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47 calls to webform_variable_get() in Webform 7.4

theme_webform_element in ./webform.module
Replacement for theme_form_element().
theme_webform_token_help in ./webform.module
Output the contents of token help used throughout Webform.
webform-submission-information.tpl.php in templates/webform-submission-information.tpl.php
Customize the header information shown when editing or viewing submissions.
WebformUnitTestCase::test in tests/WebformUnitTestCase.test
The tests.
webform_admin_content in includes/
Menu callback for admin/content/webform. Displays all webforms on the site.
webform_admin_settings in includes/
Menu callback for admin/config/content/webform.
webform_block_configure in ./webform.module
Implements hook_block_configure().
webform_block_save in ./webform.module
Implements hook_block_save().
webform_block_view in ./webform.module
Implements hook_block_view().
webform_check_record in ./webform.module
Utility function to check if a webform record is necessary in the database.
webform_client_form_submit in ./webform.module
Submit handler for saving the form values and sending e-mails.
webform_components in ./webform.module
Get a list of all available component definitions.
webform_configure_form in includes/
Main configuration form for editing a webform node.
webform_configure_form_validate in includes/
Validate handler for webform_configure_form().
webform_date_format in ./webform.module
Get a date format according to the site settings.
webform_email_edit_form in includes/
Form for configuring an e-mail setting and template.
webform_email_load in includes/
Load an e-mail setting from the database or initialize a new e-mail.
webform_exporter::__construct in includes/exporters/
Constructor for webform_exporter classes.
webform_exporter_delimited::__construct in includes/exporters/
Constructor for webform_exporter classes.
webform_filter_xss in ./webform.module
Filter labels for display by running through XSS checks.
webform_format_email_address in ./webform.module
Given an email address and a name, format an e-mail address.
webform_format_email_subject in ./webform.module
Given an email subject, format it with any needed replacements.
webform_form_alter in ./webform.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
webform_node_defaults in ./webform.module
Default settings for a newly created webform node.
webform_node_insert in ./webform.module
Implements hook_node_insert().
webform_node_load in ./webform.module
Implements hook_node_load().
webform_parse_email_address in ./webform.module
Parses an e-mail address into name and address.
webform_replace_tokens in ./webform.module
Replace tokens with Webform contexts populated.
webform_replace_tokens_clear in ./webform.module
Removes tokens from string.
webform_results_download_default_options in includes/
Get options for creating downloadable versions of the webform data.
webform_results_download_form in includes/
Form to configure the download of CSV files.
webform_results_download_form_submit in includes/
Submit handler for webform_results_download_form().
webform_results_submissions in includes/
Retrieve lists of submissions for a given webform.
webform_results_table in includes/
Create a table containing all submitted values for a webform node.
webform_submission_user_limit_check in includes/
Check if the current user has exceeded the limit on this form.
webform_tokens in ./
Implements hook_tokens().
webform_update_7319 in ./webform.install
Add file usage entries for all files uploaded through Webform.
webform_update_7401 in ./webform.install
Rewrite token replacement system to use D7 tokens.
webform_update_7403 in ./webform.install
Convert per-component conditionals to new more flexible conditional system.
webform_update_7411 in ./webform.install
Remove [submission:values:x] token use of :nolabel and add :withlabel.
webform_valid_email_address in ./webform.module
Validates email address(es) with optional name(s).
webform_webform_exporters in includes/
Implements hook_webform_exporters().
_webform_allowed_roles in ./webform.module
Helper. Generates an array of allowed roles.
_webform_edit_email in components/
Implements _webform_edit_component().
_webform_edit_file in components/
Implements _webform_edit_component().
_webform_submission_prepare_mail in includes/
Prepare a submission email for use by webform_submission_send_mail()
_webform_validate_email in components/
A Drupal Form API Validation function.