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function wf_crm_get_fields in Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 \wf_crm_get_fields()
  2. 7.4 includes/ \wf_crm_get_fields()

Fetches CiviCRM field data.


string $var: Name of variable to return: fields, tokens, or sets

Return value

array fields: The CiviCRM contact fields this module supports tokens: Available tokens keyed to field ids sets: Info on fieldsets (entities)

20 calls to wf_crm_get_fields()
webform_civicrm_update_6200 in ./webform_civicrm.install
Upgrade from 1.x to 2.x Add columns to webform_civicrm_forms table, and convert existing forms to new multi-entity schema.
webform_civicrm_update_7300 in ./webform_civicrm.install
Note: There are differences in how contact references and relationships work in the 3.x branch. Read the upgrade instructions at
wf_crm_address_fields in includes/
These are the address fields this module supports
wf_crm_admin_component::alterForm in includes/
Alter back-end webform component edit forms. Called by hook_form_alter() whenever editing a webform component.
wf_crm_admin_component::preprocessComponentsForm in includes/
Add CiviCRM info and theming to webform components form.

... See full list


includes/, line 528
Webform CiviCRM module's common utility functions.


function wf_crm_get_fields($var = 'fields') {
  static $fields = [];
  static $tokens;
  static $sets;
  if (!$fields) {
    $components = wf_crm_get_civi_setting('enable_components');
    $sets = [
      'contact' => [
        'entity_type' => 'contact',
        'label' => t('Contact Fields'),
      'other' => [
        'entity_type' => 'contact',
        'label' => t('Tags and Groups'),
        'max_instances' => 1,
      'address' => [
        'entity_type' => 'contact',
        'label' => t('Address'),
        'max_instances' => 9,
        'custom_fields' => 'combined',
      'phone' => [
        'entity_type' => 'contact',
        'label' => t('Phone'),
        'max_instances' => 9,
        'custom_fields' => 'combined',
      'email' => [
        'entity_type' => 'contact',
        'label' => t('Email'),
        'max_instances' => 9,
        'custom_fields' => 'combined',
      'website' => [
        'entity_type' => 'contact',
        'label' => t('Website'),
        'max_instances' => 9,
        'custom_fields' => 'combined',
      'im' => [
        'entity_type' => 'contact',
        'label' => t('Instant Message'),
        'max_instances' => 9,
        'custom_fields' => 'combined',
      'activity' => [
        'entity_type' => 'activity',
        'label' => t('Activity'),
        'max_instances' => 99,
        'attachments' => TRUE,
      'relationship' => [
        'entity_type' => 'contact',
        'label' => t('Relationship'),
        'help_text' => TRUE,
        'custom_fields' => 'combined',
    $conditional_sets = [
      'CiviCase' => [
        'entity_type' => 'case',
        'label' => t('Case'),
        'max_instances' => 30,
      'CiviEvent' => [
        'entity_type' => 'participant',
        'label' => t('Participant'),
        'max_instances' => 9,
      'CiviContribute' => [
        'entity_type' => 'contribution',
        'label' => t('Contribution'),
      'CiviMember' => [
        'entity_type' => 'membership',
        'label' => t('Membership'),
        'custom_fields' => 'combined',
      'CiviGrant' => [
        'entity_type' => 'grant',
        'label' => t('Grant'),
        'max_instances' => 30,
        'attachments' => TRUE,
    foreach ($conditional_sets as $component => $set) {
      if (in_array($component, $components)) {
        $sets[$set['entity_type']] = $set;

    // Contribution line items
    if (in_array('CiviContribute', $components)) {
      $sets['line_items'] = [
        'entity_type' => 'line_item',
        'label' => t('Line Items'),
    $moneyDefaults = [
      'type' => 'number',
      'data_type' => 'Money',
      'extra' => [
        'field_prefix' => wf_crm_get_civi_setting('defaultCurrencySymbol', '$'),
        'point' => wf_crm_get_civi_setting('monetaryDecimalPoint', '.'),
        'separator' => wf_crm_get_civi_setting('monetaryThousandSeparator', ','),
        'decimals' => 2,
        'min' => 0,

    // Field keys are in the format table_column
    // Use a # sign as a placeholder for field number in the title (or by default it will be appended to the end)
    // Setting 'expose_list' allows the value to be set on the config form
    // Set label for 'empty_option' for exposed lists that do not require input
    $fields['contact_contact_sub_type'] = [
      'name' => t('Type of @contact'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'extra' => [
        'multiple' => 1,
        'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
    $fields['contact_existing'] = [
      'name' => t('Existing Contact'),
      'type' => 'civicrm_contact',
      'extra' => [
        'search_prompt' => t('- Choose existing -'),

    // Organization / household names
    foreach ([
      'organization' => t('Organization Name'),
      'legal' => t('Legal Name'),
      'household' => t('Household Name'),
    ] as $key => $label) {
      $fields['contact_' . $key . '_name'] = [
        'name' => $label,
        'type' => 'textfield',
        'contact_type' => $key == 'household' ? 'household' : 'organization',
    $fields['contact_sic_code'] = [
      'name' => t('SIC Code'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
      'contact_type' => 'organization',

    // Individual names
    $enabled_names = wf_crm_get_civi_setting('contact_edit_options');
    $name_options = array_column(wf_crm_apivalues('OptionValue', 'get', [
      'option_group_id' => 'contact_edit_options',
      'return' => [
    ]), 'name', 'value');
    $enabled_names = array_intersect_key($name_options, array_flip($enabled_names));
    foreach ([
      'prefix_id' => t('Name Prefix'),
      'formal_title' => t('Formal Title'),
      'first_name' => t('First Name'),
      'middle_name' => t('Middle Name'),
      'last_name' => t('Last Name'),
      'suffix_id' => t('Name Suffix'),
    ] as $key => $label) {
      if (in_array(ucwords(str_replace([
      ], [
        ' ',
      ], $key)), $enabled_names)) {
        $fields['contact_' . $key] = [
          'name' => $label,
          'type' => strpos($key, '_id') ? 'select' : 'textfield',
          'contact_type' => 'individual',
    $fields['contact_nick_name'] = [
      'name' => t('Nickname'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
    $fields['contact_gender_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Gender'),
      // Gender should be textfield if using
      'type' => function_exists('genderselfidentify_civicrm_apiWrappers') ? 'textfield' : 'select',
      'contact_type' => 'individual',
    $fields['contact_job_title'] = [
      'name' => t('Job Title'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
      'contact_type' => 'individual',
    $fields['contact_birth_date'] = [
      'name' => t('Birth Date'),
      'type' => 'date',
      'extra' => [
        'start_date' => '-100 years',
        'end_date' => 'now',
      'contact_type' => 'individual',
    $fields['contact_preferred_communication_method'] = [
      'name' => t('Preferred Communication Method(s)'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'extra' => [
        'multiple' => 1,
    $fields['contact_privacy'] = [
      'name' => t('Privacy Preferences'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'extra' => [
        'multiple' => 1,
    $fields['contact_preferred_language'] = [
      'name' => t('Preferred Language'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'value' => wf_crm_get_civi_setting('lcMessages', 'en_US'),
    if (array_key_exists('file', webform_components())) {
      $fields['contact_image_URL'] = [
        'name' => t('Upload Image'),
        'type' => 'file',
        'extra' => [
          'width' => 40,
        'data_type' => 'File',
    $fields['contact_contact_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Contact ID'),
      'type' => 'hidden',
    $fields['contact_user_id'] = [
      'name' => t('User ID'),
      'type' => 'hidden',
    $fields['contact_external_identifier'] = [
      'name' => t('External ID'),
      'type' => 'hidden',
    $fields['contact_source'] = [
      'name' => t('Source'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
    $fields['contact_cs'] = [
      'name' => t('Checksum'),
      'type' => 'hidden',
      'value_callback' => TRUE,
    $fields['contact_employer_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Current Employer'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
      'empty_option' => t('None'),
      'data_type' => 'ContactReference',
      'contact_type' => 'individual',
      'reference_contact_type' => 'organization',
    $fields['contact_is_deceased'] = [
      'name' => t('Is Deceased'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'extra' => [
        'aslist' => 0,
      'contact_type' => 'individual',
    $fields['contact_deceased_date'] = [
      'name' => t('Deceased Date'),
      'type' => 'date',
      'extra' => [
        'start_date' => '-100 years',
        'end_date' => 'now',
      'contact_type' => 'individual',
    $fields['email_email'] = [
      'name' => t('Email'),
      'type' => 'email',
    $addressOptions = [
      'street_address' => t('Street Address'),
      'street_name' => t('Street Name'),
      'street_number' => t('Street Number'),
      'street_unit' => t('Street Number Suffix'),
      'name' => t('Address Name'),
      'supplemental_address_1' => t('Street Address # Line 2'),
      'supplemental_address_2' => t('Street Address # Line 3'),
      'supplemental_address_3' => t('Street Address # Line 4'),
      'city' => t('City'),
    foreach ($addressOptions as $key => $value) {
      $fields['address_' . $key] = [
        'name' => $value,
        'type' => 'textfield',
        'extra' => [
          'width' => $key == 'city' ? 20 : 60,
    $fields['address_postal_code'] = [
      'name' => t('Postal Code'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
      'extra' => [
        'width' => 7,
    $fields['address_postal_code_suffix'] = [
      'name' => t('Postal Code Suffix'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
      'extra' => [
        'width' => 5,
        'description' => t('+4 digits of Zip Code'),
    $fields['address_country_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Country'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'extra' => [
        'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
      'value' => wf_crm_get_civi_setting('defaultContactCountry', 1228),
    $fields['address_state_province_id'] = [
      'name' => t('State/Province'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
      'extra' => [
        'maxlength' => 5,
        'width' => 4,
      'data_type' => 'state_province_abbr',
    $fields['address_county_id'] = [
      'name' => t('District/County'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
    $fields['address_master_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Share address of'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
      'extra' => [
        'aslist' => 0,
      'empty_option' => t('Do Not Share'),
    $fields['phone_phone'] = [
      'name' => t('Phone Number'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
    $fields['phone_phone_ext'] = [
      'name' => t('Phone Extension'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
      'extra' => [
        'width' => 4,
    $fields['phone_phone_type_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Phone # Type'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'table' => 'phone',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
    $fields['im_name'] = [
      'name' => t('Screen Name'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
    $fields['im_provider_id'] = [
      'name' => t('IM Provider'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
    $defaultLocType = wf_crm_aval(wf_civicrm_api('LocationType', 'get', [
      'return' => [
      'is_default' => 1,
    ]), 'id');
    foreach ([
      'address' => t('Address # Location'),
      'phone' => t('Phone # Location'),
      'email' => t('Email # Location'),
      'im' => t('IM # Location'),
    ] as $key => $label) {
      if (isset($sets[$key])) {
        $fields[$key . '_location_type_id'] = [
          'name' => $label,
          'type' => 'select',
          'expose_list' => TRUE,
          'value' => $defaultLocType,
    $fields['website_url'] = [
      'name' => t('Website'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
      'data_type' => 'Link',
    $fields['website_website_type_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Website # Type'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
    $fields['other_group'] = [
      'name' => t('Group(s)'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'extra' => [
        'multiple' => 1,
        'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
      'table' => 'group',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
    $fields['activity_activity_type_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Activity # Type'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
    $fields['activity_target_contact_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Activity # Participant(s)'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
      'extra' => [
        'multiple' => 1,
      'data_type' => 'ContactReference',
    $fields['activity_source_contact_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Activity # Creator'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
      'data_type' => 'ContactReference',
      'exposed_empty_option' => '- ' . t('Automatic') . ' -',
    $fields['activity_subject'] = [
      'name' => t('Activity # Subject'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
    $fields['activity_details'] = [
      'name' => t('Activity # Details'),
      'type' => module_exists('webform_html_textarea') ? 'html_textarea' : 'textarea',
    $fields['activity_status_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Activity # Status'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
      'exposed_empty_option' => '- ' . t('Automatic') . ' -',
    $fields['activity_priority_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Activity # Priority'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
      'exposed_empty_option' => '- ' . t('Automatic') . ' -',
    $fields['activity_assignee_contact_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Assign Activity # to'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
      'empty_option' => t('No One'),
      'extra' => [
        'multiple' => 1,
      'data_type' => 'ContactReference',
    $fields['activity_location'] = [
      'name' => t('Activity # Location'),
      'type' => 'textfield',
    $fields['activity_activity_date_time'] = [
      'name' => t('Activity # Date'),
      'type' => 'date',
      'value' => 'now',
    $fields['activity_activity_date_time_timepart'] = [
      'name' => t('Activity # Time'),
      'type' => 'time',
      'value' => 'now',
    $fields['activity_duration'] = [
      'name' => t('Activity # Duration'),
      'type' => 'number',
      'extra' => [
        'field_suffix' => t('min.'),
        'min' => 0,
        'step' => 5,
        'integer' => 1,
    $tag_entities = [
    if (isset($sets['case'])) {
      $tag_entities[] = 'case';
      $fields['case_case_type_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Case # Type'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
      $fields['case_client_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Case # Client'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'extra' => [
          'required' => 1,
          'multiple' => wf_crm_get_civi_setting('civicaseAllowMultipleClients', 0),
        'data_type' => 'ContactReference',
        'set' => 'caseRoles',
        'value' => 1,
      $fields['case_status_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Case # Status'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'exposed_empty_option' => '- ' . t('Automatic') . ' -',
      $fields['case_medium_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Medium'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
      $fields['case_subject'] = [
        'name' => t('Case # Subject'),
        'type' => 'textfield',
      $fields['case_creator_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Case # Creator'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'data_type' => 'ContactReference',
        'set' => 'caseRoles',
        'exposed_empty_option' => '- ' . t('Automatic') . ' -',
      $fields['case_start_date'] = [
        'name' => t('Case # Start Date'),
        'type' => 'date',
        'value' => 'now',
      $fields['case_end_date'] = [
        'name' => t('Case # End Date'),
        'type' => 'date',
        'value' => 'now',
      $fields['case_details'] = [
        'name' => t('Case # Details'),
        'type' => 'textarea',

      // Fetch case roles
      $sets['caseRoles'] = [
        'entity_type' => 'case',
        'label' => t('Case Roles'),
      foreach (wf_crm_apivalues('case_type', 'get') as $case_type) {
        foreach ($case_type['definition']['caseRoles'] as $role) {
          foreach (wf_crm_get_relationship_types() as $rel_type) {
            if (in_array($role['name'], [
            ])) {
              if (!isset($fields['case_role_' . $rel_type['id']])) {
                $fields['case_role_' . $rel_type['id']] = [
                  'name' => $rel_type['label_b_a'],
                  'type' => 'select',
                  'expose_list' => TRUE,
                  'data_type' => 'ContactReference',
                  'set' => 'caseRoles',
                  'empty_option' => t('None'),
                  'extra' => [
                    'multiple' => 1,
              $fields['case_role_' . $rel_type['id']]['case_types'][] = $case_type['id'];
    $all_tagsets = wf_crm_apivalues('tag', 'get', [
      'return' => [
      'is_tagset' => 1,
      'parent_id' => [
        'IS NULL' => 1,
    foreach ($tag_entities as $entity) {
      $table_name = $entity == 'other' ? 'civicrm_contact' : "civicrm_{$entity}";
      $tagsets = [
        '' => t('Tag(s)'),
      foreach ($all_tagsets as $set) {
        if (strpos($set['used_for'], $table_name) !== FALSE) {
          $tagsets[$set['id']] = $set['name'];
      foreach ($tagsets as $pid => $name) {
        $fields[$entity . '_tag' . ($pid ? "_{$pid}" : '')] = [
          'name' => $name,
          'type' => 'select',
          'extra' => [
            'multiple' => 1,
            'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
          'table' => 'tag',
          'expose_list' => TRUE,
    $fields['relationship_relationship_type_id'] = [
      'name' => t('Relationship Type(s)'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
      'extra' => [
        'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
        'multiple' => 1,
    $fields['relationship_is_active'] = [
      'name' => t('Is Active'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
      'value' => '1',
    $fields['relationship_relationship_permission'] = [
      'name' => t('Permissions'),
      'type' => 'select',
      'expose_list' => TRUE,
      'empty_option' => t('No Permissions'),
    $fields['relationship_start_date'] = [
      'name' => t('Start Date'),
      'type' => 'date',
      'extra' => [
        'start_date' => '-50 years',
        'end_date' => '+10 years',
    $fields['relationship_end_date'] = [
      'name' => t('End Date'),
      'type' => 'date',
      'extra' => [
        'start_date' => '-50 years',
        'end_date' => '+10 years',
    $fields['relationship_description'] = [
      'name' => t('Description'),
      'type' => 'textarea',
    if (isset($sets['contribution'])) {
      $fields['contribution_contribution_page_id'] = [
        'name' => ts('Contribution Page'),
        'type' => 'hidden',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'empty_option' => t('None'),
        'extra' => [
          'hidden_type' => 'hidden',
        'weight' => 9999,
      $fields['contribution_total_amount'] = [
        'name' => t('Contribution Amount'),
        'weight' => 9991,
      ] + $moneyDefaults;
      $fields['contribution_payment_processor_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Payment Processor'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'extra' => [
          'aslist' => 0,
        'exposed_empty_option' => t('Pay Later'),
        'value_callback' => TRUE,
        'weight' => 9995,
      $fields['contribution_note'] = [
        'name' => t('Contribution Note'),
        'type' => 'textarea',
        'weight' => 9993,
      $fields['contribution_soft'] = [
        'name' => t('Soft Credit To'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'extra' => [
          'multiple' => TRUE,
        'data_type' => 'ContactReference',
      $fields['contribution_honor_contact_id'] = [
        'name' => t('In Honor/Memory of'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'empty_option' => t('No One'),
        'data_type' => 'ContactReference',
      $fields['contribution_honor_type_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Honoree Type'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
      $fields['contribution_is_test'] = [
        'name' => t('Payment Processor Mode'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'extra' => [
          'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
        'value' => 0,
        'weight' => 9997,
      $fields['contribution_source'] = [
        'name' => t('Contribution Source'),
        'type' => 'textfield',

      // Line items
      $fields['contribution_line_total'] = [
        'name' => t('Line Item Amount'),
        'set' => 'line_items',
      ] + $moneyDefaults;
      $fields['contribution_financial_type_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Financial Type'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'extra' => [
          'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
        'value' => 1,
        'default' => 1,
        'set' => 'line_items',
      $sets['contributionRecur'] = [
        'entity_type' => 'contribution',
        'label' => t('Recurring Contribution'),
      $fields['contribution_frequency_unit'] = [
        'name' => t('Frequency of Installments'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'value' => 0,
        'exposed_empty_option' => '- ' . t('No Installments') . ' -',
        'set' => 'contributionRecur',
      $fields['contribution_installments'] = [
        'name' => t('Number of Installments'),
        'type' => 'number',
        'value' => '1',
        'extra' => [
          'integer' => 1,
          'min' => 0,
        'set' => 'contributionRecur',
      $fields['contribution_frequency_interval'] = [
        'name' => t('Interval of Installments'),
        'type' => 'number',
        'value' => '1',
        'extra' => [
          'integer' => 1,
          'min' => 1,
        'set' => 'contributionRecur',
    if (isset($sets['participant'])) {
      $fields['participant_event_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Event(s)'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'extra' => [
          'multiple' => 1,
          'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
      $fields['participant_role_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Participant Role'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'value' => '1',
        'extra' => [
          'multiple' => 1,
          'required' => 1,
      $fields['participant_status_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Registration Status'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'value' => 0,
        'exposed_empty_option' => '- ' . t('Automatic') . ' -',
      $fields['participant_note'] = [
        'name' => t('Participant Notes'),
        'type' => 'textarea',
      if (isset($sets['contribution'])) {
        $fields['participant_fee_amount'] = [
          'name' => t('Participant Fee'),
        ] + $moneyDefaults;
    if (isset($sets['membership'])) {
      $fields['membership_membership_type_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Membership Type'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'extra' => [
          'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
      $fields['membership_financial_type_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Membership Financial Type'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'value' => 0,
        'exposed_empty_option' => '- ' . t('Automatic') . ' -',
      $fields['membership_status_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Override Status'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'value' => 0,
        'exposed_empty_option' => '- ' . t('No') . ' -',
      $fields['membership_status_override_end_date'] = [
        'name' => t('Status Override Until Date'),
        'type' => 'date',
        'civicrm_condition' => [
          'andor' => 'or',
          'action' => 'show',
          'rules' => [
            'membership_status_id' => [
              'values' => '0',
              'operator' => 'not_equal',
      $fields['membership_num_terms'] = [
        'name' => t('Number of Terms'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'value' => 1,
        'empty_option' => t('Enter Dates Manually'),
      if (isset($sets['contribution'])) {
        $fields['membership_fee_amount'] = [
          'name' => t('Membership Fee'),
        ] + $moneyDefaults;
      $fields['membership_join_date'] = [
        'name' => t('Member Since'),
        'type' => 'date',
      $fields['membership_start_date'] = [
        'name' => t('Start Date'),
        'type' => 'date',
      $fields['membership_end_date'] = [
        'name' => t('End Date'),
        'type' => 'date',

    // Add campaign fields
    if (in_array('CiviCampaign', $components)) {
      $fields['activity_engagement_level'] = [
        'name' => t('Engagement Level'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'empty_option' => t('None'),
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
      $fields['activity_survey_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Survey/Petition'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'empty_option' => t('None'),
        'extra' => [
          'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
      foreach (array_intersect([
      ], array_keys($sets)) as $ent) {
        $fields[$ent . '_campaign_id'] = [
          'name' => t('Campaign'),
          'type' => 'select',
          'expose_list' => TRUE,
          'extra' => [
            'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
          'empty_option' => t('None'),

    // CiviGrant fields
    if (isset($sets['grant'])) {
      $fields['grant_contact_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Grant Applicant'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'data_type' => 'ContactReference',
      $fields['grant_grant_type_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Grant Type'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'extra' => [
          'civicrm_live_options' => 1,
      $fields['grant_status_id'] = [
        'name' => t('Grant Status'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'expose_list' => TRUE,
        'value' => 0,
        'exposed_empty_option' => '- ' . t('Automatic') . ' -',
      $fields['grant_application_received_date'] = [
        'name' => t('Application Received Date'),
        'type' => 'date',
      $fields['grant_decision_date'] = [
        'name' => t('Decision Date'),
        'type' => 'date',
      $fields['grant_money_transfer_date'] = [
        'name' => t('Money Transfer Date'),
        'type' => 'date',
      $fields['grant_grant_due_date'] = [
        'name' => t('Grant Report Due'),
        'type' => 'date',
      $fields['grant_grant_report_received'] = [
        'name' => t('Grant Report Received?'),
        'type' => 'select',
        'extra' => [
          'aslist' => 0,
      $fields['grant_rationale'] = [
        'name' => t('Grant Rationale'),
        'type' => 'textarea',
      $fields['grant_note'] = [
        'name' => t('Grant Notes'),
        'type' => 'textarea',
      $fields['grant_amount_total'] = [
        'name' => t('Amount Requested'),
      ] + $moneyDefaults;
      $fields['grant_amount_granted'] = [
        'name' => t('Amount Granted'),
      ] + $moneyDefaults;

    // File attachment fields
    $numAttachments = wf_crm_get_civi_setting('max_attachments', 3);
    foreach ($sets as $ent => $set) {
      if (!empty($set['attachments']) && $numAttachments) {
        $sets["{$ent}upload"] = [
          'label' => t('File Attachments'),
          'entity_type' => $ent,
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $numAttachments; $i++) {
          $fields["{$ent}upload_file_{$i}"] = [
            'name' => t('Attachment !num', [
              '!num' => $i,
            'type' => 'file',
            'data_type' => 'File',
    $tokens = [
      'display_name' => t('display name'),
      'first_name' => t('first name'),
      'nick_name' => t('nickname'),
      'middle_name' => t('middle name'),
      'last_name' => t('last name'),
      'individual_prefix' => t('name prefix'),
      'individual_suffix' => t('name suffix'),
      'gender' => t('gender'),
      'birth_date' => t('birth date'),
      'job_title' => t('job title'),
      'current_employer' => t('current employer'),
      'contact_id' => t('contact id'),
      'street_address' => t('street address'),
      'city' => t('city'),
      'state_province' => t('state/province abbr'),
      'state_province_name' => t('state/province full'),
      'postal_code' => t('postal code'),
      'country' => t('country'),
      'world_region' => t('world region'),
      'phone' => t('phone number'),
      'email' => t('email'),

    // Fetch custom groups
    list($contact_types) = wf_crm_get_contact_types();
    $custom_sets = [];
    $custom_groups = wf_crm_apivalues('CustomGroup', 'get', [
      'return' => [
      'is_active' => 1,
      'extends' => [
        'IN' => array_keys($contact_types + $sets),
      'options' => [
        'sort' => 'weight',
    foreach ($custom_groups as $custom_group) {
      $set = 'cg' . $custom_group['id'];
      $entity_type = strtolower($custom_group['extends']);

      // Place these custom fields directly into their entity
      if (wf_crm_aval($sets, "{$entity_type}:custom_fields") == 'combined') {
        $set = $entity_type;
      else {
        $sets[$set] = [
          'label' => $custom_group['title'],
          'entity_type' => $entity_type,
          'max_instances' => 1,
        if (isset($contact_types[$entity_type]) || $entity_type == 'contact') {
          $sets[$set]['entity_type'] = 'contact';
          if ($entity_type != 'contact') {
            $sets[$set]['contact_type'] = $entity_type;
          if (!empty($custom_group['is_multiple'])) {
            $sets[$set]['max_instances'] = $custom_group['max_multiple'] ?? 9;
        if (!empty($custom_group['extends_entity_column_value'])) {
          $sets[$set]['sub_types'] = $custom_group['extends_entity_column_value'];
        if (!empty($custom_group['extends_entity_column_id'])) {
          $sets[$set]['extension_of'] = $custom_group['extends_entity_column_id'];
        $sets[$set]['help_text'] = $custom_group['help_pre'] ?? NULL;
      $custom_sets[$custom_group['id']] = $set;

    // Fetch custom fields
    $custom_types = wf_crm_custom_types_map_array();
    $custom_fields = wf_crm_apivalues('CustomField', 'get', [
      'is_active' => 1,
      'custom_group_id' => [
        'IN' => array_keys($custom_sets),
      'html_type' => [
        'IN' => array_keys($custom_types),
      'options' => [
        'sort' => 'weight',
    foreach ($custom_fields as $custom_field) {
      $set = $custom_sets[$custom_field['custom_group_id']];
      $custom_group = $custom_groups[$custom_field['custom_group_id']];
      $id = $set . '_custom_' . $custom_field['id'];
      $fields[$id] = $custom_types[$custom_field['html_type']];
      if ($custom_field['html_type'] == 'Text' && $custom_field['data_type'] == 'Money') {
        $fields[$id] = $moneyDefaults;
      $fields[$id]['name'] = $custom_field['label'];
      $fields[$id]['required'] = (int) (!empty($custom_field['is_required']));
      if (!empty($custom_field['default_value'])) {
        $fields[$id]['value'] = implode(',', wf_crm_explode_multivalue_str($custom_field['default_value']));
      $fields[$id]['data_type'] = $custom_field['data_type'];
      if (!empty($custom_field['help_pre']) || !empty($custom_field['help_post'])) {
        $fields[$id]['extra']['description'] = !empty($custom_field['help_pre']) ? $custom_field['help_pre'] : $custom_field['help_post'];
        $fields[$id]['extra']['description_above'] = (int) empty($custom_field['help_pre']);
        $fields[$id]['has_help'] = TRUE;

      // Conditional rule - todo: support additional entities
      if ($sets[$set]['entity_type'] == 'contact' && !empty($sets[$set]['sub_types'])) {
        $fields[$id]['civicrm_condition'] = [
          'andor' => 'or',
          'action' => 'show',
          'rules' => [
            'contact_contact_sub_type' => [
              'values' => $sets[$set]['sub_types'],
      if ($set == 'relationship' && !empty($custom_group['extends_entity_column_value'])) {
        $fields[$id]['attributes']['data-relationship-type'] = implode(',', $custom_group['extends_entity_column_value']);
      if ($fields[$id]['type'] == 'date') {
        $fields[$id]['extra']['start_date'] = (!empty($custom_field['start_date_years']) ? '-' . $custom_field['start_date_years'] : '-50') . ' years';
        $fields[$id]['extra']['end_date'] = (!empty($custom_field['end_date_years']) ? '+' . $custom_field['end_date_years'] : '+50') . ' years';

        // Add "time" component for datetime fields
        if (!empty($custom_field['time_format'])) {
          $fields[$id]['name'] .= ' - ' . t('date');
          $fields[$id . '_timepart'] = [
            'name' => $custom_field['label'] . ' - ' . t('time'),
            'type' => 'time',
            'extra' => [
              'hourformat' => $custom_field['time_format'] == 1 ? '12-hour' : '24-hour',
      elseif ($fields[$id]['data_type'] == 'ContactReference') {
        $fields[$id]['expose_list'] = TRUE;
        $fields[$id]['empty_option'] = t('None');
      elseif ($fields[$id]['data_type'] !== 'Boolean' && $fields[$id]['type'] == 'select') {
        $fields[$id]['extra']['civicrm_live_options'] = 1;
      elseif ($fields[$id]['type'] == 'textarea') {
        $fields[$id]['extra']['cols'] = $custom_field['note_columns'] ?? 60;
        $fields[$id]['extra']['rows'] = $custom_field['note_rows'] ?? 4;
  return ${$var};