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function webform_submission_total_limit_check in Webform 7.4

Check if the total number of submissions has exceeded the limit on this form.


$node: The webform node to be checked.

Return value

bool Boolean TRUE if the form has exceeded it's limit. FALSE otherwise.

2 calls to webform_submission_total_limit_check()
webform_client_form_prevalidate in ./webform.module
Validates that the form can still be submitted, saved as draft, or edited.
webform_node_view in ./webform.module
Implements hook_node_view().


includes/, line 1111
Submission handling functions.


function webform_submission_total_limit_check($node) {

  // Check if submission limiting is enabled.
  if ($node->webform['total_submit_limit'] == '-1') {

    // No check enabled.
    return FALSE;

  // Retrieve submission data from the database.
  $query = db_select('webform_submissions')
    ->condition('nid', $node->nid)
    ->condition('is_draft', 0);
  if ($node->webform['total_submit_interval'] != -1) {
      ->condition('submitted', REQUEST_TIME - $node->webform['total_submit_interval'], '>');

  // Fetch all the entries from the database within the submit interval.
  $num_submissions_database = $query
  if ($num_submissions_database >= $node->webform['total_submit_limit']) {

    // Limit exceeded.
    return TRUE;

  // Limit not exceeded.
  return FALSE;