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17 calls to webform_component_feature() in Webform 7.4

theme_webform_element_text in ./webform.module
Output a form element in plain text format.
webform_components_form in includes/
The table-based listing of all components for this webform.
webform_component_clone in includes/
Recursively insert components into the database.
webform_component_delete_form in includes/
Form to confirm deletion of a component.
webform_component_edit_form in includes/
Form to configure a webform component.
webform_component_list in includes/
Create a list of components suitable for a select list.
webform_conditional_action_able in includes/
Determine whether a component type is capable of a given conditional action.
webform_handler_filter_submission_data::operator_options in views/
Build strings from the operators() for 'select' options.
webform_results_download_headers in includes/
Print the header rows for the downloadable webform data.
webform_results_download_rows_process in includes/
Processes the submissions to be downloaded into exported rows.
webform_submission_data in includes/
Given an array of submitted values, flatten it into data for a submission.
webform_webform_submission_presave in ./webform.module
Implements hook_webform_submission_presave().
_webform_client_form_add_component in ./webform.module
Add a component to a renderable array. Called recursively for fieldsets.
_webform_client_form_submit_flatten in ./webform.module
Flattens a submitted values back into a single flat array representation.
_webform_components_form_rows in includes/
Recursive function for nesting components into a table.
_webform_conditional_expand_value_forms in includes/
Expand out all the value forms that could potentially be used.
_webform_submission_prepare_mail in includes/
Prepare a submission email for use by webform_submission_send_mail()