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27 calls to webform_replace_tokens() in Webform 7.4

template_preprocess_webform_confirmation in ./webform.module
Prepare for theming of the webform submission confirmation.
webform_block_view in ./webform.module
Implements hook_block_view().
webform_client_form in ./webform.module
Client form generation function.
webform_client_form_submit in ./webform.module
Submit handler for saving the form values and sending e-mails.
webform_configure_form_validate in includes/
Validate handler for webform_configure_form().
webform_email_edit_form in includes/
Form for configuring an e-mail setting and template.
webform_file_process_rename in components/
Renames the uploaded file name using tokens.
webform_filter_descriptions in ./webform.module
Replace tokens in descriptions and sanitize according to Webform settings.
webform_format_email_address in ./webform.module
Given an email address and a name, format an e-mail address.
webform_format_email_subject in ./webform.module
Given an email subject, format it with any needed replacements.
webform_replace_url_tokens in ./webform.module
Replace tokens within a URL, encoding the parts within the query string.
_webform_display_markup in components/
Implements _webform_display_component().
_webform_edit_file_check_directory in components/
A Form API after build and validate function.
_webform_filter_values in ./webform.module
Wrapper for webform_replace_tokens().
_webform_render_component in ./webform.api.php
Render a Webform component to be part of a form.
_webform_render_date in components/
Implements _webform_render_component().
_webform_render_email in components/
Implements _webform_render_component().
_webform_render_file in components/
Implements _webform_render_component().
_webform_render_hidden in components/
Implements _webform_render_component().
_webform_render_markup_after_build in components/
Helper function to replace tokens in markup component.
_webform_render_number in components/
Implements _webform_render_component().
_webform_render_select in components/
Implements _webform_render_component().
_webform_render_textarea in components/
Implements _webform_render_component().
_webform_render_textfield in components/
Implements _webform_render_component().
_webform_render_time in components/
Implements _webform_render_component().
_webform_select_replace_tokens in components/
Replace tokens in the values of a list of select options.
_webform_submission_prepare_mail in includes/
Prepare a submission email for use by webform_submission_send_mail()