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function _webform_select_options_callback in Webform 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.4 components/ \_webform_select_options_callback()
  2. 7.3 components/ \_webform_select_options_callback()

Execute a select option callback.


$name: The name of the options group.

$component: The full Webform component.

$flat: Whether the information returned should exclude any nested groups.

$filter: Whether information returned should be sanitized. Defaults to TRUE.

1 call to _webform_select_options_callback()
_webform_select_options in components/
Generate a list of options for a select list.


components/, line 873
Webform module multiple select component.


function _webform_select_options_callback($name, $component, $flat = FALSE, $filter = TRUE) {
  $info = _webform_select_options_info();

  // Include any necessary files.
  if (isset($info[$name]['file'])) {
    $pathinfo = pathinfo($info[$name]['file']);
    $path = ($pathinfo['dirname'] ? $pathinfo['dirname'] . '/' : '') . basename($pathinfo['basename'], '.' . $pathinfo['extension']);
    module_load_include($pathinfo['extension'], $info[$name]['module'], $path);

  // Execute the callback function.
  if (isset($info[$name]['options callback']) && function_exists($info[$name]['options callback'])) {
    $function = $info[$name]['options callback'];
    $arguments = array();
    if (isset($info[$name]['options arguments'])) {
      $arguments = $info[$name]['options arguments'];
    return $function($component, $flat, $filter, $arguments);