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views_theme_wizard.module in Views (for Drupal 7) 5


View source

function views_theme_wizard_menu($may_cache) {
  if ($may_cache) {
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'admin/build/views/wizard',
      'access' => user_access('administer views'),
      'title' => t('Theme wizard'),
      'callback' => 'views_theme_wizard_page',
      'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  return $items;
function views_theme_wizard_page() {
  $result = db_query("SELECT name, description FROM {view_view}");
  $views = array();
  while ($view = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $views[$view->name] = $view->name . ': ' . $view->description;
  $default_views = _views_get_default_views();
  $views_status = variable_get('views_defaults', array());
  foreach ($default_views as $view) {
    if (!$views[$view->name] && ($views_status[$view->name] == 'enabled' || !$views_status[$view->name] && !$view->disabled)) {
      $views[$view->name] = check_plain($view->name . ': ' . $view->description);
  return drupal_get_form('views_theme_wizard_form', $views);
function views_theme_wizard_form($views, $form_values = array()) {
  $form = array();
  if (!isset($form_values['step'])) {
    $step = 1;
  else {
    $step = $form_values['step'];
  $form['markup'] = array(
    '#value' => t('<p>The views theming wizard generates code that you can use in your phptemplate theme to help you customize the output of a view. Simply select a theme and it will generate code for your template.php as well as template files for the individual views.</p><p>At this time this code assumes your view is a <b>list type view</b>! It may not generate effective code for other types of views. Future versions of this program will be smarter, and give more options, but this wizard is still a huge start.</p>'),
    '#weight' => 0,
  $op = isset($form_values['op']) ? $form_values['op'] : '';
  while ($step != 0) {
    if (1 == $step) {
      $form['step'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => $step,
      $form['vid'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => $views,
        '#title' => t('Select a view'),
        '#weight' => 5,
      $form['theme_type'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => t('Select Theme Type'),
        '#options' => views_theme_wizard_get_theme_types(),
        '#weight' => 6,
      $form['submit'] = array(
        '#type' => 'button',
        '#value' => t('Select Theme Type'),
        '#weight' => 10,
      $form['submit2'] = array(
        '#type' => 'button',
        '#value' => t('List Theme Fields'),
        '#weight' => 11,
      $form['step'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => $step + 1,
      $step = 0;
    elseif (2 == $step && $op == t('List Theme Fields')) {
      $view = views_get_view($form_values['vid']);
      $form['code1']['#type'] = 'textarea';
      $form['code1']['#value'] = views_theme_wizard_list_fields($view);
      $form['code1']['#title'] = t('This is a list of all the theme functions you can use to override individual field displays');
      $form['code1']['#rows'] = 20;
      $form['code2']['#type'] = 'textarea';
      $form['code2']['#value'] = views_theme_wizard_example_field($view);
      $form['code2']['#title'] = t('This is a basic theme function', array(
        '@s' => $view->name,
      $form['code2']['#rows'] = 20;
      $step = 0;
    elseif (2 == $step && ($op = t('Select Theme Type'))) {
      $view = views_get_view($form_values['vid']);
      $type = $form_values['theme_type'];
      $additions = module_invoke_all('views_theme_wizard_types', 'configure', $type, $view);
      if (!$additions) {
        $step = 3;
      $form['theme_type'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => $type,
      $form['vid'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => $form_values['vid'],
      foreach ($additions as $k => $v) {
        $form[$k] = $v;
      $form['generate'] = array(
        '#type' => 'button',
        '#value' => t('Generate Theme'),
        '#weight' => 10,
      $form['step'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => $step + 1,
      $step = 0;
    elseif (3 == $step) {
      $view = views_get_view($form_values['vid']);
      $form['code1']['#type'] = 'textarea';
      $form['code1']['#value'] = views_theme_wizard_generate_list_code($form_values['theme_type'], $view, $form_values);
      $form['code1']['#title'] = t('This code goes in your template.php file');
      $form['code1']['#rows'] = 20;
      $form['code2']['#type'] = 'textarea';
      $form['code2']['#value'] = views_theme_wizard_generate_list_template_code($view);
      $form['code2']['#title'] = t('This code goes in a file named views-list-@s.tpl.php', array(
        '@s' => $view->name,
      $form['code2']['#rows'] = 20;
      $form['code3']['#type'] = 'textarea';
      $form['code3']['#value'] = views_theme_wizard_generate_list_stylesheet_code($view);
      $form['code3']['#title'] = t('This code goes in a file named views-list-@s.css', array(
        '@s' => $view->name,
      $form['code3']['#rows'] = 20;
      $step = 0;
  $form['#multistep'] = TRUE;
  $form['#redirect'] = FALSE;
  return $form;
function views_theme_wizard_get_theme_types() {
  $types = module_invoke_all('views_theme_wizard_types', 'list');
  return $types;
function views_theme_wizard_views_theme_wizard_types($op = 'list', $delta = '', $view = NULL, $options = array()) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'list':
      if ('list' == $op) {
        return array(
          'simple' => t('Simple List'),
          'grouped' => t('Grouped List'),
          'tree' => t('Nested Tree'),
    case 'configure':
      switch ($delta) {
        case 'simple':
        case 'grouped':
          $options = array();
          foreach ($view->field as $field) {
            $options[$field['queryname']] = $field['label'] ? $field['label'] : $field['queryname'];
          $form['group_field'] = array(
            '#type' => 'select',
            '#title' => t('Select the field on which to group'),
            '#options' => $options,
          $form['test'] = array(
            '#type' => 'markup',
          return $form;
        case 'tree':
          $options = array();
          foreach ($view->field as $field) {
            $options[$field['queryname']] = $field['label'] ? $field['label'] : $field['queryname'];
          $form['tree_key_field'] = array(
            '#type' => 'select',
            '#title' => t('Select the field to use as the ID for each row (usually nid)'),
            '#options' => $options,
          $form['tree_reference_field'] = array(
            '#type' => 'select',
            '#title' => t('Select the field that refers to the parent node by the ID field'),
            '#options' => $options,
          return $form;
    case 'code':
      switch ($delta) {
        case 'simple':
          return views_theme_wizard_type_generate_code_simple($view);
        case 'grouped':
          return views_theme_wizard_type_generate_code_grouped($view, $options);
        case 'tree':
          return views_theme_wizard_type_generate_code_tree($view, $options);
function views_theme_wizard_list_fields($view) {
  $fields = _views_get_fields();
  $output = "These functions will override the given fields for just this view:\n\n";
  foreach ($view->field as $field) {
    $fieldinfo = $fields[$field['id']];
    $output .= "{$fieldinfo['name']}\n  phptemplate_views_handle_field_{$view->name}_{$field['queryname']}\n\n";
  $output .= "\n\nThese functions will override the given fields for every view:\n\n";
  foreach ($view->field as $field) {
    $fieldinfo = $fields[$field['id']];
    $output .= "{$fieldinfo['name']}\n  phptemplate_views_handle_field_{$field['queryname']}\n\n";
  return $output;
function views_theme_wizard_example_field($view) {
  $fieldname = 'phptemplate_views_handle_field_' . $view->name . '_' . $view->field[0]['queryname'];
  $output = <<<EOT
 * Function to handle a sample field.
function {<span class="php-variable">$fieldname</span>}(\$fields, \$field, \$data) {
  \$info = \$fields[\$field['fullname']];

  if (\$field['handler'] && function_exists(\$field['handler'])) {
    return \$field['handler'](\$info, \$field, \$data->\$field['queryname'], \$data);

  if (\$info['handler'] && is_string(\$info['handler']) && function_exists(\$info['handler'])) {
    return \$info['handler'](\$info, \$field, \$data->\$field['queryname'], \$data);

  return check_plain(\$data->\$field['queryname']);
  return $output;
function views_theme_wizard_generate_list_code($theme_type, $view, $options) {
  $now = format_date(time());
  $header = <<<EOT
 * views template to output a view.
 * This code was generated by the views theming wizard
 * Date: {<span class="php-variable">$now</span>}
 * View: {<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}
 * This function goes in your template.php file

  $function = module_invoke_all('views_theme_wizard_types', 'code', $theme_type, $view, $options);
  return $header . implode($function);
function views_theme_wizard_type_generate_code_simple($view) {
  $code = <<<EOT
function phptemplate_views_view_list_{<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}(\$view, \$nodes, \$type) {
  \$fields = _views_get_fields();

  \$taken = array();

  // Set up the fields in nicely named chunks.
  foreach (\$view->field as \$id => \$field) {
    \$field_name = \$field['field'];
    if (isset(\$taken[\$field_name])) {
      \$field_name = \$field['queryname'];
    \$taken[\$field_name] = true;
    \$field_names[\$id] = \$field_name;

  // Set up some variables that won't change.
  \$base_vars = array(
    'view' => \$view,
    'view_type' => \$type,

  foreach (\$nodes as \$i => \$node) {
    \$vars = \$base_vars;
    \$vars['node'] = \$node;
    \$vars['count'] = \$i;
    \$vars['stripe'] = \$i % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
    foreach (\$view->field as \$id => \$field) {
      \$name = \$field_names[\$id];
      \$vars[\$name] = views_theme_field('views_handle_field', \$field['queryname'], \$fields, \$field, \$node, \$view);
      if (isset(\$field['label'])) {
        \$vars[\$name . '_label'] = \$field['label'];
    \$items[] = _phptemplate_callback('views-list-{<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}', \$vars);
  if (\$items) {
    return theme('item_list', \$items);
  return $code;
function views_theme_wizard_type_generate_code_grouped($view, $options) {
  $group_field = $options['group_field'];
  $code = <<<EOT
function phptemplate_views_view_list_{<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}(\$view, \$nodes, \$type) {
  \$fields = _views_get_fields();

  \$taken = array();

  // Group our nodes
  \$set = array();
  foreach (\$nodes as \$node) {
    \$set[\$node->{<span class="php-variable">$group_field</span>}][] = \$node;

  // Set up the fields in nicely named chunks.
  foreach (\$view->field as \$id => \$field) {
    \$field_name = \$field['field'];
    if (isset(\$taken[\$field_name])) {
      \$field_name = \$field['queryname'];
    \$taken[\$field_name] = true;
    \$field_names[\$id] = \$field_name;

  // Set up some variables that won't change.
  \$base_vars = array(
    'view' => \$view,
    'view_type' => \$type,

  \$output = '';
  foreach (\$set as \$label => \$nodes) {
    \$items = array();
    foreach (\$nodes as \$i => \$node) {
      \$vars = \$base_vars;
      \$vars['node'] = \$node;
      \$vars['count'] = \$i;
      \$vars['stripe'] = \$i % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
      foreach (\$view->field as \$id => \$field) {
        \$name = \$field_names[\$id];
        \$vars[\$name] = views_theme_field('views_handle_field', \$field['queryname'], \$fields, \$field, \$node, \$view);
        if (isset(\$field['label'])) {
          \$vars[\$name . '_label'] = \$field['label'];
      \$items[] = _phptemplate_callback('views-list-{<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}', \$vars);
    if (\$items) {
      \$output .= theme('item_list', \$items, \$label);
  return \$output;
  return $code;
function views_theme_wizard_type_generate_code_tree($view, $options) {
  $tree_key_field = $options['tree_key_field'];
  $tree_reference_field = $options['tree_reference_field'];
  $code = <<<EOT
function phptemplate_views_view_list_{<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}(\$view, \$nodes, \$type, \$parent=NULL) {
  \$fields = _views_get_fields();

  \$taken = array();

  // Normalize the top level of nodes to all point to 0 as their parent
  // We only have to do this on the top-level pass, because otherwise it's
  // irrelevant.
  if (!isset(\$parent)) {
    \$parents = array();
    foreach (\$nodes as \$node) {
      \$parents[] = \$node->{<span class="php-variable">$tree_key_field</span>};
    foreach (\$nodes as \$node) {
      if (! in_array(\$node->{<span class="php-variable">$tree_reference_field</span>}, \$parents)) {
        \$node->{<span class="php-variable">$tree_reference_field</span>} = 0;

  // Set up the fields in nicely named chunks.
  foreach (\$view->field as \$id => \$field) {
    \$field_name = \$field['field'];
    if (isset(\$taken[\$field_name])) {
      \$field_name = \$field['queryname'];
    \$taken[\$field_name] = true;
    \$field_names[\$id] = \$field_name;

  // Set up some variables that won't change.
  \$base_vars = array(
    'view' => \$view,
    'view_type' => \$type,

  static \$count = 1;
  static \$stripe = 1;

  foreach (\$nodes as \$i => \$node) {
    if (\$node->{<span class="php-variable">$tree_reference_field</span>} != \$parent) {
    \$vars = \$base_vars;
    \$vars['node'] = \$node;
    \$vars['count'] = \$count++;
    \$vars['stripe'] = \$stripe++ % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
    foreach (\$view->field as \$id => \$field) {
      \$name = \$field_names[\$id];
      \$vars[\$name] = views_theme_field('views_handle_field', \$field['queryname'], \$fields, \$field, \$node, \$view);
      if (isset(\$field['label'])) {
        \$vars[\$name . '_label'] = \$field['label'];
    \$item = _phptemplate_callback('views-list-{<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}', \$vars);
    \$item .= call_user_func(__FUNCTION__, \$view, \$nodes, \$type, \$node->{<span class="php-variable">$tree_key_field</span>});
    \$items[] = \$item;
  if (\$items) {
    return theme('item_list', \$items);
  else {
    return '';
  return $code;

 * generate a template file for a list theme
function views_theme_wizard_generate_list_template_code($view) {
  $now = format_date(time());
  $header = <<<EOT
 * views template to output one 'row' of a view.
 * This code was generated by the views theming wizard
 * Date: {<span class="php-variable">$now</span>}
 * View: {<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}
 * Variables available:
 * \$view -- the entire view object. Important parts of this object are
 *   {<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}, {<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">real_url</span>}.
 * \$view_type -- The type of the view. Probably 'page' or 'block' but could
 *   also be 'embed' or other string passed in from a custom view creator.
 * \$node -- the raw data. This is not a real node object, but will contain
 *   the nid as well as other support fields that might be necessary.
 * \$count -- the current row in the view (not TOTAL but for this page) starting
 *   from 0.
 * \$stripe -- 'odd' or 'even', alternating.
  $fields = _views_get_fields();
  $taken = array();

  // Set up the fields in nicely named chunks.
  foreach ($view->field as $id => $field) {
    $field_name = $field['field'];
    $css_field_name = views_css_safe($field['field']);
    if (isset($taken[$field_name])) {
      $field_name = $field['queryname'];
      $css_field_name = views_css_safe($field['queryname']);
    $taken[$field_name] = true;
    $output .= <<<EOT
<div class="view-label view-field-{<span class="php-variable">$css_field_name</span>}">
  <?php print \${<span class="php-variable">$field_name</span>}_label ?>
<div class="view-field view-data-{<span class="php-variable">$css_field_name</span>}">
  <?php print \${<span class="php-variable">$field_name</span>}?>

    $fid = $view->field[$id]['id'];
    $header .= ' * $' . $field_name . ' -- ' . $fields[$fid]['help'] . "\n";
    $header .= ' * $' . $field_name . '_label -- The assigned label for $' . $field_name . "\n";
  $header .= <<<EOT
 * This function goes in your views-list-{<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}.tpl.php file

 //now we add the stylesheet...
  drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() .'/views-list-{<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}.css');


  return $header . $output;

 * generate a stylesheet file for a list theme
function views_theme_wizard_generate_list_stylesheet_code($view) {
  $now = format_date(time());
  $header = <<<EOT
/* *
 * views template to output the stylesheet to customize a view.
 * This code was generated by the views theming wizard
 * Date: {<span class="php-variable">$now</span>}
 * View: {<span class="php-variable">$view</span>-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant property member-of-variable">name</span>}
 * The class selectors are filled with a single comment line.
 * You should complete each selector according to your liking.

  $fields = _views_get_fields();
  $taken = array();
  $output .= <<<EOT
.view-label {
/* insert your css code for this element here */

.view-field {
/* insert your css code for this element here */


  // Set up the selectors in nicely named chunks.
  foreach ($view->field as $id => $field) {
    $field_name = views_css_safe($field['field']);
    if (isset($taken[$field_name])) {
      $field_name = views_css_safe($field['queryname']);
    $taken[$field_name] = true;
    $output .= <<<EOT
.view-field-{<span class="php-variable">$field_name</span>} {
/* insert your css code for this element here */
.view-data-{<span class="php-variable">$field_name</span>} {
/* insert your css code for this element here */

  return $header . $output;