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function wf_crm_contact_label in Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.4 includes/ \wf_crm_contact_label()


integer $n:

array $data Form data:

string $html Controls how html should be treated. Options are::

  • 'escape': (default) Escape html characters
  • 'wrap': Escape html characters and wrap in a span
  • 'plain': Do not escape (use when passing into an FAPI options list which does its own escaping)

Return value


14 calls to wf_crm_contact_label()
webform_civicrm_preprocess_webform_results_submissions in ./webform_civicrm.module
Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK(). Add CiviCRM names to webform submission results table.
wf_crm_admin_component::alterForm in includes/
Alter back-end webform component edit forms. Called by hook_form_alter() whenever editing a webform component.
wf_crm_admin_component::preprocessComponentsForm in includes/
Add CiviCRM info and theming to webform components form.
wf_crm_admin_form::addFieldset in includes/
Create a fieldset around an entity if it doesn't already exist
wf_crm_admin_form::buildContactTab in includes/
Build fields for a contact

... See full list


includes/, line 1564
Webform CiviCRM module's common utility functions.


function wf_crm_contact_label($n, $data = [], $html = 'escape') {
  $label = trim(wf_crm_aval($data, "contact:{$n}:contact:1:webform_label", ''));
  if (!$label) {
    $label = t('Contact !num', [
      '!num' => $n,
  if ($html != 'plain') {
    $label = check_plain($label);
  if ($html == 'wrap') {
    $label = '<span class="contact-label number-' . $n . '">' . $label . '</span>';
  return $label;