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function webform_workflow_get_default_email in Webform Workflow 7

Get default email content for a workflow state change notification.

Return value

array An array containing the keys 'subject' and 'body'.

3 calls to webform_workflow_get_default_email()
WebformWorkflowBaseTestCase::enableWorkflow in tests/webform_workflow_base.test
Enable workflow for a webform (programmatically).
webform_workflow_config_form in includes/
Configuration form.
webform_workflow_node_load in ./webform_workflow.module
Implements hook_node_load().


./webform_workflow.module, line 641
A simple workflow module for webforms.


function webform_workflow_get_default_email() {
  return array(
    'subject' => 'The submission #[submission:sid] for the form [node:title] has changed state to [submission:state]',
    'body' => "Form: [node:title] - [node:url]\n" . "Submission: #[submission:sid] - [submission:url]\n" . "State: [submission:state]\n" . "Previous state: [webform-workflow-transition:previous-state]\n" . "Changed by: [webform-workflow-transition:user]\n" . "Change time: [webform-workflow-transition:timestamp]\n" . "Log message: [webform-workflow-transition:message]",