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function webform_results_download_default_options in Webform 7.4

Get options for creating downloadable versions of the webform data.


$node: The webform node on which to generate the analysis.

string $format: The export format being used.

Return value

array Option for creating downloadable version of the webform data.

4 calls to webform_results_download_default_options()
drush_webform_export in ./
Exports a webform via drush.
webform_results_download_form_submit in includes/
Submit handler for webform_results_download_form().
webform_results_export in includes/
Generate a Excel-readable CSV file containing all submissions for a Webform.
webform_results_export_batch in includes/
Return a Batch API array of commands that will generate an export.


includes/, line 1313
This file includes helper functions for creating reports for webform.module.


function webform_results_download_default_options($node, $format) {
  $submission_information = webform_results_download_submission_information($node);
  $options = array(
    'delimiter' => webform_variable_get('webform_csv_delimiter'),
    'components' => array_merge(array_keys($submission_information), array_keys(webform_component_list($node, 'csv', TRUE))),
    'header_keys' => 0,
    'select_keys' => 0,
    'select_format' => 'separate',
    'range' => array(
      'range_type' => 'all',
      'completion_type' => 'all',

  // Allow exporters to merge in additional options.
  $exporter_information = webform_export_fetch_definition($format);
  if (isset($exporter_information['options'])) {
    $options = array_merge($options, $exporter_information['options']);
  return $options;