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function webform_time_convert in Webform 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.4 components/ \webform_time_convert()
  2. 7.3 components/ \webform_time_convert()

Convert a time between a 24-hour and a 12-hour value.


$array: An array of hour, minute, second, and optionally ampm.

$format: Either 12-hour or 24-hour.

Return value

An array with hour, minute, second, and ampm (if using "12-hour").

6 calls to webform_time_convert()
webform_expand_time in components/
Form API #process function for Webform time fields.
webform_update_6314 in ./webform.install
Convert Dates and Times into using ISO 8601 strings instead of 3 rows.
_webform_csv_data_time in components/
Implements _webform_csv_data_component().
_webform_display_time in components/
Implements _webform_display_component().
_webform_submit_time in components/
Implements _webform_submit_component().

... See full list


components/, line 419
Webform module time component.


function webform_time_convert($array, $format) {
  if ($array['hour'] !== '') {
    if ($format == '12-hour') {
      $array['ampm'] = $array['hour'] >= 12 && $array['hour'] < 24 ? 'pm' : 'am';
      $array['hour'] = $array['hour'] > 12 || $array['hour'] == 0 ? abs($array['hour'] - 12) : (int) $array['hour'];
    elseif ($format == '24-hour' && isset($array['ampm'])) {
      $array['hour'] = $array['hour'] < 12 && $array['ampm'] == 'pm' ? $array['hour'] + 12 : (int) $array['hour'];
      $array['hour'] = $array['hour'] == 12 && $array['ampm'] == 'am' ? 0 : $array['hour'];
  if ($format == '12-hour' && !isset($array['ampm'])) {
    $array['ampm'] = '';
  elseif ($format == '24-hour' && isset($array['ampm'])) {
  return $array;