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function _webform_export_tempname in Webform 7.4

Returns a temporary export filename.

3 calls to _webform_export_tempname()
webform_exporter_excel_xlsx::post_process in includes/exporters/
Allow final processing of the results.
webform_results_download_form_submit in includes/
Submit handler for webform_results_download_form().
webform_results_export in includes/
Generate a Excel-readable CSV file containing all submissions for a Webform.


includes/, line 925
This file includes helper functions for creating reports for webform.module.


function _webform_export_tempname() {
  $webform_export_path = variable_get('webform_export_path', 'temporary://');

  // If the directory does not exist, create it.
  file_prepare_directory($webform_export_path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);
  return drupal_tempnam($webform_export_path, 'webform_');