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Functions in Webform Validation 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
webform_validation_webform_validation ./webform_validation.module Implements hook_webform_validation().
webform_validation_webform_validation_validate ./ Implements hook_webform_validation_validate(). 1
webform_validation_webform_validation_validators ./ Implements hook_webform_validation_validators().
webform_validation_webform_validator_alter ./webform_validation.module Implements hook_webform_validator_alter().
_webform_numeric_check_data ./ Helper function to check numeric data. 1
_webform_validation_check_false ./ Helper function used by array_filter() to determine if a value is empty. 2
_webform_validation_count_words ./ Count the number of words in a value. 1
_webform_validation_flatten_array ./ Helper function to deal with submitted values that are arrays. 2
_webform_validation_get_component_type ./webform_validation.module Given a webform node, get the component type based on a given component key. 1
_webform_validation_get_group_types ./webform_validation.module Get all webform components that are defined as a group. 1
_webform_validation_get_names_of_rule_components ./ Return an array of the names of the components in a validation rule. 1
_webform_validation_get_webform_element ./webform_validation.module Get a reference to a specific webform element. 1
_webform_validation_i18n_error_message ./ Handle translatable error messages, if available. 2
_webform_validation_test ./ Helper function to negate validation rules as needed. 1
_webform_validation_update_range_syntax ./webform_validation.install Helper function: update numeric validator range to new syntax. 1


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