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9 calls to webform_component_list() in Webform 7.4

WebformComponentsTestCase::testWebformComponents in tests/WebformComponentsTestCase.test
Webform module component tests.
webform_analysis_components_form in includes/
Form for selecting which components should be shown on the analysis page.
webform_conditionals_form in includes/
Form builder; Provide the form for adding conditionals to a webform node.
webform_configure_form in includes/
Main configuration form for editing a webform node.
webform_emails_form in includes/
Overview form of all components for this webform.
webform_email_edit_form in includes/
Form for configuring an e-mail setting and template.
webform_results_download_default_options in includes/
Get options for creating downloadable versions of the webform data.
webform_results_download_form in includes/
Form to configure the download of CSV files.
_webform_views_options_form in views/
Shared form for the Webform submission data field and relationship handler.