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Functions in Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
webform_civicrm_webform_submission_render_alter ./webform_civicrm.module Implements hook_webform_submission_render_alter().
webform_civicrm_webform_submission_update ./webform_civicrm.module Implements hook_webform_submission_update(). Uses cached instance of wf_crm_webform_postprocess that was created during validation.
wf_civicrm_api includes/ Wrapper for all CiviCRM API calls For consistency, future-proofing, and error handling 49
wf_crm_address_fields includes/ These are the address fields this module supports 1
wf_crm_admin_access ./webform_civicrm.module Access callback to determine if user can see the CiviCRM tab of a webform. 3 1
wf_crm_admin_help includes/ Ajax page callback 3
wf_crm_ajax includes/ Drupal page callback to serve AJAX requests. 1
wf_crm_apivalues includes/ Get the values from an api call 46
wf_crm_array2str includes/ Convert an array into a | separated string 5
wf_crm_aval ./webform_civicrm.module Return a value from nested arrays or objects. 102
wf_crm_change_widget includes/ Drupal FAPI submit callback Alter a webform component type. 1
wf_crm_components_form_validate includes/ Drupal FAPI validation callback for all-components form 1
wf_crm_configure_form includes/ Drupal FAPI form builder callback 1
wf_crm_configure_form_ajax includes/ FAPI AJAX callback 1
wf_crm_configure_form_submit includes/ Drupal FAPI submit callback
wf_crm_contact_access includes/ Load contact name if user has permission. Else return FALSE. 5
wf_crm_contact_clone ./webform_civicrm.module Clone a contact via webform. This submit handler is called when cloning a contact's fieldset 1
wf_crm_contact_clone_storage ./webform_civicrm.module Store info while a clone operation is running. 2
wf_crm_contact_component_form_help includes/ Adds help to the form 1
wf_crm_contact_component_required includes/ Validation callback 1
wf_crm_contact_fields includes/ Find exposed field groups for a contact 2
wf_crm_contact_label includes/ 14
wf_crm_contact_search includes/ Returns a list of contacts based on component settings. 3
wf_crm_cs_validate includes/ Drupal FAPI validate callback Validate checksum lifespan 1
wf_crm_custom_types_map_array includes/ Pull custom fields to match with Webform element types 2
wf_crm_display_name includes/ Fetch contact display name 5
wf_crm_enabled_fields includes/ Get ids or values of enabled CiviCRM fields for a webform. 14
wf_crm_explode_key includes/ Explodes form key into an array and verifies that it is in the right format 14
wf_crm_explode_multivalue_str includes/ 5
wf_crm_field_options includes/ Get options for a specific field 12
wf_crm_fill_contact_value includes/ Lookup contact name from ID, verify permissions, and attach as html data. 2
wf_crm_find_case_roles includes/ Returns ids of all contacts who are related to given contact for given case 1
wf_crm_find_custom_refs includes/ Returns ids of all contacts who have reference to given contact via given custom field id 1
wf_crm_find_relations includes/ Get a contact's relations of certain types 2
wf_crm_format_contact includes/ Display a contact based on chosen fields 2
wf_crm_format_event includes/ 2
wf_crm_get_campaign_activity_types includes/ Get activity types related to CiviCampaign 1
wf_crm_get_case_roles_options includes/ Returns a list of all case roles 1
wf_crm_get_civi_setting includes/ 13
wf_crm_get_contact_relationship_types includes/ Get valid relationship types for a given pair of contacts 2
wf_crm_get_contact_types includes/ Get contact types and sub-types Unlike pretty much every other option list CiviCRM wants "name" instead of "id" 7
wf_crm_get_custom_ref_options includes/ Returns a list of all custom CiviCRM fields of type "ContactReference" 1
wf_crm_get_defaults includes/ Returns a default value for a component. 1
wf_crm_get_empty_sets includes/ Returns empty custom civicrm field sets 1
wf_crm_get_events includes/ Get list of events. 1
wf_crm_get_field includes/ Get a field based on its short or full name 5
wf_crm_get_fields includes/ Fetches CiviCRM field data. 20
wf_crm_get_matching_rules includes/ List dedupe rules available for a contact type 1
wf_crm_get_privacy_options includes/ In reality there is no contact field 'privacy' so this is not a real option list. These are actually 5 separate contact fields that this module munges into 1 for better usability. 2
wf_crm_get_relationship_types includes/ Get relationship type data 5


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