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18 calls to webform_component_invoke() in Webform 7.4

theme_webform_results_table in includes/
Theme the results table displaying all the submissions for a particular node.
WebformComponentsTestCase::testWebformComponents in tests/WebformComponentsTestCase.test
Webform module component tests.
WebformGeneralTestCase::testWebformCreateNewType in tests/WebformGeneralTestCase.test
Test webform-enabling a different node type and testing behavior.
webform_component_defaults in includes/
Populate a component with the defaults for that type.
webform_component_delete in includes/
Delete a Webform component.
webform_component_edit_form in includes/
Form to configure a webform component.
webform_email_edit_form in includes/
Form for configuring an e-mail setting and template.
webform_format_email_address in ./webform.module
Given an email address and a name, format an e-mail address.
webform_handler_field_submission_data::render in views/
Render the field using the loaded submissions from pre_render().
webform_results_analysis in includes/
Provides a simple analysis of all submissions to a webform.
webform_results_download_headers in includes/
Print the header rows for the downloadable webform data.
webform_results_download_rows_process in includes/
Processes the submissions to be downloaded into exported rows.
webform_submission_delete in includes/
Delete a single submission.
webform_theme in ./webform.module
Implements hook_theme().
webform_views_pre_view in views/
Implements hook_view_pre_view().
_webform_client_form_add_component in ./webform.module
Add a component to a renderable array. Called recursively for fieldsets.
_webform_client_form_submit_process in ./webform.module
Post processes the submission tree with any updates from components.
_webform_submission_prepare_mail in includes/
Prepare a submission email for use by webform_submission_send_mail()