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function _webform_analysis_select in Webform 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 components/ \_webform_analysis_select()
  2. 7.3 components/ \_webform_analysis_select()

Implements _webform_analysis_component().


components/, line 648
Webform module multiple select component.


function _webform_analysis_select($component, $sids = array(), $single = FALSE, $join = NULL) {
  $options = _webform_select_options($component, TRUE);

  // Create a generic query for the component.
  $query = db_select('webform_submitted_data', 'wsd', array(
    'fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC,
    ->condition('wsd.nid', $component['nid'])
    ->condition('wsd.cid', $component['cid'])
    ->condition('', '', '<>');
  if ($sids) {
      ->condition('wsd.sid', $sids, 'IN');
  if ($join) {
      ->innerJoin($join, 'ws2_', 'wsd.sid = ws2_.sid');

  // Clone the query for later use, if needed.
  if ($component['extra']['other_option']) {
    $count_query = clone $query;
    if ($single) {
      $other_query = clone $query;
  $rows = array();
  $other = array();
  $normal_count = 0;
  if ($options) {

    // Gather the normal results first (not "other" options).
      ->addExpression('COUNT(', 'datacount');
    $result = $query
      ->condition('', array_keys($options), 'IN')
      ->fields('wsd', array(
    foreach ($result as $data) {
      $display_option = isset($options[$data['data']]) ? $options[$data['data']] : $data['data'];
      $rows[$data['data']] = array(
      $normal_count += $data['datacount'];

    // Order the results according to the normal options array.
    $ordered_rows = array();
    foreach (array_intersect_key($options, $rows) as $key => $label) {
      $ordered_rows[] = $rows[$key];
    $rows = $ordered_rows;

  // Add a row for displaying the total unknown or user-entered values.
  if ($component['extra']['other_option']) {
      ->addExpression('COUNT(*)', 'datacount');
    $full_count = $count_query
    $other_count = $full_count - $normal_count;
    $display_option = !empty($component['extra']['other_text']) ? check_plain($component['extra']['other_text']) : t('Other...');
    $other_text = $other_count && !$single ? $other_count . ' (' . l(t('view'), 'node/' . $component['nid'] . '/webform-results/analysis/' . $component['cid']) . ')' : $other_count;
    $rows[] = array(

    // If showing all results, execute the "other" query and append their rows.
    if ($single) {
        ->addExpression('COUNT(', 'datacount');
        ->fields('wsd', array(
      if ($options) {
          ->condition('', array_keys($options), 'NOT IN');
      $other_result = $other_query
      foreach ($other_result as $data) {
        $other[] = array(
      if ($other) {
        array_unshift($other, '<strong>' . t('Other responses') . '</strong>');
  return array(
    'table_rows' => $rows,
    'other_data' => $other,