function webform_results_download_rows_process in Webform 7.4
Processes the submissions to be downloaded into exported rows.
This is an internal routine and not intended for use by other modules.
$node: The webform node on which to generate the analysis.
array $options: A list of options that define the output format. These are generally passed through from the GUI interface.
$serial_start: The starting position for the Serial column in the output.
array $submissions: An associative array of loaded submissions, indexed by sid.
Return value
array An array of rows built according to the provided $serial_start and $pager_count variables. Note that the current page number is determined by the super-global $_GET['page'] variable.
2 calls to webform_results_download_rows_process()
- webform_results_batch_rows in includes/ - Batch API callback; Write the rows of the export to the export file.
- webform_results_download_rows in includes/ - Returns rows of downloadable webform data.
- includes/, line 1156 - This file includes helper functions for creating reports for webform.module.
function webform_results_download_rows_process($node, array $options, $serial_start, array $submissions) {
module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.components');
$submission_information = webform_results_download_submission_information($node, $options);
// Generate a row for each submission.
$row_count = 0;
$rows = array();
foreach ($submissions as $sid => $submission) {
$row = array();
// Add submission information.
foreach (array_keys($submission_information) as $token) {
$cell = module_invoke_all('webform_results_download_submission_information_data', $token, $submission, $options, $serial_start, $row_count);
$context = array(
'token' => $token,
'submission' => $submission,
'options' => $options,
'serial_start' => $serial_start,
'row_count' => $row_count,
drupal_alter('webform_results_download_submission_information_data', $cell, $context);
// implode() to ensure everything from a single value goes into one
// column, even if more than one module responds to this item.
$row[] = implode(', ', $cell);
foreach ($options['components'] as $cid) {
if (isset($node->webform['components'][$cid])) {
$component = $node->webform['components'][$cid];
// Let each component add its data.
$raw_data = isset($submission->data[$cid]) ? $submission->data[$cid] : NULL;
if (webform_component_feature($component['type'], 'csv')) {
$data = webform_component_invoke($component['type'], 'csv_data', $component, $options, $raw_data);
// Allow modules to modify the CSV data.
drupal_alter('webform_csv_data', $data, $component, $submission);
if (is_array($data)) {
$row = array_merge($row, array_values($data));
else {
$row[] = isset($data) ? $data : '';
$rows[$serial_start + $row_count] = $row;
return $rows;