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function webform_email_update in Webform 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 includes/ \webform_email_update()
  2. 7.3 includes/ \webform_email_update()

Update an existing e-mail setting with new values.


$email: An array of settings for sending an e-mail containing a nid, eid, and all other fields from the e-mail form.

Return value

false|int On success SAVED_NEW or SAVED_UPDATED, depending on the operation performed, FALSE on failure.

2 calls to webform_email_update()
webform_email_edit_form_submit in includes/
Submit handler for webform_email_edit_form().
webform_node_update in ./webform.module
Implements hook_node_update().


includes/, line 746
Provides interface and database handling for e-mail settings of a webform.


function webform_email_update($email) {
  $email['excluded_components'] = implode(',', $email['excluded_components']);
  $email['extra'] = empty($email['extra']) ? '' : serialize($email['extra']);
  return drupal_write_record('webform_emails', $email, array(