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function views_post_view_make_url in Views (for Drupal 7) 5

helper function -- this function builds a URL for a given feed. It defaults to the built in feed selector, but the 3rd arg can be used to set it up for custom selectors too.


modules/, line 818


function views_post_view_make_url($view, $feed_id, $arg) {

  // assemble the URL
  $args = array();
  foreach ($view->argument as $id => $argdata) {
    if (!empty($view->args[$id])) {
      $args[] = $view->args[$id];
    else {
      if ($argdata['id'] == $feed_id) {
        $args[] = $arg;
      else {
        if ($argdata['argdefault'] != 1) {
          $args[] = $argdata['wildcard'] ? check_plain($argdata['wildcard']) : '*';
  return views_get_url($view, $args);