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workbench_access.api.php in Workbench Access 7

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  1. 8 workbench_access.api.php

API documentation file for Workbench Access.

Note that Workbench Access inplements hook_hook_info(). You module may place its hooks inside a file named for auto-loading by Drupal.

Workbench Access uses a pluggable system for managing its access control hierarchies. By default, menu and taxonomy core modules are supported. Other modules may add support by registering with this hook and providing the required data.

Required hooks include: hook_workbench_access_info() hook_workbench_access_tree() hook_workbench_access_load() hook_workbench_access_configuration()


View source

 * @file
 * API documentation file for Workbench Access.
 * Note that Workbench Access inplements hook_hook_info().
 * You module may place its hooks inside a file named
 * for auto-loading by Drupal.
 * Workbench Access uses a pluggable system for managing
 * its access control hierarchies. By default, menu and taxonomy
 * core modules are supported. Other modules may add
 * support by registering with this hook and providing the
 * required data.
 * Required hooks include:
 *  hook_workbench_access_info()
 *  hook_workbench_access_tree()
 *  hook_workbench_access_load()
 *  hook_workbench_access_configuration()

 * Defines your implementation for Workbench Access.
 * This hook declares your module to Workbench Access.
 * @return
 *  An array keyed by the name of your access scheme. (This is generally
 *  the module name.)
 * Array elements:
 *  - 'access_scheme'
 *    The name of the scheme, generally the name of your module. Required.
 *  - 'name'
 *    The human-readable name of the scheme, wrapped in t(). Required.
 *  - 'access_type'
 *    The module that defines core hooks for your access scheme. This can
 *    be different from the access_scheme and use one provided by another
 *    module. Required.
 *  - 'access_type_id'
 *    An array of keys that define the default access items in your structure.
 *    This should be a variable_get() from an array of checkboxes. The
 *    variable should be named 'workbench_access_ACCESS_SCHEME'. Required.
 *  - 'description'
 *    A human-readable description of the access control scheme. Required.
 *  - 'configuration'
 *    The configuration callback function. (Will default to
 *    hook_workbench_access_configuration() if not supplied.) Optional.
 *  - 'form_field'
 *    The name of the default form element, if any, used by this scheme's
 *    implementation of hook_node_form_alter(). For FieldAPI-enabled modules,
 *    such as Taxonomy, this will be NULL. Optional.
 *  - 'storage_column'
 *    The name of the database column used to store the primary key of the
 *    element. This value is used with FormAPI and FIeldAPI to ensure that
 *    the proper data is saved when using native form elements. Required.
 *  - 'translatable'
 *    Boolean value that indicated the value is translatable via FieldAPI.
 *    Tells the module how to save language-sensitive data. Required.
 * The remainder of the elements are used with Views to provide proper query
 * execution. They provide run-time alterations to Views handlers provided by
 * Workbench Access. These elements will likely change as the module matures.
 * These elements are all optional.
 *  - 'query_field'
 *    The join field to the node storage table. Always 'access_id'.
 *  - 'field_table'
 *    The table where the join field is stored. Always {workbench_access_node}.
 *  - 'adjust_join'
 *    An array that defines how to alter the Views join for the table. This
 *    value is used to prevent duplicate results. See
 *    taxonomy_workbench_access_info() for sample usage.
 *  - 'sort'
 *    The table(s) and fields to use for Views sorting.
function hook_workbench_access_info() {
  return array(
    'menu' => array(
      'access_scheme' => 'menu',
      'name' => t('Menu'),
      'access_type' => 'menu',
      'access_type_id' => array_filter(variable_get('workbench_access_menu', array(
      'description' => t('Uses a menu for assigning hierarchical access control'),
      'configuration' => 'menu_workbench_access_configuration',
      'form_field' => 'menu',
      'storage_column' => 'mlid',
      'translatable' => FALSE,
      'node_table' => 'workbench_access_node',
      'query_field' => 'access_id',
      'field_table' => 'workbench_access_node',
      'adjust_join' => array(
        'menu_links' => array(
          'original_table' => 'menu_links',
          'original_field' => 'mlid',
          'new_table' => 'workbench_access_node',
          'new_field' => 'access_id',
      'sort' => array(
          'table' => 'menu_links',
          'field' => 'plid',
          'table' => 'menu_links',
          'field' => 'weight',
          'order' => 'ASC',

 * Defines an access array for Workbench Access.
 * For Workbench Access to find the position in the access hierarchy,
 * we have to have an easily traversable array. Unlike other _tree() functions
 * in Drupal, the primary goal here is to attach the parent ids to the childen.
 * Doing so allows the parents and children to be checked efficiently.
 * The structure of your array should look like the following example:
 *   array (
 *     'workbench_access' =>
 *     array (
 *       'access_id' => 'workbench_access',
 *       'access_type_id' => 'workbench_access',
 *       'name' => 'Workbench Access',
 *       'description' => 'Access control for editorial content.',
 *       'weight' => 0,
 *       'depth' => 0,
 *       'parent' => 0,
 *     ),
 *     1 =>
 *     array (
 *       'access_id' => '1',
 *       'access_type_id' => 'workbench_access',
 *       'name' => 'Museum',
 *       'description' => 'Test term for Workbench Access.',
 *       'weight' => '-5',
 *       'depth' => 1,
 *       'parent' => 'workbench_access',
 *     ),
 *     2 =>
 *     array (
 *       'access_id' => '2',
 *       'access_type_id' => 'workbench_access',
 *       'name' => 'Museum-Guests',
 *       'description' => 'Test child term for Workbench Access.',
 *       'weight' => '0',
 *       'depth' => 2,
 *       'parent' => '1',
 *     ),
 *     3 =>
 *     array (
 *       'access_id' => '3',
 *       'access_type_id' => 'workbench_access',
 *       'name' => 'Museum-Staff',
 *       'description' => 'Test child term for Workbench Access.',
 *       'weight' => '0',
 *       'depth' => 2,
 *       'parent' => '1',
 *     ),
 *   );
 * A few things to note:
 * Be sure to start at the top of the requested $info tree.
 * The access_ids are the array keys. These are stored in the database as
 * VARCHARS, which allows us to mix machine names (strings) and serial ids
 * (integers) in our storage. This process allows us to use entire vocabularies
 * as access control sections, with the terms in the vocabulary as the children.
 * There is a one-to-one ration of children to parent. That is, a child can only
 * have one parent item.
 * Depth must start at 0, even for storage trees that normally start at 1 (like
 * menus). This lets us maintain a consistent API.
 * This function is called in two contexts. The first builds a generic tree
 * structure used for access definitions. The second is when checking a user's
 * access rules. In the user case, we only care about the active access keys
 * that have been requested.
 * @see workbench_access_get_active_tree()
 * @see workbench_access_get_access_tree()
 * @param $info
 *   An array defining the access scheme, as defined in
 *   hook_workbench_access_info().
 * @param $keys
 *   Boolean value to return only array keys, or all data.
 * @return
 *   An array of access_ids or a data array as defined above.
function hook_workbench_access_tree($info, $keys) {
  $tree = array();
  $items = array();
  if (isset($info['access_id'])) {
    if ($info['access_type_id'] != $info['access_id']) {
      $items[$info['access_type_id']] = $info['access_id'];
    else {
      $items[$info['access_type_id']] = 0;
  else {
    foreach (array_filter($info['access_type_id']) as $vid) {
      $items[$vid] = 0;
  foreach ($items as $vid => $tid) {
    $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vid);
    $tree[$vocabulary->machine_name] = array(
      'access_id' => $vocabulary->machine_name,
      'access_type_id' => $vocabulary->machine_name,
      'name' => $vocabulary->name,
      'description' => $vocabulary->description,
      'weight' => 0,
      'depth' => 0,
      'parent' => 0,
    $children = taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid, $tid);
    foreach ($children as $child) {
      $tree[$child->tid] = array(
        'access_id' => $child->tid,
        'access_type_id' => $vocabulary->machine_name,
        'name' => $child->name,
        'description' => $child->description,
        'weight' => $child->weight,
        'depth' => $child->depth + 1,
        'parent' => !empty($child->parents[0]) ? $child->parents[0] : $vocabulary->machine_name,
  if ($keys) {
    return array_keys($tree);
  return $tree;

 * Loads information about an access_id.
 * Simple lookup function to translate data from one storage system
 * to the Workbench Access API. This function will be passed a $scheme
 * array from hook_workbench_access_info() plus an 'access_id' element
 * that defines the access_id being checked.
 * Note that our vocabulary example below checks machine name and term id
 * since we use VARCHAR storage keys.
 * @param $scheme
 *   The active access scheme.
 * @return
 *   The name, description and access_id for the given scheme.
function hook_workbench_access_load($scheme) {
  if ($vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($scheme['access_id'])) {
    $data = array(
      'name' => $vocabulary->name,
      'description' => $vocabulary->description,
      'access_id' => $vocabulary->machine_name,
  else {
    $term = taxonomy_term_load($scheme['access_id']);
    $data = array(
      'name' => $term->name,
      'description' => $term->description,
      'access_id' => $term->tid,
  return $data;

 * Defines configuration options for your access scheme.
 * This function is fun, because it uses Drupal 7's new JavaScript
 * $states properties to control the settings form.
 * Your module is responsible for defining how it interacts with the
 * main form. If the 'workbench_access' value is equal to the name
 * of your access scheme, your options will be presented.
 * Essentially, this is a custom hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() convenience
 * function.
 * Note that your form should normally return checkboxes within a fieldset.
 * Do not make the checkboxes required, as this may be confusing if they are
 * in the 'hidden' state.
 * @see drupal_process_states()
 * @param &$form
 *   The base form, passed by reference.
 * @param &$form_state
 *   The form state, passed by reference.
 * @return
 *   No return value. Modify $form by reference.
function hook_workbench_access_configuration(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $options = array();
  $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
  foreach ($vocabularies as $vid => $vocabulary) {
    $options[$vocabulary->machine_name] = $vocabulary->name;
  $form['taxonomy_workbench_access_info'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Taxonomy scheme settings'),
    '#states' => array(
      'visible' => array(
        ':input[name=workbench_access]' => array(
          'value' => 'taxonomy',
  $form['taxonomy_workbench_access_info']['workbench_access_taxonomy'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#title' => t('Editorial vocabulary'),
    '#description' => t('Select the vocabulary to be used for access control. <strong>Warning: Changing this value in production may disrupt your workflow.</strong>'),
    '#options' => $options,
    '#default_value' => variable_get('workbench_access_taxonomy', array()),
    '#states' => array(
      'visible' => array(
        ':input[name=workbench_access]' => array(
          'value' => 'taxonomy',

 * Responds to the saving of a Workbench Access section.
 * This hook fires whenever we save changes to an access control section.
 * Normally, this hook is only fired on the initial creation of the section.
 * @param $section
 *   Section data as defined by hook_workbench_access_info().
function hook_workbench_access_save($section) {

  // Notify our module if the section is related to taxonomy.
  if ($section['access_type'] == 'taxonomy') {

 * Responds to the deletion of a Workbench Access section.
 * This hook fires whenever we delete an access control section.
 * Note that this hook fires _before_ the base tables are cleared,
 * in case you need to retrieve data from those tables.
 * @param $section
 *   Section data as defined by hook_workbench_access_info().
function hook_workbench_access_delete($section) {

  // Notify our module if the section is related to taxonomy.
  if ($section['access_type'] == 'taxonomy') {

 * Responds to the saving of a user-based section assignment.
 * This hook fires when a user is assigned to a section.
 * @param $account
 *   The active user account.
 * @param $access_id
 *   The access id to store.
 * @param $access_scheme
 *   The active access scheme as defined by hook_workbench_access_info().
function hook_workbench_access_save_user($account, $access_id, $access_scheme) {

  // Notify our module if the section is related to taxonomy.
  if ($access_scheme['access_type'] == 'taxonomy') {
    mymodule_save_user($account, $access_id);

 * Responds to the deletion of a user-based section assignment.
 * This hook fires when a user is removed from a section.
 * Note that this hook fires _before_ the base tables are cleared,
 * in case you need to retrieve data from those tables.
 * @param $account
 *   The active user account.
 * @param $access_id
 *   The access id to store.
 * @param $access_scheme
 *   The active access scheme as defined by hook_workbench_access_info().
function hook_workbench_access_delete_user($account, $access_id, $access_scheme) {

  // Notify our module if the section is related to taxonomy.
  if ($access_scheme['access_type'] == 'taxonomy') {
    mymodule_delete_user($account, $access_id);

 * Responds to the saving of a role-based section assignment.
 * This hook fires when a role is assigned to a section.
 * @param $role
 *   The active role object.
 * @param $access_id
 *   The access id to store.
 * @param $access_scheme
 *   The active access scheme as defined by hook_workbench_access_info().
function hook_workbench_access_save_role($role, $access_id, $access_scheme) {

  // Notify our module if the section is related to taxonomy.
  if ($access_scheme['access_type'] == 'taxonomy') {
    mymodule_save_role($role, $access_id);

 * Responds to the deletion of a role-based section assignment.
 * This hook fires when a roleis removed from a section.
 * Note that this hook fires _before_ the base tables are cleared,
 * in case you need to retrieve data from those tables.
 * @param $role
 *   The active role object.
 * @param $access_id
 *   The access id to store.
 * @param $access_scheme
 *   The active access scheme as defined by hook_workbench_access_info().
function hook_workbench_access_delete_role($role, $access_id, $access_scheme) {

  // Notify our module if the section is related to taxonomy.
  if ($access_scheme['access_type'] == 'taxonomy') {
    mymodule_delete_role($role, $access_id);

 * Allows modules to edit the Workbench Access node form element.
 * This convenience function runs a hook_form_alter() targeted only at
 * the form element defined by Workbench Access.
 * @param &$element
 *   The form element defined by workbench_access_form_alter(), passed
 *   by reference.
 * @param &$form_state
 *   The current form state, passed by reference.
 * @param $active
 *   The active data information for the access scheme.
 * @see workbench_access_get_active_tree()
function hook_workbench_access_node_element_alter(&$element, $form_state, $active) {

  // Always make this element required.
  $element['#required'] = TRUE;

 * Allows modules to edit forms associated with Workbench Access.
 * This convenience function allows other modules to extend the
 * hook_form_alter() provided by workbench_access_form_alter(). This hook allows
 * other modules to change the behavior of the core module without worrying
 * about execution order of their hook respective to other modules.
 * @param &$form
 *   The form element defined by workbench_access_form_alter(), passed
 *   by reference.
 * @param &$form_state
 *   The current form state, passed by reference.
 * @param $active
 *   The active data information for the access scheme.
 * @see taxonomy_workbench_access_field_form_alter()
function hook_workbench_access_FORM_ID_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $active) {

   * Workbench Access provides its own taxonomy, which cannot be used
   * in normal taxonomy selection forms. This sample alter hook operates on
   * field forms in order to remove the workbench_access vocabulary from
   * selection options.
  if (!isset($form['field']['settings']['allowed_values'])) {
  foreach ($form['field']['settings']['allowed_values'] as $key => $value) {
    if (isset($value['vocabulary']) && isset($form['field']['settings']['allowed_values'][$key]['vocabulary']['#options']['workbench_access'])) {

 * Allows modules to alter user privileges.
 * Standard drupal_alter() hook to allow modules to modify the sections
 * that a user is allowed to edit. This hook is largely present to allow for
 * complex handling of content type permissions.
 * @param &$access
 *   An array of access data, keyed by the access id. Passed by reference.
 * @param $account
 *   The active user account object. Note that this object may also be altered,
 *   since objects are implicitly passed by reference. Normally, you should not
 *   alter the $account object with this hook.
function hook_workbench_access_user_alter(&$access, $account) {

  // Make content editing specific to assigned node types.
  if (empty($account->workbench_access)) {
  $types = node_type_get_types();
  foreach ($access as $id => $data) {
    $access[$id]['update'] = array();
    foreach ($types as $type => $value) {
      if (user_access("edit any {$type} content", $account)) {
        $access[$id]['update'][] = $type;


Namesort descending Description
hook_workbench_access_configuration Defines configuration options for your access scheme.
hook_workbench_access_delete Responds to the deletion of a Workbench Access section.
hook_workbench_access_delete_role Responds to the deletion of a role-based section assignment.
hook_workbench_access_delete_user Responds to the deletion of a user-based section assignment.
hook_workbench_access_FORM_ID_alter Allows modules to edit forms associated with Workbench Access.
hook_workbench_access_info Defines your implementation for Workbench Access.
hook_workbench_access_load Loads information about an access_id.
hook_workbench_access_node_element_alter Allows modules to edit the Workbench Access node form element.
hook_workbench_access_save Responds to the saving of a Workbench Access section.
hook_workbench_access_save_role Responds to the saving of a role-based section assignment.
hook_workbench_access_save_user Responds to the saving of a user-based section assignment.
hook_workbench_access_tree Defines an access array for Workbench Access.
hook_workbench_access_user_alter Allows modules to alter user privileges.