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function webform_get_submissions_load in Webform 7.4

Retrieve and load the submissions for the specified submissions query.

This is an internal routine and not intended for use by other modules.

@params object $pager_query A select or extended select query containing the needed fields: webform_submissions: all fields user: name

Return value

array An array of loaded webform submissions.

2 calls to webform_get_submissions_load()
webform_get_submissions in includes/
Return all the submissions for a particular node.
webform_results_batch_rows in includes/
Batch API callback; Write the rows of the export to the export file.


includes/, line 876
Submission handling functions.


function webform_get_submissions_load($pager_query) {

  // If the "$pager_query" is actually an unextended select query, then instead
  // of querying the webform_submissions_data table with a potentially huge
  // array of sids in an IN clause, use the select query directly as this will
  // be much faster. Extended queries don't work in join clauses. The query
  // is assumed to include the sid.
  if ($pager_query instanceof SelectQuery) {
    $submissions_query = clone $pager_query;

  // Extract any filter on node id to use in an optimization below.
  foreach ($pager_query
    ->conditions() as $index => $condition) {
    if ($index !== '#conjunction' && $condition['operator'] === '=' && ($condition['field'] === 'nid' || $condition['field'] === 'ws.nid')) {
      $nid = $condition['value'];
  $result = $pager_query
  $submissions = $result

  // If there are no submissions being retrieved, return an empty array.
  if (!$submissions) {
    return $submissions;
  foreach ($submissions as $sid => $submission) {
    $submissions[$sid]->preview = FALSE;
    $submissions[$sid]->data = array();

  // Query the required submission data.
  $query = db_select('webform_submitted_data', 'sd');
    ->fields('sd', array(
    ->orderBy('sd.sid', 'ASC')
    ->orderBy('sd.cid', 'ASC')
    ->orderBy('', 'ASC');
  if (isset($submissions_query)) {

    // If available, prefer joining on the subquery as it is much faster than an
    // IN clause on a large array. A subquery with the IN operator doesn't work
    // when the subquery has a LIMIT clause, requiring an inner join instead.
      ->innerJoin($submissions_query, 'ws2', 'sd.sid = ws2.sid');
  else {
      ->condition('sd.sid', array_keys($submissions), 'IN');

  // By adding the NID to this query we allow MySQL to use the primary key on
  // in webform_submitted_data for sorting (nid_sid_cid_no).
  if (isset($nid)) {
      ->condition('sd.nid', $nid);
  $result = $query

  // Convert the queried rows into submission data.
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    $submissions[$row->sid]->data[$row->cid][$row->no] = $row->data;
  foreach (module_implements('webform_submission_load') as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_webform_submission_load';
  return $submissions;