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function webform_replace_url_tokens in Webform 7.4

Replace tokens within a URL, encoding the parts within the query string.


string $redirect_url: The redirect URL, with everything other than tokens already URL encoded.

object $node: If replacing node-level tokens, the node for which tokens will be created.

$submission: If replacing submission-level tokens, the submission for which tokens will be created.

Return value

array An array of path and url() options, suitable for a redirect or drupal_goto.

1 call to webform_replace_url_tokens()
webform_client_form_submit in ./webform.module
Submit handler for saving the form values and sending e-mails.


./webform.module, line 4162
This module provides a simple way to create forms and questionnaires.


function webform_replace_url_tokens($redirect_url, $node = NULL, $submission = NULL) {

  // Parse the url into its components.
  $parsed_redirect_url = drupal_parse_url($redirect_url);

  // Replace tokens in each component.
  $parsed_redirect_url['path'] = webform_replace_tokens($parsed_redirect_url['path'], $node, $submission);
  if (!empty($parsed_redirect_url['query'])) {
    foreach ($parsed_redirect_url['query'] as $key => $value) {
      $parsed_redirect_url['query'][$key] = trim(webform_replace_tokens($value, $node, $submission));
  $parsed_redirect_url['fragment'] = webform_replace_tokens($parsed_redirect_url['fragment'], $node, $submission);

  // Determine whether the path is internal or external. Paths which contain the
  // site's base url are still considered internal. #webform_external is private
  // to webform.
  $parsed_redirect_url['#webform_external'] = url_is_external($parsed_redirect_url['path']);
  foreach (array(
  ) as $https) {
    if (stripos($parsed_redirect_url['path'], url('', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
      'https' => $https,
    ))) === 0) {
      $parsed_redirect_url['#webform_external'] = FALSE;

  // Return an array suitable for a form redirect or drupal_goto.
  return array(