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function hook_workbench_access_user_alter in Workbench Access 7

Allows modules to alter user privileges.

Standard drupal_alter() hook to allow modules to modify the sections that a user is allowed to edit. This hook is largely present to allow for complex handling of content type permissions.


&$access: An array of access data, keyed by the access id. Passed by reference.

$account: The active user account object. Note that this object may also be altered, since objects are implicitly passed by reference. Normally, you should not alter the $account object with this hook.

1 invocation of hook_workbench_access_user_alter()
workbench_access_user_load_data in ./workbench_access.module
Load the access data for this user.


./workbench_access.api.php, line 529
API documentation file for Workbench Access.


function hook_workbench_access_user_alter(&$access, $account) {

  // Make content editing specific to assigned node types.
  if (empty($account->workbench_access)) {
  $types = node_type_get_types();
  foreach ($access as $id => $data) {
    $access[$id]['update'] = array();
    foreach ($types as $type => $value) {
      if (user_access("edit any {$type} content", $account)) {
        $access[$id]['update'][] = $type;