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Functions in Webform Validation 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_webform_validation_manage_add_rule ./webform_validation.module Theme the 'add rule' list
theme_webform_validation_manage_overview ./ Themable function to list the rules assigned to a webform
webform_dynamic_delete_rule ./ Delete a rule and dependencies 2
webform_validation_check_version ./webform_validation.module Check if we are operating with Webforms 6.x-2.x or 6.x-3.x 4
webform_validation_delete_rule ./ Confirmation form to delete a rule 1
webform_validation_delete_rule_submit ./ Submit handler to delete a rule
webform_validation_form_alter ./webform_validation.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
webform_validation_get_all_components ./ Get info on all components that are available on a webform 1
webform_validation_get_field_keys ./webform_validation.module Recursive helper function to get all field keys (including fields in fieldsets) 1
webform_validation_get_node_rules ./ Get an array of rules assigned to a webform node 4
webform_validation_get_rule ./ Get a rule entry 1
webform_validation_get_rule_components ./ Get an array of components linked to a rule 2
webform_validation_get_validators ./ Get a list of validator definitions 4
webform_validation_get_validators_selection ./ 1
webform_validation_get_validator_info ./ 2
webform_validation_get_vars ./webform_validation.module Get variables based on the installed version of Webform module 5
webform_validation_get_webform_components ./ Get a list of components for a specific webform, filtered by the validator settings 1
webform_validation_get_webform_rules ./ Get the list of rules associated with the webform 1
webform_validation_install ./webform_validation.install Implementation of hook_install().
webform_validation_manage ./ Menu callback function to show an overview of the existing validation rules, and the option to add a rule 1
webform_validation_manage_rule ./ 1
webform_validation_manage_rule_submit ./ Submit handler to add / edit a rule
webform_validation_manage_rule_validate ./ Validation handler to add / edit a rule
webform_validation_menu ./webform_validation.module Implementation of hook_menu().
webform_validation_nodeapi ./webform_validation.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
webform_validation_node_clone ./webform_validation.module Adds support for node_clone module 1
webform_validation_parent_tree ./webform_validation.module Recursively add the parents for the element, to be used as first argument to form_set_error 1
webform_validation_prefix_keys ./webform_validation.module Prefix numeric array keys to avoid them being reindexed by module_invoke_all 1
webform_validation_rule_components_basic ./ This helper function takes a list of full component info arrays and returns a basic representation of it for output purposes. 1
webform_validation_rule_get_formkeys ./webform_validation.module Get an array of formkeys for all components that have been assigned to a rule 1
webform_validation_rule_load ./webform_validation.module Loads validation rule from menu parameter
webform_validation_rule_save ./webform_validation.module Save a validation rule. Data comes from the admin form or nodeapi function in case of node clone 2
webform_validation_save_rule_components ./webform_validation.module Save components attached to a specific rule 1
webform_validation_schema ./webform_validation.install Implementation of hook_schema().
webform_validation_theme ./webform_validation.module Implementation of hook_theme().
webform_validation_uninstall ./webform_validation.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
webform_validation_unprefix_keys ./webform_validation.module Undo prefixing numeric array keys to avoid them being reindexed by module_invoke_all 1
webform_validation_update_1 ./webform_validation.install Implementation of hook_update_X().
webform_validation_validate ./webform_validation.module Webform validation handler to validate against the given rules 1
webform_validation_valid_component_types ./ Get a list of valid component types per validator, as defined via hook_webform_validation_validators(). If 'all' is specified, all available component types will be returned. 1
webform_validation_webform_validation ./webform_validation.module Implementation of hook_webform_validation().
webform_validation_webform_validation_validate ./ Implementation of hook_webform_validation_validate().
webform_validation_webform_validation_validators ./ Implementation of hook_webform_validation_validators().
webform_validation_webform_validator_alter ./webform_validation.module Implementation of hook_webform_validator_alter().
_webform_numeric_check_data ./ Process the numeric value validation range that was provided in the numeric validator options 1
_webform_validation_all_allowed ./ Helper function to check whether all components are allowed to be used for a certain validator 1
_webform_validation_check_false ./ Helper function used by array_filter to determine if a value was selected or not 2
_webform_validation_flatten_array ./ Helper function to deal with submitted values that are arrays (e.g. multiple select component) We flatten the array as a comma-separated list to do the comparison. 1
_webform_validation_get_component_type ./webform_validation.module Given a webform node, get the component type based on a given component key 1
_webform_validation_get_group_types ./webform_validation.module Get all webform components that are defined as a group 1


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