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function _webform_validation_get_webform_element in Webform Validation 7

Get a reference to a specific webform element.

(For a given webform_validation rule component, and a given Drupal webform form, get a reference to the webform element represented by the rule component; return the correct element regardless of how deeply it's nested in webform fieldsets or other wrappers.)


array $component: Webform validation rule component.

array $form: Drupal webform form.

Return value

array Reference to the webform element represented by the rule component.

1 call to _webform_validation_get_webform_element()
webform_validation_form_webform_client_form_alter in ./webform_validation.module
Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().


./webform_validation.module, line 672


function &_webform_validation_get_webform_element(array $component, array &$form) {

  // Define an array of ancestors, beginning with the component itself.
  $component_ancestors = array(

  // Define the parent-id, starting with the parent-id of the component itself,
  // if any.
  $pid = $component['pid'];

  // Look into $form['#node']->webform['components'][$pid] to get any parent
  // of the component, and continue working up the family tree until there is
  // no more parent-id.
  while ($pid) {
    $parent = $form['#node']->webform['components'][$pid];

    // Prepend the parent form_key to the array of ancestors. This causes the
    // array of ancestors to be ordered from ancestor to descendant.
    array_unshift($component_ancestors, $parent['form_key']);

    // Note this parent's parent-id, if any.
    $pid = $parent['pid'];

  // $component_ancestors now contains the ordered ancestry. Cycle through it to
  // get the correct member of $form['submitted']. Assign by reference so that
  // we have a good reference to $webform_element to return.
  $webform_element =& $form['submitted'];
  foreach ($component_ancestors as $ancestor) {
    $webform_element =& $webform_element[$ancestor];
  return $webform_element;