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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Webform Workflow 7

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
WebformWorkflowBaseTestCase abstract class tests/webform_workflow_base.test @file Base class for Webform Workflow tests. 1
WebformWorkflowPermissionsTestCase class tests/webform_workflow_permissions.test @file Workflow permissions tests.
WebformWorkflowStateController class includes/ @file Entity controller for a webform workflow state.
WebformWorkflowStateInlineEntityFormController class includes/ @file Defines the inline entity form controller for webform workflow states.
webform_workflow_views_handler_field_state class includes/views/handlers/ @file Views field handler to display a webform submission's workflow state.
webform_workflow_views_handler_filter_state class includes/views/handlers/ @file Views filter handler for webform submission workflow states.

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