stdClass();
  $transition->from_name = $previous_state;
  $transition->to_name = $new_state;
  $workbench_emails = workbench_email_get($transition, 0, 0, 1);
  foreach ($workbench_emails as $transition_label => $email_transition_set) {
    foreach ($email_transition_set as $rid => $email_transition) {
      $accounts = array();
      $editors = array();
      $author = workbench_email_get_all_transition_users($node, 'node', $email_transition->rid, $accounts, $editors);
      $emails = workbench_email_filter_users($email_transition->rid, $accounts, $editors, $author);
      foreach ($emails as $email => $name) {
        workbench_email_mail_send($email, $email_transition, $node);

 * Determines the emails attributes.
 * Sets the emails subject / message and sends the email.
 * @param string $email
 *   The send to email address
 * @param object $email_transition
 *   The email transition used for determining the subject / message
 *   to retrieve
 * @param object $node
 *   The node returned from node_save
function workbench_email_mail_send($email, $email_transition, $node) {
  $module = 'workbench_email';
  $key = 'we_transition';
  $to = $email;
  $from = variable_get('site_mail', '');
  $role = workbench_email_get_role_by_rid($email_transition->rid);
  if (empty($email_transition->subject) && empty($email_transition->message)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('No workbench email template found, so no email was sent.
      Contact your system admin to resolve this issue.'), 'error', FALSE);
    watchdog('workbench_email', 'No workbench email template found, so no email was sent.
      Contact your system admin to resolve this issue.
      From State: !from_state
      New State: !new_state
      Role: !role_name', array(
      '!from_state' => $email_transition->from_name,
      '!new_state' => $email_transition->to_name,
      '!role_name' => $role->name,
  global $user;
  $params['subject'] = $email_transition->subject;
  $params['message'] = $email_transition->message;
  $params['node'] = $node;
  $params['user'] = $user;
  $params['workbench_email']['account'] = user_load_by_mail($email);
  $params['workbench_email']['email_transition'] = $email_transition;
  $language = language_default();
  $send = TRUE;
  $result = drupal_mail($module, $key, $to, $language, $params, $from, $send);
  $queue_mail = variable_get('workbench_email_queue_mail');
  if (!$queue_mail) {
    if ($result['result'] == TRUE) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Email notifications sent.'), 'status', FALSE);
    elseif ($result['result'] == NULL) {
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('There was a problem sending the
                         email notifications. No messages were
                         sent.'), 'error', FALSE);
      watchdog('workbench_email', 'There was a problem sending the email notifications.
        No messages were sent.
        From State: !from_state
        New State: !new_state
        Role: !role_name
        To: !to', array(
        '!from_state' => $email_transition->from_name,
        '!new_state' => $email_transition->to_name,
        '!role_name' => $role->name,
        '!to' => $to,
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Email notifications have been queued and will be sent shortly.'), 'status', FALSE);

 * Send emails here.
 * @param array $message
 *   The message, as built and altered by drupal_mail().
 * @return mixed
 *   The message results.
function workbench_email_send_queue_email($message = array()) {

  // Retrieve the responsible implementation for this message.
  $system = drupal_mail_system($message['module'], $message['key']);

  // Format the message body.
  $message = $system

  // The original caller requested sending. Sending was canceled by one or
  // more hook_mail_alter() implementations. We set 'result' to NULL, because
  // FALSE indicates an error in sending.
  if (empty($message['send'])) {
    $message['result'] = NULL;
  else {
    $message['result'] = $system

    // Log errors.
    if (!$message['result']) {
      watchdog('workbench_email', 'Error sending e-mail (from %from to %to).', array(
        '%from' => $message['from'],
        '%to' => $message['to'],
  return $message;

 * Implements hook_mail().
function workbench_email_mail($key, &$message, $params) {
  switch ($key) {
    case 'we_transition':
      $message['subject'] = token_replace(t($params['subject']), $params);
      $message['body'][] = token_replace(t($params['message']), $params);

 * Implements hook_cron_queue_info().
function workbench_email_cron_queue_info() {
  $queues[WORKBENCH_EMAIL_QUEUE_NAME] = array(
    'worker callback' => 'workbench_email_send_queue_email',
  return $queues;

 * Implements hook_mail_alter().
function workbench_email_mail_alter(&$message) {
  if (isset($message['id']) && $message['id'] == 'workbench_email_we_transition') {
    $queue_mail = variable_get('workbench_email_queue_mail');
    if ($queue_mail) {

      // Store the message for sending on cron.

      // Prevent the message from being sent.
      $message['send'] = FALSE;

 * Get an instance of the mail queue.
function workbench_email_get_queue() {
  return DrupalQueue::get(WORKBENCH_EMAIL_QUEUE_NAME, TRUE);

 * Retrieves only the moderation permission tasks.
 * @return permission
 *   Returns the permissions for moderating content
function workbench_email_determine_moderation_permissions() {

  // Per-node-type, per-transition permissions.
  // Used by workbench_moderation_state_allowed().
  $permissions = array();
  $node_types = workbench_moderation_moderate_node_types();
  $transitions = workbench_moderation_transitions();
  foreach ($transitions as $transition) {
    $from_state = $transition->from_name;
    $to_state = $transition->to_name;

    // Always set a permission to perform all moderation states.
    $permissions["moderate content from {$from_state} to {$to_state}"] = TRUE;

    // Per-node type permissions are very complex, and should only be used if
    // absolutely needed. For right now, this is hardcoded to OFF. To enable it,
    // Add this line to settings.php and then reset permissions.
    // $conf['workbench_moderation_per_node_type'] = TRUE;
    if (variable_get('workbench_moderation_per_node_type', FALSE)) {
      foreach ($node_types as $node_type) {
        $permissions["moderate {$node_type} state from {$from_state} to {$to_state}"] = TRUE;
  return $permissions;

 * Determines the valid roles for a given moderation task and content type(s).
 * @return valid_roles
 *   Returns the valid roles or an empty array
function workbench_email_determine_valid_roles() {
  $valid_roles = array();
  $valid_roles[0] = 'workbench-email:original-author-of-node';
  $types = drupal_map_assoc(workbench_moderation_moderate_node_types());
  $all_types = node_type_get_types();
  foreach ($types as $type) {
    $types[$type] = $all_types[$type]->name;
  $moderation_permissions = workbench_email_determine_moderation_permissions();
  $roles = user_roles();
  foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) {

    // Get a full list of this role's permissions.
    $actual_permissions_set = user_role_permissions(array_filter(array(
      $rid => TRUE,
    $valid_permissions = array();
    foreach ($actual_permissions_set as $role_rid => $actual_permissions) {
      foreach ($actual_permissions as $permission => $value) {
        if (array_key_exists($permission, $moderation_permissions)) {
          $valid_permissions[] = $permission;
    if ($valid_permissions) {
      $valid_roles[$rid] = $role;
  return $valid_roles;

 * Determines the valid roles for a given transition.
 * @param string $from_state
 *   The transition from_state
 * @param string $to_state
 *   The transition to_state
 * @param string $node_type
 *   The node type used to determine valid roles.
 * @return valid_roles
 *   Returns the valid roles or an empty array
function workbench_email_determine_valid_roles_per_transition($from_state, $to_state, $node_type = NULL) {
  $roles = user_roles();
  $valid_roles = array();
  if ($node_type == NULL) {
    $transition = "moderate content from " . $from_state . " to " . $to_state;
  foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) {
    if ($role == "administrator") {

    // Get a full list of this role's permissions.
    $actual_permissions = user_role_permissions(array_filter(array(
      $rid => TRUE,
    foreach ($actual_permissions as $permissions) {
      if (isset($permissions[$transition])) {
        $valid_roles[$rid] = $role;
  return $valid_roles;

 * Determines the email attributes to retrieve.
 * @param object $transition
 *   The transition object
 * @param int $rid
 *   The role ID
 * @return emails
 *   Returns the workbench_email object or FALSE
function workbench_email_get($transition = NULL, $rid = NULL, $author = NULL, $automatic = NULL) {
  $emails = array();
  $query = db_select('workbench_emails', 'wve')
    ->fields('wve', array(
  if ($transition) {
      ->condition('wve.from_name', $transition->from_name);
      ->condition('wve.to_name', $transition->to_name);
  if ($rid) {
      ->condition('wve.rid', $rid);
  if ($author) {
      ->condition('', $author);
  if ($automatic) {
      ->condition('wve.automatic', $automatic);
  $result = $query
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    $emails[$row->from_name . '_to_' . $row->to_name][$row->rid] = $row;
  return $emails;

 * Saves the email into the table.
 * @param object $transition
 *   The transition object
 * @param int $rid
 *   The role ID
 * @param string $subject
 *   The email subject to save
 * @param string $message
 *   The email message to save
 * @return db_merge
 *   Returns the TRUE or FALSE
function workbench_email_save($transition, $rid, $subject = NULL, $message = NULL, $author = 0, $automatic = 0) {
  $query = db_merge('workbench_emails');
    'from_name' => $transition->from_name,
    'to_name' => $transition->to_name,
    'rid' => $rid,
    'from_name' => $transition->from_name,
    'to_name' => $transition->to_name,
    'rid' => $rid,
  if ($subject) {
      'subject' => $subject,
  if ($message) {
      'message' => $message,
    'author' => $author,
    'automatic' => $automatic,

 * Deletes the email from the table.
 * @param object $transition
 *   The transition object
 * @param int $rid
 *   The role ID
 * @return db_delete
 *   Returns TRUE or FALSE
function workbench_email_delete($transition, $rid) {
    ->condition('from_name', $transition->from_name)
    ->condition('to_name', $transition->to_name)
    ->condition('rid', $rid)

 * Deletes all emails from the table.
 * @return db_delete
 *   Returns TRUE or FALSE.
function workbench_email_delete_all() {

 * Returns user array if they have a certain role.
 * @param int $rid
 *   The role ID
 * @return users
 *   Returns an array of users or an empty array
function workbench_email_get_users($rid) {
  $uids = array();
  $query = db_select('users_roles', 'ur');
    ->join('users', 'u', 'u.uid = ur.uid');
    ->fields('ur', array(
    ->fields('u', array(
    ->condition('ur.rid', $rid)
    ->condition('u.status', 1);
  $result = $query
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    $uids[] = $row->uid;
  $users = user_load_multiple($uids);
  return $users;

 * Returns roles array if the user has any.
 * @param int $uid
 *   The user ID
 * @return roles
 *   Returns an array of roles associated to
 *   the user or an empty array
function workbench_email_get_user_roles($uid) {
  $rids = array();
  $query = db_select('users_roles', 'ur');
    ->fields('ur', array(
    ->fields('r', array(
    ->join('role', 'r', 'ur.rid = r.rid');
    ->condition('ur.uid', $uid);
  $result = $query
  while ($row = $result
    ->fetchAssoc()) {
    $rids[$row['rid']] = $row;
  return $rids;

 * Returns role object by name.
 * @param string $role_name
 *   The role name
 * @return object
 *   The role object
function workbench_email_get_role_by_name($role_name) {
  if ($role_name == 'author' || $role_name == 'original author') {
    $role = workbench_email_get_author_role();
  else {
    $role = user_role_load_by_name($role_name);
  return $role;

 * Returns role object.
 * @param int $rid
 *   The role id.
 * @return object
 *   The role object.
function workbench_email_get_role_by_rid($rid) {
    $role = workbench_email_get_author_role();
  else {
    $role = user_role_load($rid);
  return $role;

 * Returns an author role object.
 * @return object
 *   The role object.
function workbench_email_get_author_role() {
  $role = new stdClass();
  $role->name = 'original author';
  return $role;

 * Returns all available users for an email transition.
 * @param mixed $data
 *   The data being passed (form or node)
 * @param string $op
 *   The operation (form or node)
 * @param int $rid
 *   The role id of the transition.
 * @param array $accounts
 *   The available users in the role.
 * @param array $editors
 *   The Workbench Access editors array.
 * @return bool
 *   Returns a true or false array of flags.
function workbench_email_get_all_transition_users($data, $op, $rid, &$accounts = array(), &$editors = array()) {
  $author = FALSE;
  $workbench_access_enabled = FALSE;
  $section_selected = FALSE;
  $workbench_access_configured = FALSE;

  // Load available users for given role.
    if ($op == 'form') {
      $account = user_load($data['form_state']['node']->uid);
    else {
      $account = user_load($data->uid);
    $accounts[$account->uid] = $account;
    $author = TRUE;
  else {
    $accounts = workbench_email_get_users($rid);
  if (module_exists('workbench_access')) {
    $workbench_access_enabled = TRUE;
    $workbench_access_configured = workbench_email_validate_workbench_access_configuration($op, array(
      'data' => $data,
    if ($workbench_access_configured) {
      $sections = workbench_email_get_workbench_access_sections($op, array(
        'data' => $data,
      if ($sections) {
        $section_selected = TRUE;
        $editors = workbench_email_get_workbench_access_editors($rid, $sections);
  return array(
    'author' => $author,
    'workbench_access_enabled' => $workbench_access_enabled,
    'section_selected' => $section_selected,
    'workbench_access_configured' => $workbench_access_configured,

 * Checks the workbench access configuration.
 * @param string $op
 *   The operation being performed.
 * @param array $data
 *   The array of data being passed (form or node).
 * @return bool
 *   True or False depending on if configuration.
function workbench_email_validate_workbench_access_configuration($op, $data = array()) {
  $configured = TRUE;
  if ($op == 'node') {
    if (isset($data['data']->type) && !variable_get('workbench_access_node_type_' . $data['data']->type, 1)) {
      $configured = FALSE;
    return $configured;

  // Do not fire if this content type is not under our control.
  if (!variable_get('workbench_access_node_type_' . $data['data']['form']['#node']->type, 1)) {
    $configured = FALSE;

  // If no workbench access sections defined, don't even try.
  if (!workbench_access_get_active_tree()) {
    $configured = FALSE;

  // Determine which form element to target.
  if (variable_get('workbench_access_custom_form', 1)) {

    // If there are no options and the 'workbench_access' variable
    // has not been set then it seems that Workbench Access
    // has not been configured.
    if (empty($options) && !variable_get('workbench_access', FALSE)) {
      $configured = FALSE;
  else {

    // Try to find the form element(s) to target.
    if (empty($data['data']['form']['workbench_access_fields']['#value'])) {
      $configured = FALSE;
  return $configured;

 * Filters out the users based on criteria.
 * @param int $rid
 *   The role id.
 * @param array $accounts
 *   The available users under a given role.
 * @param array $editors
 *   The available Workbench Access editors.
 * @param array $flags
 *   The array of flags for author and workbench access.
 * @return array
 *   The finalized array of permitted users (email / name).
function workbench_email_filter_users($rid, $accounts = array(), $editors = array(), $flags = array()) {
  $emails = array();
  if ($flags['workbench_access_enabled'] && $flags['workbench_access_configured']) {
    if ($editors && $accounts && !$flags['author']) {
      $emails = workbench_email_filter_workbench_access_users($rid, $accounts, $editors, $flags['author']);
    elseif ($accounts && $flags['author'] && $flags['section_selected']) {
      $emails = _workbench_email_filter_users($accounts, $flags['author']);
  else {
    if ($accounts) {
      $emails = _workbench_email_filter_users($accounts, $flags['author']);
  return $emails;

 * Returns a list of filtered users / emails.
 * @param array $accounts
 *   The available users under a given role.
 * @param bool $author
 *   The author flag.
 * @return array
 *   The finalized array of permitted users.
function _workbench_email_filter_users($accounts, $author) {
  global $user;
  $emails = array();
  foreach ($accounts as $uid => $account) {

    // If the current user is the author and the admin has setup the
    // transition to notify them, then we force it.
    if ($author) {
      $emails[$account->mail] = $account->name;

    // If the current user is a member of a separate role they
    // probably wouldn't want to be notified they just made
    // a transition. Possible setting in the future.
    if (isset($user->mail) && isset($account->mail) && $user->mail != $account->mail) {
      $emails[$account->mail] = $account->name;
  return $emails;

 * Returns a list of users / emails.
 * Filters out users who don't have acccess to the
 * workbench access protected section.
 * @param int $rid
 *   The role id.
 * @param array $accounts
 *   The available users under a given role.
 * @param array $editors
 *   The available Workbench Access editors..
 * @param bool $author
 *   The author flag.
 * @return array
 *   The finalized array of permitted users.
function workbench_email_filter_workbench_access_users($rid, $accounts, $editors, $author) {
  global $user;
  $emails = array();
  foreach ($accounts as $uid => $account) {
    foreach ($editors as $e_uid => $e_account) {
      if ($e_uid == $uid && array_key_exists($rid, $account->roles)) {

        // If the current user is the author and the admin has setup the
        // transition to notify them, then we force it.
        if ($author) {
          $emails[$account->mail] = $account->name;

        // If the current user is a member of a separate role they
        // probably wouldn't want to be notified they just made
        // a transition. Possible setting in the future.
        if ($user->mail != $account->mail) {
          $emails[$account->mail] = $account->name;
  return $emails;

 * Function to get all the parents of the workbench access's section.
 * @param array $sections
 *   The available sections.
 * @return mixed
 *   The available sections.
function workbench_email_scheme_taxonomy_get_parents($sections) {
  if (!is_array($sections)) {
    $value = $sections;
    $sections = array();
    $sections[] = $value;
  $terms = taxonomy_term_load_multiple($sections);

  // Get all parents.
  foreach ($terms as $term) {
    $parents = taxonomy_get_parents_all($term->tid);
    if (!empty($parents)) {
      foreach ($parents as $parent) {
        $tid = $parent->tid;
        $voc_name = $parent->vocabulary_machine_name;
        if (!in_array($tid, $sections)) {
          $sections[$tid] = $tid;

      // Add the vocabulary name.
      $sections[$voc_name] = $voc_name;
  return $sections;

 * Function to get all the parents of the workbench access's section.
 * @param array $sections
 *   The available sections.
 * @return mixed
 *   The available sections.
function workbench_email_scheme_menu_get_parents($sections) {

  // Get the menu parent items.
  $query = db_select('menu_links', 'm');
    ->fields('m', array(
  for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
      ->fields('m', array(
      'p' . $i,
  if (count($sections) > 1) {
      ->condition('mlid', array_keys($sections), 'IN');
  else {
    if (!is_array($sections)) {
      $sections = array(
        $sections => $sections,
      ->condition('mlid', $sections, 'IN');
  $result = $query
  foreach ($result as $record) {
    $menu_name = $record->menu_name;

    // Add all the parents to $sections.
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
      $p = 'p' . $i;
      $parent = $record->{$p};
      if ($parent == '0') {
      if (!in_array($parent, $sections)) {
        $sections[$parent] = $parent;

    // Add the menu's name to $sections.
    if (!in_array($menu_name, $sections)) {
      $sections[$menu_name] = $menu_name;
  return $sections;

 * Function to get all the editors of workbench access section.
 * Filter by the roles specified in workbench notify settings
 * for individually editors.
 * @param object $role
 *   The role object.
 * @param array $sections
 *   The available sections.
 * @return array
 *   The available editors.
function workbench_email_get_editors($role, $sections) {
  $editors = array();

  // Get the editors individually specified in workbench access
  // editoral assignments by editor. Filter by the roles specified
  // in workbench notify settings.
  $query = db_select('users', 'u');
    ->fields('u', array(
    ->join('workbench_access_user', 'w', 'u.uid = w.uid');
    ->join('users_roles', 'r', 'u.uid = r.uid');
    ->condition('r.rid', $role->rid);
    ->condition('access_id', $sections, 'IN');
    ->condition('u.status', 1);
  $result = $query
  foreach ($result as $record) {
    $roles = workbench_email_get_user_roles($record->uid);
    $editors[$record->uid]['mail'] = $record->mail;
    $editors[$record->uid]['name'] = $record->name;
    $editors[$record->uid]['roles'] = $roles;
  $section_rids = workbench_email_get_rid_for_section_id($sections);

  // Short circuit if the selected sections aren't within the current role.
  if (!empty($section_rids) && !in_array($role->rid, $section_rids)) {
    return $editors;

  // Get all the editors specified by their role.
  $query = db_select('users', 'u');
    ->fields('u', array(
    ->join('users_roles', 'r', 'u.uid = r.uid');
    ->join('workbench_access_role', 'w', 'r.rid = w.rid');
    ->condition('access_id', $sections, 'IN');
    ->condition('u.status', 1);
  $result = $query
  foreach ($result as $record) {
    $roles = workbench_email_get_user_roles($record->uid);
    $editors[$record->uid]['mail'] = $record->mail;
    $editors[$record->uid]['name'] = $record->name;
    $editors[$record->uid]['roles'] = $roles;
  return $editors;

 * Returns the corresponding rids for the given section ids.
 * @param array $sections
 *   An array of section ids.
 * @return array
 *   An array of rids.
function workbench_email_get_rid_for_section_id($sections) {
  $section_rids = array();

  // Fetch the corresponding rids for each of the sections.
  $section_rid_query = db_select('workbench_access_role', 'war');
    ->fields('war', array(
    ->condition('war.access_id', $sections, 'IN');
  $section_id_result = $section_rid_query
  foreach ($section_id_result as $section) {
    $section_rids[] = $section->rid;
  return $section_rids;

 * Returns the section selected by the user.
 * @param string $op
 *   The operation being performed.
 * @param array $data
 *   The data in which to retrieve information from.
 * @return array
 *   The sections selected by the user.
function workbench_email_get_workbench_access_sections($op = 'node', $data = array()) {
  $sections = array();
  if ($op == 'form') {

    // Can be either menu or taxonomy.
    $workbench_access = variable_get('workbench_access');
    if ($workbench_access == 'menu') {

      // Type is a boolean to determine if the user has chosen a
      // "Require a Workbench Access form element" which means,
      // a custom way of displaying the WA form or using the standard
      // node form.
      $type = variable_get('workbench_access_custom_form');
      if ($type) {
        if (isset($data['data']['form_state']['values']['workbench_access']) && $data['data']['form_state']['values']['workbench_access']) {
          $sections = $data['data']['form_state']['values']['workbench_access'];
      else {
        if (isset($data['data']['form_state']['values']['menu']['parent'])) {
          $sections_menu = $data['data']['form_state']['values']['menu']['parent'];
          $sections_list = explode(":", $sections_menu);
          $sections[$sections_list[1]] = $sections_list[1];
    else {
      if ($workbench_access == 'taxonomy') {
        $type = variable_get('workbench_access_custom_form');
        if ($type) {
          if (isset($data['data']['form_state']['values']['workbench_access']) && $data['data']['form_state']['values']['workbench_access']) {
            $sections = $data['data']['form_state']['values']['workbench_access'];
        else {

          // In this case, a custom field was provided, so loop around the fields
          // and store the tids this user has chosen.
          if (!empty($data['data']['form_state']['values']['workbench_access_fields'])) {
            $values = $data['data']['form_state']['values'];
            $sections = array();
            $lang = $values['language'];
            foreach ($values['workbench_access_fields'] as $field) {
              if (!empty($values[$field][$lang])) {
                foreach ($values[$field][$lang] as $term) {
                  if (!empty($term['tid'])) {
                    $sections[$term['tid']] = $term['tid'];
  else {
    if (isset($data['data']->workbench_access) && $data['data']->workbench_access) {
      $sections = $data['data']->workbench_access;
  return $sections;

 * Get all the editors of workbench access section.
 * @param int $rid
 *   The role id.
 * @param array $sections
 *   The sections selected by the user.
 * @return array
 *   The available editors.
function workbench_email_get_workbench_access_editors($rid, $sections) {
  $active_scheme = variable_get('workbench_access');
  if ($active_scheme == 'taxonomy') {
    $sections = workbench_email_scheme_taxonomy_get_parents($sections);
  elseif ($active_scheme == 'menu') {
    $sections = workbench_email_scheme_menu_get_parents($sections);
  $role = workbench_email_get_role_by_rid($rid);

  // Get all the editors of workbench access section.
  $editors = workbench_email_get_editors($role, $sections);
  return $editors;

 * Implements hook_token_info().
function workbench_email_token_info() {
  $info = array();

  // Workbench email tokens.
  $info['types']['workbench-email'] = array(
    'name' => t('Workbench email'),
    'description' => t('Tokens related to Workbench Email.'),
  $info['tokens']['workbench-email']['name'] = array(
    'name' => t('Username being emailed'),
    'description' => t('The username of the user being emailed.'),
  $info['tokens']['workbench-email']['email-transition'] = array(
    'name' => t('Email transition state'),
    'description' => t('The transition state of the node (eg: Draft to Needs Review).'),
  return $info;

 * Implements hook_tokens().
function workbench_email_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data = array(), array $options = array()) {
  $replacements = array();
  if ($type == 'workbench-email') {
    foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) {
      switch ($name) {
        case 'email-transition':
          if (isset($data['workbench_email']['email_transition']) && !empty($data['workbench_email']['email_transition'])) {
            $email_transition = $data['workbench_email']['email_transition'];
            $label = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $email_transition->from_name) . ' To ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $email_transition->to_name));
            $replacements[$original] = check_plain($label);
        case 'name':
          if (isset($data['workbench_email']['account']) && !empty($data['workbench_email']['account'])) {
            $account = $data['workbench_email']['account'];
            $replacements[$original] = check_plain($account->name);
  return $replacements;


Namesort descending Description
workbench_email_cron_queue_info Implements hook_cron_queue_info().
workbench_email_delete Deletes the email from the table.
workbench_email_delete_all Deletes all emails from the table.
workbench_email_determine_moderation_permissions Retrieves only the moderation permission tasks.
workbench_email_determine_valid_roles Determines the valid roles for a given moderation task and content type(s).
workbench_email_determine_valid_roles_per_transition Determines the valid roles for a given transition.
workbench_email_features_api Implements hook_features_api().
workbench_email_filter_users Filters out the users based on criteria.
workbench_email_filter_workbench_access_users Returns a list of users / emails.
workbench_email_get Determines the email attributes to retrieve.
workbench_email_get_all_transition_users Returns all available users for an email transition.
workbench_email_get_author_role Returns an author role object.
workbench_email_get_editors Function to get all the editors of workbench access section.
workbench_email_get_queue Get an instance of the mail queue.
workbench_email_get_rid_for_section_id Returns the corresponding rids for the given section ids.
workbench_email_get_role_by_name Returns role object by name.
workbench_email_get_role_by_rid Returns role object.
workbench_email_get_users Returns user array if they have a certain role.
workbench_email_get_user_roles Returns roles array if the user has any.
workbench_email_get_workbench_access_editors Get all the editors of workbench access section.
workbench_email_get_workbench_access_sections Returns the section selected by the user.
workbench_email_help Implements hook_help().
workbench_email_mail Implements hook_mail().
workbench_email_mail_alter Implements hook_mail_alter().
workbench_email_mail_send Determines the emails attributes.
workbench_email_menu Implements hook_menu().
workbench_email_module_implements_alter Implments hook_module_implements_alter().
workbench_email_permission Implements hook_permission().
workbench_email_save Saves the email into the table.
workbench_email_scheme_menu_get_parents Function to get all the parents of the workbench access's section.
workbench_email_scheme_taxonomy_get_parents Function to get all the parents of the workbench access's section.
workbench_email_send_queue_email Send emails here.
workbench_email_theme Implements hook_theme().
workbench_email_tokens Implements hook_tokens().
workbench_email_token_info Implements hook_token_info().
workbench_email_validate_workbench_access_configuration Checks the workbench access configuration.
workbench_email_workbench_moderation_transition Implements hook_workbench_moderation_transition().
_workbench_email_filter_users Returns a list of filtered users / emails.


Namesort descending Description
WORKBENCH_EMAIL_AUTHOR @file Code for the Workbench Email Module.