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Functions in Views Megarow 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
views_megarow_access ./views_megarow.module Access callback. Verify that the user can access the request view. 1
views_megarow_admin_settings_form ./ Build an admin form to enable/disable entity edit path overrides. 1
views_megarow_autoclose_megarow ./views_megarow.module Submit callback to trigger the megarow closing after submitting the form. 2
views_megarow_command_dismiss ./views_megarow.module Dismiss the megarow. 1
views_megarow_command_display ./views_megarow.module Place HTML within the megarow. 3
views_megarow_command_refresh_parent ./views_megarow.module Refresh the parent row of a megarow.
views_megarow_display ./views_megarow.module Displays the provided output in a megarow. 3
views_megarow_display_form_wrapper ./views_megarow.module This callback is just a testing wrapper to display an ajaxified form or its fallback if it's not called through AJAX.
views_megarow_enable ./views_megarow.install Implements hook_enable().
views_megarow_form_alter ./views_megarow.module Implements hook_form_alter().
views_megarow_form_wrapper ./views_megarow.module Wrap a form so that we can use it properly with AJAX. Essentially if the form wishes to render, it automatically does that, otherwise it returns so we can see submission results. 1
views_megarow_generic_render ./views_megarow.module Use a generic menu callback to display non megarow tailored pages. 1
views_megarow_get_page_theme ./views_megarow.module Determine which theme should be used to render the megarow. 1
views_megarow_get_row ./views_megarow.module Page callback: Returns a view limited to a single row, used by the "megarow_refresh_parent" ajax command. 1
views_megarow_image_button ./views_megarow.module Render an image as a button link. This will automatically apply an AJAX class to the link and add the appropriate javascript to make this happen.
views_megarow_menu ./views_megarow.module Implement hook_menu().
views_megarow_menu_alter ./views_megarow.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
views_megarow_node_page_edit ./views_megarow.module Overrides the node edit callback. 1
views_megarow_preprocess_views_view_table ./views_megarow.module Implements hook_preprocess_views_view_table().
views_megarow_settings_submit ./ Submit callback for views_megarow_settings(). 1
views_megarow_text_button ./views_megarow.module Render text as a link. This will automatically apply an AJAX class to the link and add the appropriate javascript to make this happen.
views_megarow_user_page_edit ./views_megarow.module Wrap the default user edition form. 1
views_megarow_views_api ./views_megarow.module Implements hook_views_api().
views_megarow_views_data_alter includes/views/ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
views_megarow_views_plugins includes/views/ Implements hook_views_plugins().
views_megarow_views_pre_render ./views_megarow.module Implements hook_views_pre_render(). Adds the CSS and JS needed for the functioning of the megarow.

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