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function webform_conditional_element_ajax in Webform 7.4

AJAX callback to render out adding a new condition.

3 string references to 'webform_conditional_element_ajax'
_webform_conditional_action_expand in includes/
Helper. Generate form elements for one action.
_webform_conditional_add_expand in includes/
Helper. Generate the add_subconditional (+) or add + button.
_webform_conditional_remove_expand in includes/
Helper. Generate the add_subconditional (+), add + or remove - button.


includes/, line 870
Form elements and menu callbacks to provide conditional handling in Webform.


function webform_conditional_element_ajax($form, $form_state) {
  $button = $form_state['clicked_button'];
  $parents = $button['#parents'];

  // Trim down the parents to go back up to the level of this elements wrapper.
  // The button name (add/remove).

  // The rule ID.

  // The "rules" grouping.
  $element = $form;
  foreach ($parents as $key) {
    if (!isset($element[$key])) {

      // The entire conditional has been removed.
      return '';
    $element = $element[$key];
  return drupal_render($element['conditional']);