function webform_edit_field_form in Webform 5
2 string references to 'webform_edit_field_form'
- webform_prepare in ./
webform.module - Implementation of hook_prepare(). This function is called before the display of webform_form(). Rather than a typical usage of hook_prepare, in webform it is used to update the contents of the $node object after changes have been made to the node,…
- webform_validate in ./
webform.module - Implementation of hook_validate(). This function is called after the user clicks any button displayed in webform_form(). Rather than a typical usage of validation, in webform this is used to perform various actions without kicking the user out of the…
- ./
webform.module, line 921
function webform_edit_field_form(&$node) {
// This is the information about the current field.
$currfield = array();
if ($_POST['op'] == t('Edit Selected')) {
// Check to make sure a valid component id was selected.
$cid = $node->selected_component;
$component = $node->webformcomponents[$cid];
if (empty($component)) {
drupal_set_message(t('Component not found'), 'error');
drupal_set_title("Webform Error");
return array();
// We are editing a existing field.
// Fetch all filed data into the $currfield object.
$currfield['cid'] = $cid;
$currfield['form_key'] = $component['form_key'] ? $component['form_key'] : $cid;
$currfield['type'] = $component['type'];
$currfield['name'] = $component['name'];
$currfield['default'] = $component['value'];
$currfield['parent'] = $component['parent'];
$currfield['weight'] = $component['weight'];
$currfield['mandatory'] = $component['mandatory'];
$currfield['extra'] = $component['extra'];
drupal_set_title(t("Edit component: @name (@type)", array(
'@name' => $currfield['name'],
'@type' => $currfield['type'],
else {
// Check to make sure a valid component type was selected.
$component_types = _webform_load_components();
$new_component_type = $_POST['components']['webform_newfield_type'];
if (empty($new_component_type) || !key_exists($new_component_type, $component_types)) {
drupal_set_message(t('Unknown component type %component', array(
'%component' => $new_component_type,
)), 'error');
drupal_set_title("Webform Error");
print theme('page', "");
// We are editing a new field.
$type = $_POST['components']['webform_newfield_type'];
$currfield['cid'] = time();
$currfield['type'] = $type;
// Generate a resonable key and name.
$delta = 0;
foreach ((array) $node->webformcomponents as $field) {
if ($field['type'] == $type) {
$currfield['form_key'] = $type . ($delta ? '_' . $delta : '');
$currfield['name'] = drupal_ucfirst($type) . ($delta ? ' ' . $delta : '');
drupal_set_title(t("Add new %type component", array(
'%type' => t($currfield['type']),
$form = array();
// Print the correct field type specification.
// We always need: name and description.
$form['field'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Field Details'),
'#collapsible' => FALSE,
'#collapsed' => FALSE,
'#weight' => 5,
'#tree' => TRUE,
$form['field']['type'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $currfield['type'],
$form['field']['cid'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $currfield['cid'],
$form['field']['form_key'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => $currfield['form_key'],
'#title' => t('Field Key'),
'#description' => t('Enter a machine readable key for this form element. May contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscores. This key will be used as the name attribute of the form element.'),
'#required' => TRUE,
'#weight' => -2,
$form['field']['name'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => $currfield['name'],
'#title' => t("Label"),
'#description' => t('This is used as a descriptive label when displaying this form element.'),
'#required' => TRUE,
'#weight' => -1,
$form['field']['extra']['description'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => $currfield['extra']['description'],
'#title' => t("Description"),
'#maxlength' => '512',
'#description' => t('A short description of the field used as help for the user when he/she uses the form.') . '<br />' . webform_help('webform/helptext#variables'),
'#weight' => -1,
$form['field']['mandatory'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t("Mandatory"),
'#default_value' => $currfield['mandatory'] == '1' ? TRUE : FALSE,
'#description' => t('Check this option if the user must enter a value.'),
'#weight' => 2,
if (variable_get('webform_enable_fieldset', true) && is_array($node->webformcomponents)) {
$options = array(
'0' => t('Root'),
foreach ($node->webformcomponents as $thiscid => $value) {
if ($value['type'] == 'fieldset' && $thiscid != $cid) {
$options[$thiscid] = htmlspecialchars($value['name'], ENT_QUOTES);
$form['field']['parent'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t("Parent Fieldset"),
'#default_value' => $currfield['parent'],
'#description' => t('Optional. You may organize your form by placing this component inside inside another fieldset.'),
'#options' => $options,
'#weight' => 2,
$form['field']['weight'] = array(
'#type' => 'weight',
'#delta' => count($node->webformcomponents) > 10 ? count($node->webformcomponents) : 10,
'#title' => t("Weight"),
'#default_value' => $currfield['weight'],
'#description' => t('Optional. In the menu, the heavier items will sink and the lighter items will be positioned nearer the top.'),
'#weight' => 2,
// Add the fields specific to this component type:
// Load all component types.
$edit_function = "_webform_edit_" . $currfield['type'];
$additional_form_elements = array();
if (function_exists($edit_function)) {
$additional_form_elements = $edit_function($currfield);
// Call the component render function.
else {
drupal_set_message(t("The webform component of type @type does not have an edit function defined.", array(
'@type' => $currfield['type'],
// Merge the additional fields with the current fields:
$extra_fields_copy = $form['field']['extra'];
$form['field'] = array_merge($form['field'], $additional_form_elements);
$form['field']['extra'] = array_merge((array) $extra_fields_copy, (array) $additional_form_elements['extra']);
// Add the submit button.
$form['field']['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t("Done"),
'#weight' => 3,
// Create hidden form elements to restore all the settings on the node edit form.
$form['node'] = array(
'#tree' => TRUE,
// Recursively create hidden form elements for all fields on the node form.
function _webform_edit_field_form_hiddens(&$form, $key, $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
_webform_edit_field_form_hiddens($form[$key], $k, $v);
else {
$form[$key] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $value,
_webform_edit_field_form_hiddens($form, 'node', (array) $node);
return $form;