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function views_megarow_get_page_theme in Views Megarow 7

Determine which theme should be used to render the megarow.

Since the rendering of this page is triggered on click by a user, our only way to figure out the original page is to rely on the HTTP_REFERER. With this information we can determine if the origin page was an admin path or not and display the appropriate accordingly.

1 string reference to 'views_megarow_get_page_theme'
views_megarow_menu in ./views_megarow.module
Implement hook_menu().


./views_megarow.module, line 63


function views_megarow_get_page_theme() {

  // Find the path of the parent page.
  $url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

  // If the Drupal install is in a subdirectory, discard that part.
  $path = substr($url['path'], strlen($GLOBALS['base_path']));

  // Use the admin theme if it's an admin page.
  if (user_access('view the administration theme') && path_is_admin($path)) {
    return variable_get('admin_theme', 'seven');
  else {

    // Otherwise use the default theme.
    return variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik');