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function hook_webform_analysis_alter in Webform 7.4

Alter the entire analysis before rendering to the page on the Analysis tab.

This alter hook allows modification of the entire analysis of a node's Webform results. The resulting analysis is displayed on the Results -> Analysis tab on the Webform.


array $analysis: A Drupal renderable array, passed by reference, containing the entire contents of the analysis page. This typically will contain the following two major keys:

  • form: The form for configuring the shown analysis.
  • components: The list of analyses for each analysis-enabled component for the node. Each keyed by its component ID.

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./webform.api.php, line 365
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function hook_webform_analysis_alter(array &$analysis) {
  $node = $analysis['#node'];

  // Add an additional piece of information to every component's analysis:
  foreach (element_children($analysis['components']) as $cid) {
    $component = $node->components[$cid];
    $analysis['components'][$cid]['chart'] = array(
      '#markup' => t('Chart for the @name component', array(
        '@name' => $component['name'],